Advertisement and Sales Promotion of Pepsico

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* Advertisement and Sales Promotion of Pepsico in Lucknow *

SUBMITTED BY: Upashna Mishra MBA IIIrd Sem. Roll No.1036370043


PEPSI COLA was in India from 1956-61 and left the country, as its products were not acceptable by the Indian customers. But recently in 1990 it reentered the Indian market, where by PEPSI FOODS LIMITED was entered into a joint venture with PEPSI INTERNATIONAL, TATA and VOLTAS.


To know and compare the merchandising of Pepsi and Cock in retail outlets. To know the promotional activities of sales promotion, advertising and public relations. To know the strategy of Pepsi and its competitors regarding the Marketing Mix. To know the problems of retailers regarding the trade schemes and consumer offers. To identify the retailers opinion towards Pepsi products. To know the problems of retailers and to offer the suggestion for improving in sales.


There is lot of scope for the further study in the project. Further study can be done in the following ways. We can make a study on Pepsi and Cock companies efficiency in their promotion activities. The same study can be conducted in other areas under bottling unit to generalize the finding for entire area under it . There is chance to know whether the Pepsi and Cock are doing the right thing regarding the sales promotion, product quality, discounts and advertising.

Research Methodology


The present study is subject to the following limitations: The sample size is not universal , some part of other cities remained uncovered Unavailability of some information due of lack of awareness of retailers Time and expenses were major constraints The study of the soft drink industry which is known to be seasonally fluctuating on e percent study does not take into account seasonal fluctuations. The results may not suit for all the seasons Personal basis may be existing as the dealer of varied nature elicits the information


Pepsi & Coke Brands Available In Various Markets:

INERPRETATION: In my survey of 75 retail outlets in 6 areas, from the above data I found the brand availability of pepsi is more then compared to coke.

Top brands of Pepsico Available in Rajajipuram Market, Lucknow:

No. of Bottles in Percentage Sold Per Day in Various Markets:

Pepsi & Coke Brands Available In Various Markets:



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