Database Tuning

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If You Want to Have your Database Sing on Key, Then You Need to Get It Tuned

Bryan Dickerson, Woolpert Jim Moening, ESRI

How Does ArcSDE Work?
Database Tuning (Oracle and SQL)

Best Practices for Geodatabase Design

ArcSDE Management Roles & Responsibilities

Database Tuning

Water/Wastewater DB Design Conference

February 2005

How Does ArcSDE Work?

Database Tuning

Water/Wastewater DB Design Conference

February 2005

ArcSDE Data Storage

A feature class (layer) is comprised of 3 tables in an ArcSDE database
Business table Feature table Spatial index table

Database Tuning

Water/Wastewater DB Design Conference

February 2005

Business Table
Contains attributes and a spatial column Spatial column is a key used to relate to the feature and spatial index tables

Business table (Roads)



LEN 926.45


Feature table (F1)

Spatial Index table


GX 7

GY 12






Database Tuning

Water/Wastewater DB Design Conference

February 2005

Feature Table
Stores geometry including annotation and CAD features Also stores attributes describing the geometry such as Area and Length

Business table (Roads)



LEN 926.45


Feature table (F1)

Spatial Index table


GX 7

GY 12





Database Tuning Water/Wastewater DB Design Conference February 2005

Spatial Index Table

Defines the grid range for each feature Defines the shape envelope for each feature

Business table (Roads)



LEN 926.45


Feature table (F1)

Spatial Index table


GX 7

GY 12





Database Tuning Water/Wastewater DB Design Conference February 2005

ArcSDE Storage Model

Spatial column CENSUS_TRACTS Coordinate Information F34

1 1

SHAPE 1 2 3

FID 1 2
Business table

POINTS . . . . . xy,xy,xy


.SP_FID GX GY . . . . xy,xy,xy 1 1 . . . . . xy,xy,xy 2 3 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 2 2 1

Feature table stores geometry Spatial index table stores grid tiles and envelopes Tables join on integer Feature ID column
Database Tuning Water/Wastewater DB Design Conference

1 2

February 2005

Spatial index
Spatial index is used to improve performance of data retrieval

IBM DB2, Oracle, and SQL Server use grid tiles

Optimize the size of the grid tiles

Number of features referenced by each tile (features per tiles) Number of tiles referencing each feature (tiles per feature)

Informix and Oracle Spatial use R-tree indexing

R-tree index constructs the index using the feature envelope
Do not need to add any parameters for building R-tree (built automatically)

Database Tuning

Water/Wastewater DB Design Conference

February 2005

Reducing Work With a Spatial Index

Clients use a spatial filter to reduce query results and speed up data retrieval
Example: Only fetch visible features for display

Spatial filter

ArcSDE uses spatial index to reduce I/O

Eliminates need for full table scan Same principle as RDBMS column index

Database Tuning

Water/Wastewater DB Design Conference

February 2005

Spatial Index
Spatial index uses the envelope (bounding box) of the features for fast searching

38,68 53,28




Envelopes for area and line features use min x,y and max x,y coordinates. The envelope for a point is the actual x,y coordinate.

Database Tuning

Water/Wastewater DB Design Conference

February 2005

Grid Tile Spatial Index Components


Parcels Example
73 Grid tiles
Two numbers in indexed columns





Shape envelope
Two coordinates (four numbers) in indexed columns

Many coordinates in binary column A
Database Tuning Water/Wastewater DB Design Conference February 2005

How the Grid Tile Spatial Index Works

Goal: Avoid reading shapes for entire layer (full table scan) Four stages of elimination
1. 2. 3. 4. FILTER (SELECTION SHAPE) tile envelope shape shape LAYER tile envelope envelope shape
RDBMS ArcSDE server or client
February 2005

Database Tuning

Water/Wastewater DB Design Conference

Selecting a Spatial Index Size

Size tiles based on average feature envelope
Grid tile size too small S-table is too big Many tiles referencing one feature Grid 3x feature envelope S-table smaller Fewer tiles referencing one feature

Many rows take longer to search Many tiles referencing one feature inefficient Balance tiles per feature against feature per tile
Water/Wastewater DB Design Conference February 2005

