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Single party states

Origins and development

The single party states is a phenomenon of the 20th century. Absolute monarchies virtually disappear in the 19th century.

Nazi Germany, the Soviet Union, Cuba and China are examples of these kind of states

The nature of single party states

They rose up due to:

War, economic collapse, religious or ethnic strife, deep social divisions and class conflicts. Authoritarians states established themselves by: Imposing their ideology, suppressing other political parties legally or by force and eliminating institutions.

Source A and B questions

Why do Friedrich and Brzezinsky say that they cannot explain the rise of totalitarian dictatorships? Because those leaders seen as totalitarians were humanists and religious, they never meant totalitarian regimes. To call Marx, Hegel, Engels and Luther totalitarians is to distort historical facts. Is it necessary for a crisis to exist for a single-party state to emerge? Single party states are crisis states. They have arisen during times of conflict, confusion, division, economic collapse. What are the common traits of totalitarian states? An elaborate ideology. A single-mass party led by one leader. A terror system: physical or psychological. Monopoly of communication means. Monopoly of weapons. Central control of the

The rise to power

Single-states have emerged in all continents Have influenced greatly international affairs

Have caused crisis of all sort: military, economical and social.

The leader

Physical appearance; intelligence; public speaking; charisma; ability to gain support; evidence of heroism; motivated to success.

They have loyal subordinates: Goebbels (Hitler) or Trotsky (Lenin)

They expand their public image by taking political action: Hitler rebelled against the Weimar government at the Munich Putsch. Castro rebelled against Batista at the Moncada assault.

Ideology and political platform

Ideology are the principles and the vision that the leader follows and promotes.

Political platform are concrete programs, policies and actions. Peace, land and bread

These slogans are atractive and easy to remember.

The most important thing a leader can do

Is to translate his ideology into a practical policy used as political platform .

The most important thing a leader can do

Is to translate his ideology into a practical policy used as political platform : NEP (New Economic Policy).

The most important thing a leader can do

Is to translate his ideology into a practical policy used as political platform : Mao land reform

Source A and B and C questions

What personal qualities about Hitler and Castro are revealed in source Sources A and B? Hitler appears courageous, defiant and appealing. He appeals to the eternal court as opposed to the current court where he was standing trial by highlighting his patriotism and that of his soldiers.

Hitler appears common, like one of us. Castro looks charismatic like a savior who promise to people, a better life after Batista was gone.

Would these speeches be effective in attracting support ? Yes, they present themselves as heroes and touched peoples feelings by making promises of change in their benefit.

Source A and B and C questions

How would the sentiments stated in Source C affect the public image of Hitler? Is there a possibility that this would have a negative impact? No. People like heroes, men willing to sacrifice their own self-interest for the sake of the largest group. Men who have given their whole heart to the fatherland. Men not interested in their selfadvancement.

People like people like them: a soldier, a worker Hitler appears common, like one of us.

Policies and political platform features

Design of political programs to address the needs of a large number of people. Policies that brings relief to the nations problems. Use of slogans to increase the leaders popularity. Actions that make the leader appear as the savior of the nation. Ability to solve crisis with specific solutions

Sources A and B questions pg. 333

Compare the platform of Fidel Castro and Mussolini. What is the most significant difference? Castros platform is very specific as it shows concrete programs and policies directed towards most people in number and need: Expropriating excess land Improving swamplands Reforestation Given land to rural families Promoting cooperatives of farmers Lowering housing rent by 50% Tripling the taxes on houses build to rent

Mussolinis platform is general, it doesnt translate into specific programs. He even says that there are too many programs and that his agenda is men and

Sources A and B questions pg. 333

Which one is more appealing? Castros , for the facts indicated before.

What does this document suggest is the main strength of Mussolini and his partys platform? Men and will-power. A state that doesnt represent a political party but to the whole nation.

Sources A and B and C questions pg. 334

What do these documents tell us about making propaganda effective? Effective propaganda is the one that reaches the masses. Propagandists are to use means that are interesting, appealing, instructive. They should know what mean is the more effective. In Goebbels time, the radio.

