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How to improve labour productivity?

To increase the labour productivity, manager must play role to strengthen the factors that affect labour productivity in organization.

Factors that affect labour productivity

Labour Force


System and Procedure


Factor of Labour Productivity

Organization Structure

Work Environment

Management Style

Action on factors
Action i. ii. Supervise Labour force Train staff in those fields regarding their work. Encourage employee to involve in the determination of organizational goals and the solution of productivity problems. iii. Accommodate staff according to their ability and skills. iv. Set standard of performance for staff i. Improve System and Procedure Review systems and procedures to overcome the weakness that restricts productivity. ii. Simplify the system and work procedures existing. iii. Abolish provisions of the law or rule that not suit with organizational goal i. Organization Structure Make adjustments to the function of parts and units in the organization. Create a flexible structure and dynamic in organization.


Actions Improve Management Style i. Creating a work culture that emphasizes the productivity. ii. Show positive attitude to staff (e.g. respect each other) iii. Create effective communication in organization. i.

Provide good equipment of work and basic facilities to their Improve staff (e.g. transport service, free treatment, and insurance) Work Environment ii. Ensure the workplace always clean iii. Create a good environment work and interesting to make staff not stress and boring during they work i. Improve technology Analyze the needs of technology services in organization Technology not only refers to the machines or electronic equipment like computer, electric typewriter or fax machine but also relate to the knowledge and methods of scientific work. Through the use of technology, some processes can be easier to do. by this way, the efficiency of labour productivity will increase, work can be done quickly, cheaply, as well as improve the quality of production. Monetary motivation give some allowance, bones , increase their salary and other else. Non monetary motivation Provide insurance, health care service, increase their position, annual dinner and company family day, and other else.

i. Motivation ii.

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