Ek Ruka Hua Faisla

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Movie By :Basu Chatterjee


Introduction About Movie. Movie review. What is Perception Factors influencing perception Attribution theory Link between perception & individual decision making Improving creativity in decision making Decision maker in various style Different Behaviours. Making choices. Conclusion.

Ek Ruka Hua Faisla is a 1986 Hindi film, directed by Basu Chatterjee. It is a remake of the Golden Bear winning, American motion picture 12 Angry Men (1957), which was directed by Sidney Lumet.

The Character
1. Background : There is a 19 yrs old boy who has been alleged as murder of his father by the court . Court Decision : A panel of 12 Juror appointed to decide that, the boy has actually murdered his father or not. Clause in Courts statement : Jurors have to make One Decision either murder or not-murderer.



Key evidences in the Murder Case

The knife; the tool used to murder the old man

Eye witness 1 an old man who was the neighbor of the victim

Eye witness 2 a lady who lives opposite to the victims house

Lawyer Lawyer

Contractor Contractor

22 Sales

33 Service

44 Parts

55 Marketing

66 R&D


Business Organisation JUROR

12 12
Advertising Advertising HR HR

Purchase Purchase

11 11


Finance Finance

10 10

Operations Manufacturing Operations Manufacturing



Architect Architect

1. Different People 3. Different Profession 5. Different Mindsets

2. Different Background 4. Different Age Groups


1 2 3 4

Deepak Kejriwal 5

Amitabh Srivastava 6

Pankaj Kapur 7

S. M. Zaheer 8

Subhash Udghate

Hemant Mishra

M. K. Raina

K. K. Raina




Annu Kapoor


Shailendra Goel

7 Aziz Qureshi

DEFINITIONS STEPHEN ROBBINS Perception is a process by which individuals organise and interpret the sensory impressions in order to give meaning to their environment.

FRED LUTHANS Perception is an important mediating cognitive process through which persons make interpretations of the stimulus or situation they are forced with.

Factors influencing perception


Perception is influenced by a variety of individuals and situational factors. Any perceptual event has three components viz. a perceiver, the person perceived and the situational context in which the perception is occurring. Lets explore each of these under following headings : 1. Attributes of the person perceived 2. Attributes of the perceiver and 3. Attributes of the situation.


The first major influence on perception is of the target, that is the person perceived. In particular, the following attributes of target can be identified: i) ii) iii) iv) v) Physical appearance Verbal and non verbal communication Status Occupation Personal characteristics

ATTRIBUTES OF THE PERCEIVER Several attributes unique to our personalities can affect how we see others. These include the following : i) Self concept ii) Cognitive structure iii) Response salience iv) Previous experiences

ATTRIBUTES OF THE SITUATION Elements in the surrounding environment also influence perception process. Some of these are as follows : i) Social context ii) Organisational role iii) Location of event

Describes how people explain the causes of behavior Focuses on why people behave the way they do Attributions can be made about the self or another person Biases reduce the accuracy of attributions


internal external




Person : (The juror was guilty ) Object :(victim is guilty) Circumstances (circumstances made the behavior easy) Interaction between the factors
Person-object (this juror towards this very victim) Person-circumstances (this juror in these specific circumstances) Object-circumstances (this victim in these specific circumstances) Person-object-circumstances (this juror towards this very victim in these specific circumstances)


Our perception and judgment of others are significantly influenced by our assumptions of the other peoples internal states.
Internal causes are under that persons control. External causes are not person forced to act in that way.

Causation judged through:

Distinctiveness Consensus
Shows different behaviors in different situations. Response is the same as others to same situation. Responds in the same way over time.


Frequently Used Shortcuts in Judging Others

Selective Perception Halo Effect

People selectively interpret what they see on the basis of their interests, background, experience, and attitudes. Drawing a general impression about an individual on the basis of a single characteristic

Contrast Effects
Evaluation of a persons characteristics that are affected by comparisons with other people recently encountered who rank higher or lower on the same characteristics

Perceptions and Individual Decision Making

Problem A perceived discrepancy between the current state of affairs and a desired state Decisions Choices made from among alternatives developed from data Perception Linkage: All elements of problem identification and the decision making process are influenced by perception. Problems must be recognized Data must be selected and evaluated

Individual Differences in Decision-Making


Conscientiousness may effect escalation of commitment

Achievement strivers are likely to increase commitment Dutiful people are less likely to have this bias


High self-esteem people are susceptible to selfserving bias

Ethics in Decision Making



Decisions made based solely on the outcome Seeking the greatest good for the greatest number Dominant method for businesspeople

Decisions consistent with fundamental liberties and privileges Respecting and protecting basic rights of individuals such as whistleblowers

Imposing and enforcing rules fairly and impartially Equitable distribution of benefits and costs

Improving Creativity in Decision Making

Creativity The ability to produce novel and useful ideas Those who score high in Openness to Experience

People who are intelligent, independent, selfconfident, risk-taking, have an internal locus-ofcontrol, tolerant of ambiguity, low need for structure, and who persevere in the face of frustration

The Three-Component Model of Creativity

Proposition that individual creativity results from a mixture of three components Expertise (K. K. Raina ) -This is the foundation Creative-Thinking Skills The personality characteristics associated with creativity Intrinsic Task Motivation The desire to do the job because of its characteristics

ACTIVE:A person active by nature always have the quality of initiating. we observe few active personalities, amongst one who was the initiator. Other active members supported the initiative taken by that individual.

ACTIVE-CONSTRUCTIVE:Active-Constructive people are those who are active in a constructive way. They are initiatives and ideas have a constructive thought in their mind. we see that after the initiative of one individual was supported by few activeconstructive personalities. eg:Mr. K.K Raina is the best example of active-constructive personality. He initiated the discussion and he had supportive ideas. His arguments were more logical, practical and more based on reasoning. In the entire decision making process he was very patient and calm. In the end he convinced all his committee members who were against, with his practical approach. Mr. Anu Kapoor and Mr. S. M. Zaheer were also active-constructive by nature as they brought many strong points during the discussion.

PASSIVE:Individuals with passive personalities are those who never take initiatives and are least bothered about the situation around them.

PASSIVE-CONSTRUCTIVE:Individuals who are passive-constructive by nature does not take any initiative but when a suggestion is asked they have wide and constructive ideas to share. In the movie we find Mr. Subhash Udgate, Mr. Shailendra Goyal, Mr. Amitabh Shrivastav and Mr. Hemant Mishra with this kind of personality. This individuals were not initiative takers but when they were asked to support the case, they had very unique ideas and with that they supported the decision making process in constructive way.

PASSIVE-DESTRUCTIVE:Individuals with this personality never take any initiative and even when asked for the suggestions they always have the destructive ideas. Never supportive in any situation. Mr. M. K. Raina is the best suited example for this personality. He was least bother in the decision making of one individuals life. His personal affairs were more important to him than the life of that boy. He didnt show any active support in decision making. He was highly influenced by majority.

Mr. Azeez Kureshi is also had this kind of personality. Least concerned of the situation and enjoying personal leisure.

Summary and Managerial Implications

People act based on how they view their world What exists is not as important as what is believed Managers must also manage perception

Individual Decision Making

Most use bounded rationality: they satisfice Combine traditional methods with intuition and creativity for better decisions
Analyze the situation and adjust to culture and organizational reward criteria Be aware of, and minimize, biases


Coming to the conclusion:We saw that a person with active constructive personalty is always a good leader. While we saw various other personalities and other management fundaments used in this movie.

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