How do they show the importance of the media as a delivery system? The media can make a huge difference on the perception of a leader. For example, when the New York Times reported presented Castro as a hero and his rebels as strong Cubans. So, the media is highky important as a delivery system.

Delivering the message. Strategies to take power by Domnica Bucheli

Hitl er One people, one

nation, one leader

Make the lie big, make it simple, keep saying it, and eventually they will believe it He alone, who owns the youth, gains the future.


Delivering the message. Strategies to take power by Domnica Bucheli

Muss "to believe, to obey, olini to combat

All within the state, nothing outside the state, nothing against the state. Democracy is beautiful in theory; in practice it is a fallacy


Delivering the message: Colored flags, uniforms by Emi Alarcn

Nazi Flags: The colors as representing the ideology of National Socialism, white representing Aryan racial purity; and red representing the socialist agenda of the movement.

Delivering the message: posters by Emi Alarcn The Nazi Partys Central Propaganda Office produced a weekly poster with a quotation that could be displayed in party offices, public buildings, etc. They were part of the visual face of the Third Reich.

Delivering the message: music and songs by Isabella Zuquilanda

"Das Lied der Deutschen" the national anthem of democratic Germany in 1922, but after 1930 the Nazis commonly appended the "Horst-Wessel-Lied" to it. "Die Wacht am Rhein", which is famous from a scene of the 1941 movie Casablanca was at that time almost 100 years old.

Modern communication tech by Santiago Pozo

Nazis had control of all mediums at that time, such as Radio and TV and public speeches. Hitler speeches, really strong and convincing Radio was the most important medium they had because everyone could hear it from their homes. Important to gain and mantain power

First TV, in 1935, usd by the Nazis.

Focus on youth and young families by Santiago Pozo to parents with 4 kids or The word families were officially

more Children can be taken away to live alone if their parents did not give them a political Reliable home. Marriage and divorce increased dramatically during these times Unemployment grew, which affected families dratically Unmarried mothers received support from the Nazis More sperataed family, husbands worked every night.

Focus on youth and young families by Julian Baker


once in power controlled the nation therefore he controlled the education which lead to his ability to brainwash the young minds. Therefore many youths became acquainted with his ideas and he gained a large support from the youth in some aspect In the governments that this occured the most in was in Hitlers campaign.

Focus on youth and young families by Julian Baker

The elimination of the opposition

The Enabling Act Is legislation that authorizes a government to take certain immediate actions. By this Act, Hitler was able to get a single party rule. A subterfuge Burned down the Reichstag building, blamed the communists Acquired popular support The Reichstag Fire Decree allowed Hitler to obtain power to pass laws by decree (no

The elimination of the opposition 345

The Law for the Restoration of the Professional Civil Service Retirement: Non-Aryans Dismissed: officials with different political affiliation in the pass. Suterfuge Castro infiltrated communists in the trade unions. Knew had potential to drag Connect the timeline lots of workers against him. with Source and B 2 |May A Weimar Loyal followers withing 1933 Republic What conclusions can unions. trade you draw?

7 april 1933

Reform of Civil Service law passed , removes Jews and dissidents from public office

The elimination of the opposition 345

The Law for the Restoration of the Professional Civil Service that prescribes retirement to NonAryan people and dismissal for officials makes reference to Jews and dissidents in the timeline. Castro dealt with trade unions by infiltrading communists there while the German government made trade unions illegal. Connect the timeline with Source and B 2 |May A Weimar

7 april 1933

Reform of Civil Service law passed , removes Jews and dissidents from public office

1933 Republic What conclusions can you draw? trade

Groups which may be a source of opposition 346

Quasi-legal form to ban opponents. Transformation of the courts to prosecute dissidents. Re-written laws to legitimize all forms of punishment for the guilty Concentration camps: communists, unionists, opponents.