Database Tuning

ArcSDE Command Line Tools Are Your Friend

sdelayer -o si_stats -l Parcels,shape -i esri_sde -s jayhawk -D demo ArcSDE 8.2 Build 967 Thu Feb 28 22:31:11 PST 2002 Layer Administration Utility ----------------------------------------------------Layer 6 Spatial Index Statistics: Level 1, Grid Size 1326.14 |-------------------------------------------------------------------| | Grid Records: 6438 | | Feature Records: 5099 | | Grids/Feature Ratio: 1.26 | | Avg. Features per Grid: 55.03 | | Max. Features per Grid: 181 | | % of Features Wholly Inside 1 Grid: 81.64 | |-------------------------------------------------------------------| | Spatial Index Record Count By Group | | Grids: <=4 >4 >10 >25 >50 >100 >250 >500 | |---------- ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ | | Features: 5073 26 8 0 0 0 0 0 | | % Total: 99% 1% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0%| |-------------------------------------------------------------------|

Database Tuning

Water/Wastewater DB Design Conference

February 2005

Spatial Index Tile Size Considerations

Optimal size varies by average feature envelope
Recalculate index if feature class changes

Most feature envelopes should not exceed grid size

S-table becomes too large Features are referenced by many tiles which is inefficient

Use multiple resolutions (multiple grids) for feature classes with highly-variable feature sizes

Database Tuning

Water/Wastewater DB Design Conference

February 2005

Making Data Editable - Register As Versioned

Performed by data owner in ArcCatalog

Two tables are added to feature class

Additions table Deletions table

Database Tuning

Water/Wastewater DB Design Conference

February 2005

How Tables React to Edits

Business table


ID 1 2

Name Roma Palm


Adds table SHAPE ID 3 Name Citrus

Deletes table ID


Adds table SHAPE

Deletes table 3


Name Citrus

ID 2
Deletes table

Adds table



ID 3 1

Name Citrus Roma

ID 2 1
February 2005

Database Tuning

Water/Wastewater DB Design Conference

Raster Data Storage

Raster data is stored in a similar fashion to vector data 4 tables are used to reference a raster feature class
Business table Raster bands table (stores bands for each image) Raster auxiliary table (stores metadata for each raster band) Raster blocks table (stores the actual raster in a tiled format)

Blocks table is most important as it is by far the largest

Database Tuning

Water/Wastewater DB Design Conference

February 2005

Pyramids can be built for a raster layer when loaded into ArcSDE Multiple resolutions of the raster layer are stored in the database At a zoomed out scale the lower resolution is displayed As the user zooms in to the highest level of detail, the raster as it was originally loaded (its highest resolution) is shown This significantly helps to speed display of raster layers in ArcGIS and ArcIMS

Database Tuning

Water/Wastewater DB Design Conference

February 2005

Raster Blocks Table (SDE_BLK_1)

Raster is divided into tiles containing many pixels and each tile is a row in the table Each tile at each pyramid level has a row in the table This table WILL get very large!

Database Tuning

Water/Wastewater DB Design Conference

February 2005

Database Tuning for Oracle and SQL

Database Tuning

Water/Wastewater DB Design Conference

February 2005

Query Response Time

When the client submits a query, the server must:
Analyze query statement Fetch data Transfer results to client over network

2 biggest performance factors are network and disk I/O

Network I/O is database independent Scanning large tables increases disk I/O Fetching and transmitting large results increases disk and network I/O

Database Tuning

Water/Wastewater DB Design Conference

February 2005

Network I/O
T1 line connecting a remote office to an ArcSDE database in a headquarters office can be tied up with one ArcGIS desktop performing normal operations
Solution to this is terminal emulation software such as Citrix or Terminal Server

Database Tuning

Water/Wastewater DB Design Conference

February 2005

SQL Server Basics

Terminology is different than that for Oracle A SQL Server instance is made up of many databases SQL Server databases are a logical container for objects such as:
Users Roles Tables Etc

Database Tuning

Water/Wastewater DB Design Conference

February 2005

SQL Server Database

A SQL Server database is comprised of data files and log files A database has, at minimum, one data file and one log file

Data file

Log file

Database Tuning

Water/Wastewater DB Design Conference

February 2005

SQL Server File Groups

There can be multiple data files and log files and these can be stored in different places A group of data files and/or log files is called a file group

File group
Data file

Data file

Log file

Log file

Database Tuning

Water/Wastewater DB Design Conference

February 2005

Oracle Basics
Terminology is different than that for SQL Server An Oracle database is made up of many table spaces A table space can be made up of many data files. Also need to be aware of redo log files and control files Table spaces are logical containers for objects such as:
Tables Stored procedures

