Chapter 9

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Marketing Research

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Marketing Research 8th Edition Aaker, Kumar, Day

Chapter Nine

Information from Respondents: Issues in Data Collection

Marketing Research 8th Edition Aaker, Kumar, Day

Information From Surveys

Used to Capture a Wide Variety of Information:


Focus on process and not the results

Measuring the relationship between actions & needs, desires, preferences, motives and goals

Marketing Research 8th Edition Aaker, Kumar, Day

Sources of Survey Error

The Results Will Be Meaningful If:

Population has been defined correctly

Sample is representative of the population Respondents selected are able and willing to cooperate

Questions are understood by the respondents

Respondents have the knowledge, opinions, attitudes, or facts required

Interviewer correctly understands and records the response

Marketing Research 8th Edition Aaker, Kumar, Day

Sources of Survey Error

Ambiguity of question Interviewer error


Question Answer


Sampling error

Nonresponse due to refusals or not-at-home

Inaccuracy in response Inability to formulate a response Unwillingness to respond

Ambiguity of answer

Marketing Research 8th Edition Aaker, Kumar, Day

Non-response Errors Due to Refusals

Refusals Could Occur Due to:

Nature of questions and place Subject of no interest to the respondent

Invasion of privacy Hostility towards sponsor

Personal bias
Characteristics of the data collection procedure Presidential polls)
Marketing Research 8th Edition Aaker, Kumar, Day


Non-response Errors Due to Refusals (Cont.)

Phenotypic Source

Characteristics of the data collection procedure

Question asked How question is asked Length of interview

Genotypic Source

Indigenous characteristics of the respondents

Age Sex Occupation

Marketing Research 8th Edition Aaker, Kumar, Day

Inaccuracy in Response

Inability to respond Telescoping Averaging

Cannot formulate an adequate answer Aided-recall techniques
Marketing Research 8th Edition Aaker, Kumar, Day

Some of these problems can be solved by:

Unwillingness to Respond Accurately

This Could Arise Due to the Following Reasons:

Concern about invasion of privacy Time pressure and fatigue Prestige seeking and social desirability response bias Courtesy bias Uninformed response bias Response style
Marketing Research 8th Edition Aaker, Kumar, Day

Interviewer Error
This Depends On:

Respondents Impression of the Interviewer Questioning, Probing, and Recording

Fraud and Deceit

Improving Interviewer Quality

Marketing Research 8th Edition Aaker, Kumar, Day

Methods of Data Collection

Personal Interview Telephone Interview Mail Survey Fax Survey E-mail Survey

Web-based Survey
Marketing Research 8th Edition Aaker, Kumar, Day

Factors Affecting the Choice of a Survey Method

Sampling Type of Population Question Form

Question Content
Response Rate Costs Available Facilities Length of Data Collection
Marketing Research 8th Edition Aaker, Kumar, Day

Ethical Issues in Data Collection

Misrepresentation of Data Collection Process Stems From:

Representation of a marketing activity other than research as research Abuse of respondents rights during the data collection process, under the rationale of providing better quality research. E.G.,
Use of survey for selling purposes Use of survey to obtain names and addresses of prospects for direct marketing

Marketing Research 8th Edition Aaker, Kumar, Day

Ethical Issues in Data Collection (Contd.)

The Rights of the Respondents Can Be Violated By:

Disguising the purpose of a particular measurement Deceiving the prospective respondent as to the true duration of the interview Misrepresenting the compensation in order to gain cooperation

Marketing Research 8th Edition Aaker, Kumar, Day

Ethical Issues in Data Collection (Contd.)

The Rights of the Respondents Can Be Violated By:

Not mentioning to the respondent that a follow up interview will be made Using projective tests and unobtrusive measures to circumvent the need for a respondents consent Using hidden tape recorders Not debriefing the respondent Conducting simulated product tests in which identical product is tried by respondent except for variations in color
Marketing Research 8th Edition Aaker, Kumar, Day

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