Internal party purges: The Night of the Long Knives:

The extent of the opposition 348

Overt Assassination attempts Mass protests Auto-exile Rare (Draconian) Authoritarian leaders may reduce it Unemployment (Hitler) Land reform (Mao) Education, health (Castro) Degree of repression directly proportional to insecurity of

Source Analysis 349

1. Please answer source-based questions 1 and 2. 2. Send them electronically as a word-document using TNR12, double space. Please attach your draft done in class (scan it). 3. Make sure you save your document with your name first and then homework349 Ex: Domenicahomework349 4. Due Thursday 12/15/11 8 A.M. 10 PTS FORMATIVE

Authoritarian leaders Project 30 pts. Summative applied to final test.

# 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 STUDENT Emi Dome Majo Santiago P. Carla F. Julian Isa Iturralde Gaby Isa Zuquilanda Santiago L. LEADER Correa Bucaram Eloy Alfaro Lucio Juan Jos Flores Velasco Hugo Chvez Mussolini Kim Jong Il Pieira G. Moreno Fujimori Lincoln Peron Pinochet Lenin Pol Pot or Duvalier? Castro

11 Joaquin 12 Manuel 13 Karla 14 Francisco 15 Felipe 16 Sebas 17 Santiago V 18 Andrea Alarcn


Number Descriptor Hitler wished to appear powerful, confident and dominant in the public arena. Source: Cannon,Martin, Jones-Nerzic, Richard, Evidence Reference APA style 1 Hitler participated in the Cannon,Martin, Jones-Nerzic, Munich Putsch as a young Richard, Keys, David, (2009). man and presented himself 20th Century World History. Keys, David, (2009). 20th Century World History. powerful, confident and Oxford: Oxford University Oxford: Oxford University Press pg. 329 dominant as evidenced in his Press speech at his trial after the Pg. 331 Munich Putsch.


From 1904 until 1917 Trotsky had a stormy relationship with Lenin, Keys, David, (2009). 20th Century World History. accusing Lenin of wanting to become a dictator. But Oxford: Oxford University Press pg. 329 the two of them resolved their differences in 1917, and after that point Trotsky was totally loyal to Lenin.

Lenin surrounded himself with an able and loyal subordinate pg. 329 Source: Cannon,Martin, Jones-Nerzic, Richard,

Cannon,Martin, Jones-Nerzic, Richard, Keys, David, (2009). 20th Century World History. Oxford: Oxford University Press Pg. 329

Once date and time is agreed, the submission of any work is over.
ENTRIES # 1&2 3&4 5&6 7&8 9 & 10 11 & 12 13 & 14 15 & 16 17 & 18 19 & 20 21 & 22 23 & 24 25 & 26 27& 28 29& 30 MONTH/DATE Jan 6 Jan 13 Jan 20 Jan 27 Feb. 3 Feb. 10 Feb. 17 Feb. 24 March 2 March 9 March 16 March 23 April 6 April 13 April 20 TIME 8 AM 8 AM 8 AM 8 AM 8 AM 8 AM 8 AM 8 AM 8 AM 8 AM 8 AM 8 AM 8 AM 8 AM 8 AM

The extent of the opposition 349

In George Orwells novel 1984, children are encouraged to report on their parents for expressing anti-government sentiments.

The Street Committees of Mao monitored and reported suspicious activity.


The Committees to Defend the Revolution of Castro report any unorthodox behavior to the police

Comits de Defensa de la Revolucin en Cuba

What about Ecuador?

Compare and Contrast Essay based on research 20 pts. Summative applied to your Unit Test
Guidelines: 1. C & C the Street Committees from Maos time or the Committees to Defend the Revolution of Castros Cuba with the Comits de Defensa de la Revolucin en Ecuador. 2. Decide how those two compare and/or contrast 3. Thesis 4. Three supporting arguments 5. Conclusion 6. Sources: APA style 7. TNR12 double space, 1 max. 8. Save your document as domenicaessay 9. Upload it at turnitin 10. Deadline: January 13, 2012 8 AM

ESSAY PROJECT 20 PTS. SUMMATIVE FROM SECOND HALF UNIT TEST The following students will take 30 pts. Second Half Unit Test plus their essay.

