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The simple past information questions

Unit 11, Lesson B Student book - pages 110 and 111 Workbook - pages 84 and 85

How long (day and/or time)

Instructions: -Each student will be asked to answer one premise out loud, without the help of their classmates. -Fill in the blanks with how, where, what, how long, who, when, or why.

- ______ did you arrive to the museum yesterday? - I went walking. I followed the red brick road until I got to the next corner. There I turned to the right, and I found it.

_____ was the last time we said goodbye?

This tuesday.

_____ was his second grade teacher?

Miss Taikik.

For ___________ was I suppose to be mixing this?

______ did I wear to work yesterday?

Um red pants, high heels, and a blouse.

_________ were you last night?

Honey, I was at my job.

________ was the train suppose to get here?

- _______ was the concert?


- I saw the pictures on Facebook. _____ else did you see?

______ were we suppose to put this box?

In the basement?

_____ did you call last night? I was resting.

- _____ did you talk to yesterday, sir? - - Can you spell Mr. Toksiklysw

ANY QUESTIONS about the WH information questions in the past tense form?

The use of get and go

Go is the present tense form of the verb

(the action of going is happening NOW)

Went is the past tense of the verb go (the action of

going is finished and over with)


I go online often.

We went snorkeling last night.

I went to an interview last Friday.

get is the present tense of the verb

TO GET + direct object = to obtain, to receive, to buy

got is the past tense of the verb get

the flu.


Instructions: -Each student will answer all premises on their notebooks, without the help of their classmates. -Identify the premise writing down the red number.
-Fill in the blank using get or go.

TEACHER: Glen, why do you always 1___ so dirty? GLEN: Well, I'm a lot closer to the ground than you are. ---------------------------------------------------------------TEACHER: Maria, 2____ to the map and find North America. MARIA: Here it is. TEACHER: Correct. Now class, who discovered America? CLASS: Maria.

Jack decided to 3____ skiing with his buddy, Bob.

They 4____ jealous when he picks other students

to participate in class.

Lets 5____ together sometime! Alright?

Its time to 6____ to bed, Alice.

me a present for Christmas!

She doesnt have to 8____ to the store anymore.


back, miss! The building is on fire.

I wanted to 10_____ dancing with Timmy.


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