of Performnc

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Presented By:

Hina Hussain Lasi Maria Majeed Aaminah Ali Nida Saniya Khan

Mobilink GSM


Subsidiary of Orascom Telecom. Provides most extensive network coverage. 5000 employees currently working in Mobilink. Using high IT technology. The company supports education, health and environmental initiatives and promotes sustainable business practices.

To be the unmatchable mobile system of communications in Pakistan this provides the best value to its customers, employees, business partners and shareholders.

To be the leading telecommunication services provider in Pakistan by offering innovative communication solutions of our customers while exceeding shareholder value and employee expectations


Major part of corporate sectors Armed forces Business community Govt. organizations Teen agars using JAZZ Students Shopkeepers Bankers

Hina Hussain Lasi

Services offered

Caller time identification Call waiting Call holding Call forwarding Short messaging services Fax and data services International rooming News information services Mobilink(GSM)G mail Superior security in billing Mobile TV Entertainment & many more


HR Motive

To lead the organization in enhancing its human capital and creating a winning environment where everyone enjoys contributing to the best of ones ability.

HR Strategies
Mobilinks Competitive Environment Economic, Political, Demographic, Competitive and Technological Trends

Companys strategic plan

Companys Strategic situation

Companys HR strategies

Companys internal strength and weaknesses

Formulation of HR policies

Formulation of HR practices

Organizational performance

Employees Performance Management

Employee Performance Management

Performance management is a process used within organization to establish and evaluate an individuals job performance to achieve goals and objectives.

PMS key objectives

Mobilink has a very well defined and structured PMS and its various policies of keeping each employee productive part of the organization to meet the requirements. Employees in the company are largely committed to their organization and have shown progress in the company. Employees are satisfied with the performance appraisal system of Mobilink GSM Company.

Nida Saniya Khan

Performance Management

Performance Appraisal
A process of systematically evaluating performance and providing feedback upon which performance adjustments can be made. Performance appraisal should be based on job analysis, job description, and job specifications.

Practices at Mobilink for Performance Appraisal System

Mobilink conducts performance appraisal in order to evaluate their employees current performance or past performance.
Mobilink uses the computerized performance appraisal method. HR department has developed a performance appraisal sheet.


Mobilink asses the employee on:

Leadership. Communication skills. Team work and Co-operation. Problem solving & decision making. Initiative and drive. Flexibility. Customer focus.


Performance appraisal is done on an annual basis (from January 1st to December 31st) To give a chance to subordinates to evaluate their seniors a 360 degree evaluation is conducted at the time of the performance evaluation. Increments are also given at the end of the year ,increments are percentage of salaries. Promotions is given on good performance completing two years in the current grade. after

Bonuses are given but the employee must have to complete 6 months in the company service.

Policies at Mobilink for Performance Appraisal

Objectives: To measure work performance To motivate and assist employees in improving their performance To identify employees with high potential for advancement of goals. To provide key information for making decisions on salary increases, promotions, bonus and transfers. To identify employees T&D To provide a solid path for career planning


Frequency of the Performance Review:

Informal performance discussions conducted frequently for further planning.

The supervisor is encouraged to make notes on pertinent points discussed, to place those notes in the employees personnel file. Formal written performance reviews also conducted with all employees annually.

Notification along with Performance Evaluation Forms will be sent from the HR Department in advance with the scheduled performance evaluation date.


Policy Guidelines: Every employee should know what is expected from him / her through direct supervisors. Everyone should have the opportunity to perform & develop according to the set objectives & agreed upon duties. To ensure openness, consistency & objectivity, the agreed competency framework covering all aspects of the job should be used as the basis for performance planning appraisals The performance evaluation program requires that an annual meeting be held with each employee; however, Coaching, Counseling and Guidance must be an on-

Aaminah ali

Performance Review
Two elements: 1. Discussion takes place over the strengths and areas which need to be developed as displayed by the job holder over the past 12 months. 2. Training needs/inputs that are considered to be appropriate to help the jobholder overcome some of development areas are deemed appropriate to build upon their current strengths.

Appraisal Categories
% Of total numbers of employees which Appraisal category Definition of category can be rated in this category



Indicates exceptional performance


2. Very Good

Indicate performance that consistently meets the requirements of the position, very good indicates the individual is on track for advancements


3. Good

Indicated performance that requires


improvement (i.e. meet requirements

without initiative or advancement)

4. Basic

Performance to be improved (hardly meets requirements)


Sources of Performance Appraisal

Managers Primary Source


Secondary Source


Workers at Mobilink are informed of their performance and given the opportunity to express their opinion over their own level of performance. This serves the following two main purposes: It enables the reviewer to redefine whether the initial assessment was correct or not. Personal assessment helps to reduce negative responses and makes planning of training needs easier if the person is able to express for himself the areas in which he feels he can improve.

Critical Review on Performance Appraisal

Online 360 degree approach of performance appraisal for evaluating employee performance. In the past only 180 Degree approach for performance appraisal was adopted. This is a very supportive strategy by the organization because if an employee is not happy with the evaluation by his supervisor then he has the authority to challenge. There are a number of rewards that are tied to performance appraisals. So, tool applied for performance appraisal justifies itself.


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