Process Consultation and Role Negotiation

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Process Consultation is a method for intervening in an ongoing process.

In other words, a third party works with the individuals or groups to help them learn about human and social processes and learn to solve problems that stem from process events. Process consultation can not be referred to as a single intervention but it consists of many different interventions.

EDGAR SCHEIN describes the kind of interventions he believes the process consultation should make:
1. o o o o

Agenda-setting interventions: Questions related to Interpersonal issues Meetings devoted to interpersonal issues Conceptual inputs on interpersonal issues Testing procedures

2. Feedback of observations: o To groups during process analysis or regular work time o To individuals after meetings 3. Coaching or Counseling to individuals 4. Structural suggestion: o Pertaining to group membership o Pertaining to communication o Pertaining to allocation of work, assignment of responsibility and lines of authority.


Role Negotiation intervenes directly in the relationship of power, authority and influence within a group. The change effort is focused at work relationships among members. This intervention avoids probing into personal likes and dislikes of members for one another. It basically facilitates the change in the behavior of one person so that the other one could do his job more effectively.

It takes at least one day A two day session with a follow up meeting a month later is the best. HARRISON has given three steps of the Role Negotiation process: 1. Contract Setting 2. Issue Diagnosis 3. Influence Trade


Consultant sets the climate and ground rules. People are asked what are their work expectations from one another. No one is to agree to changing their behavior unless there is a quid pro quo in which the other must also agree to change. The session will consist of individuals negotiating with each other to arrive at a written contract.


Individuals think about how their own effectiveness can be improved as a result of change in the others behavior. Each person fills out a form for every other person in the group. Then messages are exchanged and written on the board so that every one can see.


This is the ultimate negotiation period. Two individuals talk of the most important behavior changes they want fro the other.

A quid pro quo is required that each person should give something in order to get something.
The other members can also participate in the negotiation. Ends with writing down of the negotiated agreement with each party having a copy.


To determine whether the contracts have been honored and assessing the impacts of the negotiations on the effectiveness of the members.


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