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Walt Disney

It all started with a mouse.. ---Walt Disney

BY K.MILINDA 1234108116

Walt Disneys Life

Born in December 5, 1901 in Chicago Illinois Moved to a farm in Marceline, Missouri, then to Kansas City He was the fourth son of the family He would have to work several jobs to maintain the family . Father expected everyone in the family to work He loved to be on the farm. Thought of farm animals as friends His aunt and mom convinced his dad to let them give him paper and colored pencils. At age 14, he began art lessons at Kansas City Art Institute. Drove an ambulance in France during World War I.

Early Animation Career

Pesman- Rubin Studios hired Walt. Fired from PesmanRubin Studios Created Laugh- OGrams First cartoon was Alices Day at Sea.

Walt Disney Studio

Beginning of His Artistic Career At age 19, he started his first company with his friend Ub Iworks called the Iwerks-Disney Commercial Artists. Unfortunately it went into bankruptcy. In 1913 he and his brother Roy moved to Hollywood to make films, and this marked the beginning of his animation films. While he did the drawings, Roy managed the films. Around 1924, the brothers changed the studio name to Walt Disney Studioor the Disney Brothers Studio. They struggled to pay for themselves and the employees Walt Disney continued to persevere and try to look for new ideas in his sketchbook. HenceMickey Mouse, who saved the studio.

Awards and Accomplishments

Mary Poppins was nominated for an Oscar for best picture. November 18, 1928 Steamboat Willie is aired. July 30, 1932 Flowers and Trees, the first color animation is aired, a Academy Award is presented for it. December 21, 1937 Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs premiers. It also wins and Academy Award. He won honorary award for Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs. Won Oscar for Three Little Pigs Won Oscar for Der Fuehrers Face

Animated Films
Mickey Mouse was created in 1928 as a response to the double-dealing of their N.Y. distributor. His design was kept simple: a series of circles, in order for Disneys animator, Ub Iwerks to animate at a superhuman speed. The first showing of Mickey in Plane Crazy previewed well and Disney was encouraged to make another animation about Mickey.

Animated Films
Steamboat Willie was the first cartoon to use synchronized sound. Critics were pleased with it and in weeks, Mickey was a nationwide sensation. But, the recording process (for the sound) was a terrible disaster. Although it was eventually finished,. Eventually, Walt supplied the voices of Minnie and a parrot in the film. Because of this, in about three years, Mickey was a national institution.

Animated Films
Color came to animation on July 30th, 1932, Flowers and Trees was released. It was the first full-color cartoon ever made (Charnan Simon). Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs premiered at the Carthay Circle Theater in Hollywood on December 21, 1937 and was the first fulllength animated feature. Hollywood insiders called it, Disneys Folly because, no one was sure that Disney could find audiences of adults as well as children who would pay to watch a feature-length cartoon (Disney Releases Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs, 1937). Moreover, the end cost totaled up to $1,488,000.

Animated Films
It was a huge success, and it made more money than any other film in 1938 - $8 million incredible because of the fact that children paid 10 cents to be admitted in the theater. Critics praised it superbly and it received an Academy Award from Shirley Temple that consisted of seven small Oscars for the Seven Dwarfs.

Animated Films
Fantasia in 1940 was Disneys attempt to expand the scope of animation. He combined classical music with abstract animation and as a result, some called it his biggest failure, while others called it a success. Because of the critics and the loss of money Fantasia created, Disney never planned to do a Fantasia II. However, it did spawn other things. Carl Stalling, co creator of Disney's Silly Symphonies, had left Disney before the Fantasia project, yet he began working classical melodies into greater and greater roles in "Loony Toons" and "Merrie Melodies" shorts (Disney's Fantasia Redefines Scope Of Animation, November 13, 1940).

In the wake of the class conflicts of the 1930s and the war, he supported numerous conservative causes hostile to unions, the welfare state, and communism, and developed a series of products that reinforced a cultural vision of social harmony. His company served as an agent of defense mobilization with the resulting of such cartoon characters as Mickey Mouse and Donald Duck, who became known around the world.

The studio produced films with subjects ranging from aircraft, war taxes, Nazism to water purification, malaria prevention, and mass hysteria. The most memorable of the latter was Der Fuehrers Face, in which Donald Duck dreamed of being in Nazi Germany.