Roles and users are stored at the database level and not the table space level

Database Tuning

Water/Wastewater DB Design Conference

February 2005

DBTune File/Table
Actually exists as a table in the SDE database or table space Contains storage parameters for tables and feature classes Whenever a new feature class is created and data is loaded, the ArcSDE server process reads the DBTune table for information on how to store these new objects There can be different parameters for different layers or data types and these are specified via keywords

Database Tuning

Water/Wastewater DB Design Conference

February 2005

Storing Layers in the SDE Database (SQL) or Table Space (Oracle)

Do not store layers in the SDE database or table space Leave the SDE database or table space for ArcSDE application use (managing what layers are where, versioning, etc.) Otherwise this can significantly slow down data retrieval as this database or table space will become large

Database Tuning

Water/Wastewater DB Design Conference

February 2005

Multiple Database Logins

Do not have all your editors in your organization use the same login Each database user has a log table in the SDE database or table space that tracks a users actions If all users use one login, all their actions will write to one table and this table will grow very large very fast Doing this also prohibits from restricting user access on a layer by layer basis

Database Tuning

Water/Wastewater DB Design Conference

February 2005

Disk I/O Contention

This is the number one way to slow down an ArcSDE database As users view or query data remember that, at minimum, ArcSDE is working through the business tables, feature tables, and spatial index tables for each layer in the map If the layers are versioned, ArcSDE is also working through the adds and deletes tables

Database Tuning

Water/Wastewater DB Design Conference

February 2005

Preventing Disk I/O Contention

Use many disks and spread the tables and logs across those disks In SQL Server, make use of file groups and spread the data and log files across different physical disks In Oracle, make use of different table spaces and store the different tables (business, feature, and index) in the different table spaces on the different disks

Database Tuning

Water/Wastewater DB Design Conference

February 2005

Example SQL Server Configuration

Disk 1 Operating System Pagefile ArcSDE Software Disk 3 SQL Server Software System database SDE database Business table file group

Disk 2 Feature table file group

Disk 4 SDE Transaction log Raster table file group Spatial index file group

Database Tuning

Water/Wastewater DB Design Conference

February 2005

Example Oracle Configuration

Disk 1 Operating System Pagefile/Swap space ArcSDE Software

Disk 3 Oracle Software Business table space Primary control files

Disk 2 Feature table space

Disk 4 Redo log Raster table space Spatial index table space Secondary control files

Database Tuning

Water/Wastewater DB Design Conference

February 2005

Disk I/O - RAID

RAID = Redundant Array of Independent (or Inexpensive) Disks

Different levels of RAID

RAID 0 = Striping. Data is striped across drives. Offers good performance but no fault tolerance. RAID 1 = Mirroring. Data is written or mirrored to a second disk. Simple fault tolerance and performs better than a single disk. RAID 5 = Striping w/ parity. Data is striped and parity calculations are distributed among disks. Provides good READ performance and excellent fault tolerance. RAID 0 + 1 = Mirroring and striping. Excellent read/write performance and good fault tolerance.

Database Tuning

Water/Wastewater DB Design Conference

February 2005

Other Things You Can Do

Reduce amount of data processed for faster queries

Provide a filter to limit number of rows

Index tables and layers to reduce searching
If you know users will search or query on particular fields, index those fields ahead of time.

ArcSDE is fastest for small, indexed queries!!!

Database Tuning

Water/Wastewater DB Design Conference

February 2005

ArcSDE Performance Tuning

Optimize Workflow Data Loading Data Maintenance Reconcile/Post/Compress Collect Performance Stats Establish baseline Use for performance validation Database Design Cost of complex data models While Editing Recursive Relationships Feature linked annotation Types of labels

Database Configuration Keep it simple Increase default cache sizes

Index Management Regularly rebuild indexes

Editing Operations Use of edit cache is CRITICAL Versioning Methodology Reconcile performance costs Using versioning to model history or alternatives Reconcile/post/compress procedures

Monitor Table Statistics Adds and Deletes tables SDE.state_lineages, states


Database Tuning Water/Wastewater DB Design Conference February 2005

Tools for Managing ArcSDE Databases

Database vendor provided tools
SQL Server Enterprise Manager SQL Server Query Analyzer Oracle DBA Studio

ESRI provided tools

ArcCatalog ArcSDE command line tools

Other tools
StorageVisitron (available from ArcScripts) Version Manager ArcObjects sample (Developer Kit)

