Training Need Babu

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Presented By:- Baburaj

Kirti Rana Ravi Shankar Manindra Kuma

Tools to be use to determine gaps between reality and expectation (Competency). To answer the question: What skills, what kind of knowledges or attitude deficiencies to be address.

Existing Skills Knowledge Attitudes

TNA is a tool to identify the gap

Required Skills Knowledge Attitudes

To answer various question.

What specifically is happening? Why so many complaint? Why I cannot solve the issues?

To justify a program. Save money

The benefits of a well conducted TNA are:

Training can be directly related to organizational objectives

Training can be targeted at specific requirements. Training needs can be identified and prioritized The time of trainers can be spent on more productive activities.

The time of participants can be spent on programmer's which are appropriate for them.
Training can be carefully tailored to requirements

This checklist can be used as a prompt to identify areas that may require training to ensure smooth transitions and prevent bottlenecks. Assessment Centers, Audit Critical Incidents, Downsizing Internal promotions , Internal transfers New equipment, New legislation, New markets, New procedures, New products, New standards and New systems Other training events Appraisal, Performance Management Skills shortages Succession Planning

Depends on the range:

Personal training needs Occupational training needs Team/ Departmental training needs Needs of the learning organization

Competency gap analysis job description Observable by other department/ peoples Use question and questionnaire Direct approach meeting and discussion

Organizational Analysis
> To align training with business strategy and to ensure there are

resources and managerial support for training. Task Analysis

> To identify the important work-related tasks and knowledge,

skills, behaviors, abilities (KSBAs); determine if the content and activities are consistent with trainee on-the-job experience; and to develop measurable and relevant content, objectives and methods. Person Analysis
> To ensure that trainees have the basic skills, motivation,

prerequisite skills or confidence.

Surveillance: Activity which should be conducted on an on-going basis. Keep yourself informed regarding issues at all levels of the organization. Develop relationships with people at all levels of the organization, as seek out their attitudes and opinions. Stay current on all policies, standards, and trends. The more you know about your company and its place in the market, the more effectively you can plan training.

Investigation: Necessary when you perceive a need for training. Using the data you, now dig deeper into the issue at hand to verify that training is the proper solution Learn all you can before you plan the training. Some helpful techniques for investigating are:
Observation, Interviews, Questionnaires, Diaries, Performance appraisals, Organization/method studies, Psychological tests.

Analysis: The final stage is to analyze the data you have collected. Analysis is a creative process which requires that you take your data.

Figure out what parts of it are relevant.

Draw conclusions and prepare a report documenting your findings.

This report should detail what type of training is necessary, and some details about how you plan to conduct it.

How to do a TNA - process

1. Document the problem 2. Investigate the problem 3. Plan the needs analysis 4. Select the technique 5. Conduct the analysis 6. Analyze the data 7. Report the findings

Identify Business Needs Identify Performance Needs

Identify Training Needs

Identify Work Environment Needs

Business Needs What is your Organization objectives?

Operational term Measurable

Performance Needs
What is the performance needed to achieve the objectives?

Training & Work Environment Needs

What is your work environment demands to achieve the performance needed
Knowledge, Skills, Attitude Tools, Supervision needed etc.

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