Lecture 1 N 2

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PHY 425 Lecture 1and 2

by Asfand Waqar

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Introduction Handout

The Science and Engineering of Microelectronic Fabrication by Stephen A Campbell Microelectronics - An Integrated approach by Howe and Sodini Additional materials / Source materials for the lectures

Attendance Policy Homework Assignments Quizzes Office Hours / Appointments / Contact


Hard course? Naah! Not if you study! I am involved in the learning process with you guys I am not an expert. Just a few steps ahead of you. So catch up with me. Fast. Ill essentially be giving crashers as per my limited knowledge and understanding Interact Interact Interact - positively though.. Be creative. Ask questions (even if you fear I wont know the answers!) There are no stupid or wrong questions! (if its about science or the art - we dont do anything else in class) 6 hours of prep / 1 credit hour for me Should be at least 3 to 6 hours of prep / credit hour for you Once again. Questions ENCOURAGED. Moreover, correct me and get extra credit!!

Lecture Time!

Introduction to the Course An uncommon course... Survey of topics. With no linear


Each topic in itself can be made into a Topics: Industrial in nature + though
drenched in pure sciences = Microelectronics

course in it self, so you can imagine how deep can we go

Sciences/Engineering fields used: Physics,

Electronics, Materials Science, Chemistry and Industrial Design

Parts of this Course

This class can be roughly divided in these
following parts (based on Campbells division of his books chapters):

I. Introduction / Revision of Concepts / Materials II.Hot Processes and Ion Implantation III.Pattern Transfer IV.Thin Films V.Process Integration (Remember: Integrated

Before we start..
scare you ...let me scare you ...let me

This course can become vitally important to

of other courses and fields (Buzzzz. Nano?)

your career if you plan to go on about making chips - not the potato kind!

The stuff we study can be used in a number Since we have to cover a lot of topics, we will
have to go really fast in the lectures. Therefore, you must read a lot on your own. Study a lot on your own.

You should be a master of this by the end of the course

So what is this? How is it made?

You should be a master of this by the end of the course

Schematic of MOS Transistor (Metal

Oxide Semiconductor) on left, and a SEM image of an actual made in Si one on the right.

The processes used to make it: - Deposition - Doping - Photolithography -Etching

Another Example

A simple resistor voltage divider, at left is the circuit representation (A) ; in the middle a physical layout of the device (B), and on the right most is the technology flow for fabricating the resistor - Notice the steps from 1 to 8

Multidisciplinary Nature Microelectronics

Very Brief History of Microelectronics

This was a pointcontact transistor

Notice the size?

First working transistor was invented in 1947 at

Bell Labs, by William Shockley, John Bardeen, and Walter Brattain.

Originally all the devices were discrete devices existing

Brief History...

as separate units in their own package, examples capacitors, vacuum tubes, or like the transistor you saw in previous slide invented the first integrated circuit, independently.

However, two separate inventors unaware of each other, 1958 Jack Kilby at Texas Instruments, and Robert Noyce
co-founder of Fairchild Semiconductor Corp. created the first integrated circuits.

Kilby used Ge, and Noyce used Si. 1961 First commercially available integrated circuit was

made available by Fairchild Semiconductor Crop. and the rest is history as they say.

microelectronics Modern electronics

consists of several extremely small devices integrated in one circuit, made using microelectronic fabrication techniques on a suitable substrate

Number of devices or

components now goes up to billions

be as small as 22nm ...any one got a laptop with an Intel Core i3, i5, or i7 980x processors? - that was 32nm technology..

Feature sizes can now

SEM image of an IC circuit circa mid 1980s, which has transistors that are only only a few microns (1m = 1e-6 meters) on a side.

Named after Gordon E. Moore, Intels co-founder who described the process in a1965 paper

More about the course...

At first glance these mere numbers, or
incredible component / device densities seem extremely daunting these circuits are built rather than how they are designed or even how these transistors work the next semester you will study something on the lines of micro design required to build these ICs. These steps will be called Unit Processes following Campbells chapters division.

However, in this course we will focus on how

You will study those topics in other classes. Like in So we will mainly study the basic operations

more... The collection and ordering of these several unit

processes for making a useful product (a chip) will be called a technology

Another interesting fact is that based on the

limitations of these unit processes, and on what can be or cannot be made, the design part will hence follow the fabrication part. input from the fabricator

In other words, the designer must have some In microelectronics a document called design
rules or layout rules is something the designer has to follow to design a chip or IC or any number of electronic circuits. these features can be made or how close two different features can be when using a

These layout rules specify how small or large

Reading Assignment

Chapter 1 of Campbells The Science

and Engineering of Microelectronic Fabrication

First page of Chapter 1 of Howe and

Sodinis Microelectionics - An Integrated Approach

Materials (Review)
In microelectronics we use specific
type of materials often called electronic materials

Fabrication? Yes, Device Design? No. Basic electronics? No. I expect you have
studied that already.

Designing of electric circuits at

microlevel? Not really. exactly.

Nanotechnology? Pretty close, but not Electronics at nano level? No actually

Electronic Materials
The main purpose of electronic materials is to
generate and control the flow an electric current

Electronic Materials include:

Conductors; have low resistance, which allows electrical current flow Insulators; have high resistance, which suppresses the flow of electric current Semiconductors; can allow or restrict the flow of electric current

Why are conductors conducting and

insulators non-conducting? Valence Electrons Easily strips away from the atom, floating freely, causing electrical current In insulators atoms are tightly bound and electrons are not free to flow Insulators are mostly compounds of several elements

Conductors and Insulators

Copper Atom

Semiconductor is a class of material where
Elemental Semiconductors: Si, Ge Compound Semiconductors (fixed composition): SiC, GaN, GaAs, InP Alloy: Si1-XGeX, Al1-XGaXAs, Hg1-XCdXTe

conductivity can be controlled to vary a large orders of magnitude

Purity: Semiconductor devices are made of ultra pure

semiconductor materials, which means impurity (unintentional doping) should be < 10-9 in composition, which is 0.001 ppm in solids

Structure of Solids

Structure of Solids (3D)

Unit Cells

Simple Cubic Lattice

Body Centered Cubic (BCC) Lattice

Face Centered Cubic (FCC) Lattice

Diamond Lattice

Silicon Lattice Cell

Zincblend Lattice
- Similar to diamond lattice except that it has two different types of atoms - Each atom has 4 covalent bonds, but bonds with atoms of other type

GaAs Lattice Cell

Lecture 2 - Packing Density

Assume that atoms are like closely packed
hard spheres, so then what is the packing density for the Simple Cubic Lattice?

Miller Indices

Miller Indices of a Plane

Miller Indices : Example

Miller Indices : Special Cases

Miller Indices of a Vector

Miller Indices : Notations

Crystal Planes

Silicon Wafer and Crystal Planes

Quick Exercise

Draw a FCC Structure? Draw a direction [111] on it? Draw another direction [101] on it? Draw a plane (111) and (101) on it?

Read Chapter 2, parts 2.2 and 2.3

Updated at the end of Lecture 2 Reading Assignment

from Campbells The Science and Engineering of Microelectronic Fabrication of crystal structures, miller indices for points and planes and their importance with regard to semiconductors

Basically develop an understanding

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