Database Tuning

Water/Wastewater DB Design Conference

February 2005

Excellent Instructor-led Classes

ArcSDE Administration for SQL Server
ArcSDE Administration for Oracle

System Architecture Design for GIS

Database Tuning

Water/Wastewater DB Design Conference

February 2005

Best Practices for Geodatabase Design

Seamless Data Structure

Integrity: Domains, Subtypes, Relationship classes Multi-User Editing*
Database Tuning

Custom features Disconnected Editing* Versioning*


*ArcSDE Geodatabase
February 2005

Water/Wastewater DB Design Conference Project Center

Database Tuning

Water/Wastewater DB Design Conference

February 2005 Project Center (cont.)

Database Tuning

Water/Wastewater DB Design Conference

February 2005

Database Design

Database Tuning

Water/Wastewater DB Design Conference

February 2005

Data Design Planning

Database Tuning

Water/Wastewater DB Design Conference

February 2005


Database Tuning

Water/Wastewater DB Design Conference

February 2005

Data Models Tips and Tricks

Database Tuning

Water/Wastewater DB Design Conference

February 2005

Steps to designing geodatabases

Conceptual Design
Identity the information products to be produced with your GIS. Identify the key thematic layers based on your information requirements. Specify the scale ranges and spatial representations for each thematic layer. Group representations into datasets.

Database Tuning

Water/Wastewater DB Design Conference

February 2005

Steps to designing geodatabases

Logical Design
Define the tabular database structure and behavior for descriptive attributes. Define the spatial properties of your datasets. Propose a geodatabase design.

Database Tuning

Water/Wastewater DB Design Conference

February 2005

Steps to designing geodatabases

Physical Design
Implement, prototype, review, and refine your design. Design work flows for building and maintaining each layer. Document your design using appropriate methods.

Database Tuning

Water/Wastewater DB Design Conference

February 2005

Best Practices
The schema design phase of your geodatabase implementation is critical to the ultimate performance of your GIS system. Geodatabases can contain feature datasets, feature classes, relationship classes, geometric networks, topologies, feature-linked annotation, and other specialized abstractions. Careful consideration of the cost, limitations, and true purpose of each of these abstractions is required to avoid creating a geodatabase that may not perform well in either a single- or multi-user environment.
Database Tuning Water/Wastewater DB Design Conference February 2005

Best Practices Feature Datasets

A feature dataset is a container for feature classes that share the same spatial reference, along with relationship classes, geometric networks, and topologies.
Feature classes edited together in ArcMap can be grouped into feature datasets Feature classes not typically edited together should be segregated into separate feature datasets or geodatabases Feature classes that participate in a geometric network or topology must be grouped in the same feature dataset. Feature classes can participate in no more than one topology OR geometric network.

Database Tuning

Water/Wastewater DB Design Conference

February 2005

Best Practices Subtypes

Subtypes let you apply a classification system within a feature class and apply behavior through rules. Subtypes are essential to good design because they help reduce the number of feature classes and improve performance.
Let you control every configurable behavior:
Attribute rules Relationship rules Network Connectivity Rules Topology Rules

Reduce the number of feature classes by creating collections of features within a single feature class

Database Tuning

Water/Wastewater DB Design Conference

February 2005

Best Practices Relationship Classes

Use relationship classes for referential integrity persisted in the geodatabase, on-the-fly relates for editing performance, and joins for labeling and symbology.
Messaging occurs between related objects when querying or editing these objects. This incurs overhead in the application. Composite relationship require more messaging, and thus more overhead, than simple relationships. Relationships can only be defined between objects in the same geodatabase. Still requires a join for SQL query, labeling, or symbology. When modeling spatial relationships, you will gain efficiency in your data creation and maintenance procedures by first thinking about how to use geodatabase topologies, geometric networks, shared-edge editing, and geospatial operators in your data model before resorting to relationship classes.

Database Tuning

Water/Wastewater DB Design Conference

February 2005

Best Practices Geometric Networks

A geometric network is a system of edges (lines) and junctions (points) that convey objects. They are a mechanism to represent connectivity between edges and junctions where they connect.
Geometric networks provide fast network tracing capabilities and maintain connectivity during editing. The maintenance of the logical network adds overhead to editing and version management. The greater number of feature classes participating in a network, the greater amount of overhead will be incurred in maintaining the logical network and connectivity during editing.