Late 1940s Disneys characters appeared on advertisements and everyday products. Disney made use of the new technology in the 1950s. Example: he used television programming to promote his successful these parks. His brother would not allow him to build the theme parks so he used television to convince others that it was good to have theme parks.

Televisions were thought to be a threat for theatres, but Disney felt it would lead them into theatres instead. Instead of considering television a rival, when I saw it, I said, I can use that, said Disney.

Later Life and Theme Parks

Only Walt and his daughters believed in his theme park idea. Wanted a place children could play- Disneyland Park Building park days before opining One million visitors in seven days

During the 1980s, the theme parks were very successful, but people were becoming less interested in the types of family films Disney produced. They had to produce films that would appeal to adults and teenager as well to compete against other film companies. (Richardson) The leaders formed Touchstones Pictures, which released the huge hit Splash. They hired Michael Eisner as chairman, and he worked for Paramount Pictures. He was able to produce not only successful films, but also at less cost. Under his leadership, Disney became affiliated with Hollywood Pictures, Miramax Films, and Hollywood Records.

After 1995, in a merger, Disney owned all the AMC television programs and many other entertainment media. Separate (or smaller) Disney companies produce plays for the theatre, manage the television stations, and handle the cable networks. Disney is a publicly traded company, which means that people throughout the world can buy and sell stock in it. Around that time, the Walt Disney Internet Group formed, and this company manages some of the most popular sites such as,, and

Disneys Hand to Community

The Walt Disney Company is very critical when it comes to the policy of good citizenship. It believes that a good citizen protects the environment, treats others fairly, and encourages volunteer work. The company has strong minority hiring practices, meaning AfricanAmericans and women and any minority groups are hired are equally as important.

In 1983, Disneys sponsored program VoluntEARS (Mickey Mouses ears) have served the community with volunteers. They serve the elderly in Southern Cal, help raise money for cancer research and hospitals, actively take part in community programs, and workd with children and young people at risk. They help remodel clubhouses, sponsor field trips and helpful educational activities.

World Impacts - themeparks!

On one side, Disney, and all of the attractions that followed, has transformed the metro Orlando area into the most popular tourist destination in the world. On the other side

Grand Opening of Tokyo Disney theme park By the 1970s vast amusement parks, like his original Disneyland constructed in 1955 in Anaheim, California, had spread to Florida, Japan, and France, testifying that the Disney touch appealed to the popular imagination in other nations as well. Astroboy is sort of the "Mickey Mouse" of Japanese animation, if one equates Dr. Tezuka with Walt Disney. The difference is that while Mickey was a character who played different roles seven minutes at a time dependent upon the cartoon, Astroboy was about social change in Japan, and the future of technology as we view it

Beliefs and Values

Disney tried and succeeded in appealing to the entire family and because of that, [they] are timeless because they appeal to everyone . Moreover, Disney is strongly patriotic. When Disneyland opened in 1955, he led the crowd in reciting the pledge of allegiance, raising the American flag and signing the national anthem before dedicating the park to the ideals, the dreams and the hard facts which have created America.

Opposition to Disney
The American Family Association (AFA) organized a boycott of Disney World in June 1997. The organization's Disney boycott was launched in opposition to Disney films that the AFA considered anti-Christian and pornographic. The organization also opposed the Disney employee policy that allowed partner benefits to homosexual employees. When Disney sponsored a segment of the television series Ellen (April 1997) which featured a lesbian character coming out on television in a supportive environment, the event added fuel to the AFA's campaign against the entertainment giant (American Family Association (AFA)) this was done together with the Southern Baptists in Texas. Citizens of Virginia protested when the company planned to build a historical theme park called Disneys America in a rural area 30 miles (48 km) from Washington, D.C. People worried that Disney plans would increase traffic pollution, and noise near their homes. Others worried that Disney would not take care to make the park historically accurate. The Walt Disney Company eventually canceled its plans.

Opposition to Disney
Others accuse Disney of exploiting sweatshops in Asia. Disney hires companies in Asia to make Disney clothing Many Asian factories pay such low wages that their employees live in poverty-even when they work long hours. Critics believe Disney should either stop making clothes in Asia, or, better yet, insist that the factories it uses pay employees a fair wage .

M-I-C (See ya real soon.) K-E-Y (Why? Because I like you!) M-O-U-S-E!

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