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Saying Hello and Goodbye

Lesson 1

Ways of Saying Hello

Hi Hello Hi there Hello there Hey, how are you doing? Howdy friend Whats up? Hows it going? Wow, it is good to see you

Double greeting
Hi there, hey how are you doing? Hello, how have you been? It is good to see you, hows life been treating you?

Meeting someone for the first time these sentence is used after the person has been introduced to you

Good to meet you It is nice to meet you I am pleased to meet you It is a pleasure to meet you

If you are meeting someone you have not seen for a long time
Oh my God, It is you! Aahh, where have you been! My goodness, long time no speak (see) Wow, it is good to see you again Is it really you? Where did we last meet? Wow, as I live and breathe, it is my best friend from school

Sentence to say when you are in hurry

Hi, sorry I can not stop Oh hi there, look Im a bit pushed for time, here is my phone number. give me a call sometime. Hello there, look I am on my way to work. May be catch up with you again soon Hey, I would love to stop and chat but I really have to dash

Hello as a way of getting surprised and shocked or showing interest in something

Hello, whats going on here? Hello, I did not know he had a girlfriend Hello, whats going on over there? Hello, something is wrong here Hello, is somebody there? Hello, he took my money

In UK, people is asking about the weather

Hello, isnt it a lovely day? Hello, what about this trouble weather? Hello, did you hear the storm last night?

In many countries, people is asking about the family

Hello, hows the family? Hello, hows your wife doing? Hello, how are the kids?

In china, people is asking by they have eaten launch or dinner or by asking where they are going Hello, have you eat your dinner? Hey, where are you going? Hello, when are you going to have the launch?

Hello as a way of expressing sarcasm or annoyance

Hello, did you understand what I said? Hello, was that too difficult for you to read? Hello, did you see me waving at you? Hello, did you not recognize me? Hello, what time do you call this? YOU ARE LATE!

Way to say GOODBYE

Bye Bye for now Bye-bye See ya So long Ciao Later Cheerio See you around Farewell Ta-ra See you again Ta-ta for now Catch you later


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