Database Tuning

Water/Wastewater DB Design Conference

February 2005

Best Practices Topologies

A geodatabase topology lets you accurately model geometric relationships between features. Topology can be considered a special type of relationship among features. Your data model will be more efficient if you can associate features by topology rather than with a relationship class. But remember that a feature class cannot participate in a topology and a geometric network at the same time.
Topologies manage a set of rules and errors associated with the violation of the rules. A geodatabase topology can incur editing overhead and work flow considerations. The greater number of feature classes and rules in a topology, then greater amount of overhead for the management of the rules and errors within a topology.

Database Tuning

Water/Wastewater DB Design Conference

February 2005

Best Practices Annotation and Labeling

Choosing whether to cartographically edit or automatically place text is an important decision. It depends on the quality of source data, how much effort is to be expended, and the desired map quality.
Feature-linked annotation Definition Framework Typical uses Composite objects Referential integrity Pros
Annotation class joined in composite relationship with feature class. Geodatabase data model Fine cartographic placement of annotation with attribute-based text. Yes Yes The composite relationship lets you update, move, or delete annotation when features are edited. Adds editing overhead; requires more work than labeling. Use feature-linked annotation for text, such as street names, building numbers, and gages.

Simple annotation
Standalone annotation class. Geodatabase data model Fine cartographic placement of annotation with fixed text. No No Simple annotation lets you place fixed text with a high degree of control. Requires more work than labeling; text values cannot be updated automatically if attributes change. Use simple annotation for static text or text describing large or indeterminate areas.

Text properties, such as font and size, and a labeling field, defined in an ArcMap layer. ArcMap document or layer property

When text values are attribute values that can be placed automatically on the map.
No No Labeling features is a quick and easy way to add descriptive text to your map.


While labels will not collide with each other, cartographic placement is rough. Use labeling for quickly placing descriptive text, such as addresses or measurements.


Database Tuning

Water/Wastewater DB Design Conference

February 2005

Best Practices Design Tips

Build on your existing GIS designs
Most existing designs are suitable for moving forward. You can build on what has worked in the past and find new capabilities than can improve efficiency.

Use generic geodatabase types when feasible

Combining generic data structures with rich GIS tools provide the best solutions to scale and support multiple users and applications. Leverage the ArcGIS software logic as much as possible and only use customized GIS data structures as a last resort.

Integrate independent feature classes using topology

Many users will find opportunities to use topologies in the geodatabase. This can create significant increases in efficiency for customization, data maintenance, and user productivity.
Database Tuning Water/Wastewater DB Design Conference February 2005

Best Practices Design Tips

Combine GIS design concepts with traditional relational database design methods
Both RDBMS and GIS design methodologies are critical for good GIS design. One is not sufficient without the other. Learn to use and apply both techniques.

Prototype and pilot your geodatabase design

Prototyping a design using personal geodatabases, ArcMap, and ArcCatalog is a very effective option for creating an efficient design process. During the final stages of design, you will want to test scalability and work flows that represent the work your organization will perform. Use this activity to make final adjustments to your design as necessary.

Database Tuning

Water/Wastewater DB Design Conference

February 2005

ArcSDE Management Roles & Responsibilities



Database Tuning

Water/Wastewater DB Design Conference

February 2005 - Project Center

Database Tuning

Water/Wastewater DB Design Conference

February 2005 - Project Center (cont.)

Database Tuning

Water/Wastewater DB Design Conference

February 2005

Project Center - Skill Development

Database Tuning

Water/Wastewater DB Design Conference

February 2005

ArcSDE Management Roles & Responsibilities

The following discussion outlines the major roles and responsibilities involved in deploying your spatial data and GIS applications throughout your enterprise. Two Broad Categories for ArcSDE Roles & Responsibilities:
Administration Development

Database Tuning

Water/Wastewater DB Design Conference

February 2005

Administration Tasks

Database Tuning

Water/Wastewater DB Design Conference

February 2005

ArcSDE Service Management

Manage the ArcSDE service including:
Starting and stopping the service Establishing a recovery process, if the service stops Establishing a troubleshooting process Remedy an ArcSDE service that will not restart Fail-over

Requirements to do the Job:

Must have Administrative or Power User rights on the service host Must have access to the Windows Event Log Must have Administrative access to the DBMS to diagnose database changes or problems Must have knowledge of IT policies and methodologies

Owner: IT or GIS
Database Tuning Water/Wastewater DB Design Conference February 2005

