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madni BT-08-08 Abdul Qadoos BT-08-33 Muhammad Amir BT-08-35 Ghulam Akbar BT-08-46 Zahid Hussain BT-08-55 Sajad Ashraf BT-07-16

Introduction of WSN and Examples of WSN Comparison of WSN with ad hoc networks. Characteristics of Wireless Sensor Networks sensors categories Coverage Applications of Wireless Sensor networks Design Challenges Latest trends of WSN Conclusion


Sensor Networks (WSNs):

Highly distributed networks of small,

lightweight wireless nodes, Deployed in large numbers, Monitors the environment or system by measuring physical parameters such as temperature, pressure, humidity.

sensing + processing + communication

WII sensor (2403515mm)

Image Sensor Modules (885.7mm)

Embed numerous sensing nodes to monitor and interact with physical world

Network these devices so that they can execute more complex task.


development of wireless sensor networks was originally motivated by military applications. Wireless sensor networks are now used in many wide-range application areas.


Sensor Networks mainly consists of sensors. Sensors are low power limited memory energy constrained due to their small size. networks can also be deployed in extreme environmental conditions and may be prone to enemy attacks. deployed in an ad hoc manner they need to be self organized and self healing and can face constant reconfiguration.



Wireless sensor networks mainly use

broadcast communication while ad hoc networks use point-to-point communication. Unlike ad hoc networks wireless sensor networks are limited by sensors limited power, energy and computational capability. Sensor nodes may not have global ID because of the large amount of overhead and large number of sensors.



can be classified into two categories: Ordinary Sensors

Data gathering Ordinary Sensors require external circuitry to perform some dedicated tasks like data analyzing.

Smart Sensors
Data gathering and processing Smart Sensors have internal circuitry to perform dedicated tasks.


coverage can be classified into three types:

Area coverage Point coverage Barrier coverage



of sensors to cover a given area



of sensors to cover a set of points


To find a path

from A to B For any point on the path, the distance to the closest sensor is minimized.

The applications can be divided in three categories: 1. Monitoring of an area. 2. Monitoring of an objects. 3. Monitoring of both area and objects.


and Habitat

Monitoring Precision Agriculture Indoor Climate Control Military Surveillance Treaty Verification Intelligent Alarms

Precision agriculture aims at making cultural operations more efficient, while reducing environmental impact. The information collected from sensors is used to evaluate optimum sowing density, estimate fertilizers and other inputs needs, and to more accurately predict crop yields.



Monitoring Eco-physiology Condition-based Maintenance Medical Diagnostics Urban land mapping


fabrication plants

Sensors collect vibration data, monitor

wear and tear; report data in real-time Reduces need for a team of engineers; cutting costs by several orders of magnitude

Wildlife Habitats Disaster Management Emergency Response Ubiquitous Computing Asset Tracking Health Care Manufacturing Process Flows


Zebra Net Project Collar-mounted sensors monitor zebra movement in Kenya

Environmental Observation:
Sensor networks can be used to monitor environmental changes. An example could be water pollution detection in a lake that is located near a factory that uses chemical substances. Sensor nodes could be randomly deployed in unknown and hostile areas and relay the exact origin of a pollutant. Other examples include forest fire detection, air pollution and rainfall observation in agriculture.


Military Monitoring: Military uses sensor networks for

battlefield surveillance; sensors could monitor vehicular traffic, track the position of the enemy.


Why are WSNs challenging/unique from a research point of view?


severely energy constrained.

Limited energy sources (e.g., batteries). Trade-off between performance and

Self-organizing Scalable.


and self-healing.

Remote deployments. Arbitrarily large number of nodes.

Devices with varied capabilities. Different sensor modalities. Hierarchical deployments. Adjust to operating conditions and


Security and privacy.

changes in application requirements.

Potentially sensitive information. Hostile environments.


1. Energy Efficiency: Power consumptions are crucial to wireless sensor network applications because sensor nodes are not connected to any energy source. Energy efficiency is a dominant consideration no matter what the problem is. Sensor nodes only have a small and finite source of energy. Many solutions, both hardware and software related, have been proposed to optimize energy usage.



The algorithms need to be centralized as

the processing is carried out on different nodes.


Bandwidth Communication

The data should be transferred efficiently

between sensors


Scale Coordination of Sensors

The sensors need to coordinate with each


other to produce required results.

The sensors should be utilized in a ways


that produce the maximum performance and use less energy.

Time Computation

The computation should be done quickly as

new data is always being generated.

2. Ad hoc deployment:
Most sensor nodes are deployed in regions which have no infrastructure. We must cope with the changes of connectivity and distribution.

3. Unattended operation:
Generally, once sensors are deployed, there is no human intervention for a long time. Sensor network must reconfigure by itself when certain errors occur.

4. Dynamic changes: As changes of connectivity due to addition of more nodes or failure of nodes, Sensor network must be able to adapt itself to changing connectivity.



controlling appliances and electrical devices in the house. Better lighting and heating in office buildings. The Pentagon building has used sensors

Health Monitors
Glucose Heart rate Cancer detection

Chronic Diseases Hospital Sensors

Monitor vital signs Record anomaly Artificial retina Cochlear implants

Remote deployment of sensors for tactical monitoring of enemy troop movements.


industrial and commercial applications:

Agricultural Crop Conditions Inventory Tracking In-Process Parts Tracking Automated Problem Reporting RFID Radio Frequency Identification Plant Equipment Maintenance Monitoring

Cars could use wireless sensors to:


Accidents Handle Thefts

Sensors embedded

in the roads to:

Monitor traffic flows Provide real-time route updates


is highly distributed networks of small, lightweight wireless nodes Helpful in monitoring the enviournment WSN has wide range of applications Self organized and self healing

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