Server Load Management

Monitor and remedy server load Monitor server load or automate the monitoring of the server load Create framework for alerts Diagnose which processes and operations are overloading the server Remedy unnecessary load, like a runaway process Build plan(s) to overcome overloaded server Potentially build fail-over infrastructure of mission critical server

Requirements to do the Job:

Access to system monitoring tools (e.g. PerfMon, Task Manager) Must have Administrative or Power User rights on the host Must have knowledge of IT policies and methodologies

Owner: IT or GIS

Database Tuning

Water/Wastewater DB Design Conference

February 2005

ArcSDE Service Anomaly Management

Manage the ArcSDE service if unforeseen troubles occur

Requirements to do the Job:

Must have Administrative or Power User access to the service host Must have access to the Windows Event Log to diagnose problems Must have access to a technical support group to diagnose and remedy problems Must have Administrative access to the DBMS to diagnose database problems Must have knowledge of IT policies and methodologies Must be able to troubleshoot ArcSDE service anomalies Must be able to understand ArcSDE error logs to help resolve problems

Owner: IT or GIS Notes:

Timely support required and is part of the criteria for choosing the staff

Database Tuning

Water/Wastewater DB Design Conference

February 2005

Spatial Database Access

Manage access to the spatial database in ArcSDE, including:
Create new users to a spatial database Maintain administration user Create a procedure to support ArcSDE/RDBMS standard security (i.e. ArcSDE does not support integrated security) Prepare and enforce procedure to manage ArcSDE clients (e.g. individual logins/roles) Lock down command line administration tools

Requirements to do the Job:

Must have administrative access to RDBMS to create logins Must have administrative access to RDBMS spatial databases Must have the ability to control the use of the ArcSDE admin tools (e.g. sdemon) Must know how to enforce RDBMS data access Must have knowledge of IT policies and methodologies

Owner: IT or GIS
Database Tuning Water/Wastewater DB Design Conference February 2005

Spatial Database Recovery

Establish recovery policy and procedures including:
Frequency (incremental, differential) Archive location Versioning Recovery medium (i.e. backup vs. replication)

Enforce recovery policy and procedures Automate recovery procedure where practical

Requirements to do the Job:

Must have administrative access to SQL Server to create and maintain recovery procedure Must know how to create and enforce SQL Server recovery procedures Must have knowledge of ArcSDE layer schema to recover correct database objects Must have knowledge of IT policies and methodologies

Owner: IT or GIS
Database Tuning Water/Wastewater DB Design Conference February 2005

Replicate Spatial Data

Configure ArcSDE replication facilities (e.g. f and s tables) Establish appropriate replication for business needs (e.g. transactional, snapshot, merge) Implement replication needs

Requirements to do the Job:

Must have administrative access to RDBMS to create and maintain replication configurations Must know how to create and enforce RDBMS replication Must have knowledge of ArcSDE layer schema to replicate correct database objects Must have knowledge of IT policies and methodologies

Owner: IT or GIS
Database Tuning Water/Wastewater DB Design Conference February 2005

Tune ArcSDE Layers

Configure a spatial index for a given layer Measure and monitor the performance of the spatial searches critical to the business needs of the organization (i.e. data maintenance, custom products, general products) Maintain performance and Quality of Service as new spatial applications arrive, data and maintenance grows, and the user base increases

Requirements to do the Job:

Must know how to adjust a spatial index of an ArcSDE layer Must know how to measure the performance of a spatial search in a given application Must know Quality of Service requirements

Owner: IT or GIS

Database Tuning

Water/Wastewater DB Design Conference

February 2005

Tune Server and Network Infrastructure

Configure the ArcSDE instance parameters for the ArcSDE server Measure and monitor the performance of the ArcSDE server instance, and the anticipated needs (i.e. data maintenance, custom products, general products, usage growth) maintain performance and quality of service as new users and applications arrive, data and maintenance grows, and the user base increases

Requirements to do the Job:

Must know Quality of Service requirements

Owner: IT or GIS

Database Tuning

Water/Wastewater DB Design Conference

February 2005

ArcSDE Upgrade Management

Ensure ArcSDE service version is up to date, and supports existing and new application functionality Ensure ArcSDE compatibility with applications (i.e. MapObjects, ArcIMS, ArcGIS) Install and configure upgrades to ArcSDE service and its application clients Support and remedy incompatibility issues Implement ArcSDE upgrades (service packs, sdeupgrade) Install and configure upgrades of ArcSDE dependencies (e.g. DBMS, access libraries, operating system)

Requirements to do the Job:

Must be able to monitor and maintain the versions of ArcSDE and the applications it supports Must be able to monitor and maintain the versions of ArcSDE dependent technologies (e.g. operating system, DBMS, etc.) Must have administrative privileges on ArcSDE server Must have administrative privileges on ArcSDE DBMS Must have knowledge of IT policies and methodologies

Owner: IT or GIS
Database Tuning Water/Wastewater DB Design Conference February 2005

Research Improvements in Data Management

Continually investigate how to improve spatial data management Continually test and scrutinize new spatial data management tools, techniques, and technologies Investigate new data management techniques (e.g. DBMS abstract data types) Investigate new spatial analysis to improve overall the organizations effectiveness

Requirements to do the Job:

Must have knowledge of common GIS tools, techniques, and modern technologies Must have knowledge of common spatial data maintenance issues and requirements Must have knowledge of common spatial data access issues and requirements Must have knowledge of GIS services and practices Must have a willingness to try new things

Owner: IT or GIS
Database Tuning Water/Wastewater DB Design Conference February 2005

Development Tasks

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Water/Wastewater DB Design Conference

February 2005

Develop Tools and Workflow to Maintain Changes to Spatial Data

Translate related changes in business data to changes in spatial data (e.g. city annexed 2 new parcels) Use the right GIS tool and approach to maintain the spatial data Automate data maintenance where practical Support automation (tools or workflow) Integrate new GIS tools and techniques to maintain the spatial data

Requirements to do the Job:

Must have knowledge of the functional capabilities of ESRI client applications Must have knowledge of current software engineering policies and methodologies Must have knowledge of GIS policies and methodologies Must have knowledge of GIS discipline (e.g. coordinate systems, topology) Must have knowledge of spatial editing issues (e.g. topology, spatial processing)

Owner: IT or GIS
Database Tuning Water/Wastewater DB Design Conference February 2005

Develop Custom GIS Solutions

Understand and translate specific business need to GIS analysis perspective Identify the right tool and spatial data to deliver that business need Develop spatial solution to satisfy that business need Test spatial solution Deliver or deploy spatial solution

Requirements to do the Job:

Must have the ability to translate general business needs to spatial processing requirements Must have knowledge of the functional capabilities of ESRI client applications Must have knowledge of current software engineering policies and methodologies Must have knowledge of GIS policies and methodologies Must have knowledge of GIS discipline (e.g. coordinate systems, topology)

Owner: IT or GIS
Database Tuning Water/Wastewater DB Design Conference February 2005

Develop General GIS Applications

Develop GIS application for general business needs (e.g. show all the hydrants inspected this year on a map) Test GIS application for general business needs Deploy GIS application for general business needs Maintain GIS application for general business needs

Requirements to do the Job:

Must have knowledge of the functional abilities and limitations in ESRI client applications (e.g. ArcObjects) Must have knowledge of current software engineering policies and methodologies Must have knowledge of GIS policies and methodologies Must have knowledge of GIS discipline (e.g. coordinate systems, topology) Must have knowledge of IT policies and methodologies Must know how to deploy applications

Owner: IT or GIS
Database Tuning Water/Wastewater DB Design Conference February 2005

Support Deployed GIS Applications

Support users with technical issues about GIS applications (e.g. help desk) Maintain the data sources for GIS applications Troubleshoot functional issues of a GIS application Support web based spatial applications (if web based mapping services apply)

Requirements to do the Job:

Must have the ability to install and uninstall applications and their dependencies Must have knowledge of IT policies and methodologies

Owner: IT or GIS

Database Tuning

Water/Wastewater DB Design Conference

February 2005

Spatial Data Design

Determine the appropriate layout of spatial data layers, including:
Organize by entity type (e.g. points, lines, polygons) Organize by functional analysis (e.g. SQL queries) Organize by normalization principles Organize by maintenance (i.e. minimize maintenance effort) Organize by spatial data vendors (e.g. Assessor changes, CAD structure)

Requirements to do the Job:

Must know spatial data maintenance workflow in detail Must know how the spatial data will be used (i.e. map functionality and products) Must know basic principles of normalization and database objects Must know ArcSDE layer schema

Owner: IT or GIS
Database Tuning Water/Wastewater DB Design Conference February 2005

Thank you!

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