ESSAY PROJECT 20 PTS. SUMMATIVE FROM SECOND HALF UNIT TEST The following students will take a 30 pts. Second Half # STUDENT Unit Test plus their essay. 1 Majo
2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Dome Gaby Carla F Isa Iturralde Julian Santiago L Santiago P Isa Zuquilanda Karla X

The structure and philosophy of government 351

Authoritarian governments DO HAVE legislatures, constitutions and even elections.
v v

The difference rests on the way they organize them.

Power resides wholly on the leader and the single party.


They replace people holding positions in government with party members.


In so doing, the ruler has key party members in key government positions.

The structure and philosophy of government 351


The structure and philosophy of government 351

Legislatures, without question, operate according with the dictates of the party

Decision making is a matter of being part of the hierarchy of the party rather than you official position.

As a party member you have connections and power over burocrats


Economic Policies 351

The regime has broader objectives to fulfill, therefore the economy is crucial. For example, tax collection.
v v

Authoritarian governments had plans:

NAME THE PLANS OF GERMANY, SOVIET UNION AND CHINA Five year plan. Four year plan. Leap Forward.

Economic Policies 352

Stalin considered that the Soviet Union has been repeately beaten in different fronts: militar, cultural, industrial agricultural and political.

The jungle of capitalism determines whether you are strong or weak. If weak you are to be beaten and enslaved.

Stalin promised to end the 50-100 years backwardness, by building up a socialist system of economy. Either we do it or they crush us.

Economic Policies 352

Before they arise to power they made economic promises; once in power they had to fulfill their promises.

WHAT KIND OF PROMISES DO THEY MAKE? vThe impact over time is seeing v Peasant societies got industrialized and urbanized v Private property suffers severe changes of it is eliminated v Infrastructure could get massive v Increment in education, schooling or housing v Defense spending might increase

Economic Policies 352

Have these economic policies worked? NO vThe Soviet Union could not improve peoples standard of living. v It couldnt keep up with the defense budget

Maos failure obliged him to make mayor changes inside the Communist party.

Hitler could not keep up with the finances the lenghty wars needed.

Social Policies 353


Two possible authoritarian regimes: v Right-wing conservative or v Left-wing liberal Right-wing conservative: v Recreate past golden age values: family, education, moral. v Maintain occupations, class structure and hierarchy.

Left-wing liberal: v Gender equality, elimination of social classes v Better treatment to minorities, the poor,

Social Policies 354

Prejudices vNot a noble vFrom a workshop vA soldier vWorkers and soldiers could be the head of the state vIt does not matter if you are a bourgeou vBroke down classes

Social Policies 354

CLOSURE: HOW DID HITLER BREAK THE OLD SYSTEM? Provide 5 specifics that support his argument that he broke the old system.

Social Policies 353

Mao tried to create the new socialist man v One who always consider other first. v One who seeks not self-interest or personal profit. Hitler tried a racially pure nation by paring the best men with the best women Experimented euthanasia to eliminate genetic weakness

Social Policies 354

Education Policies 356


Single-party states control everything related to the education of the youth: v Curricula v Books and reading materials v Discipline v Organization v After school activities The point was to produce loyal, discipline and obedient citizens By emphasizing specific values: patriotism, absolute obedience to the party and the leader, physical fitness Also gender roles ascribed by man to girls and young women.

Principles from the Reich Office for Peoples Health

Remember that you are a German. Do not fail to marry if you are genetically healthy. Keep your body pure. Keep your mind and soul clean. As a German, take a spouse only of the same or of Nordic blood. In choosing a spouse, ask about his or her ancestry. Health is the prerequisite for outward beauty. Marry only out of love. Do not seek a plaything, but rather a companion for marriage. You should want as many children as possible.

Education Policies 356


Eliminated un-cooperative teachers Bottom line: use of education as the strongest mechanism for maximizing social control.

Math problems 357

Please solve the Math problems from Source B, pg. 357.

Costs for the genetically ill-social consequences The maintenance cost of 130 feeble-minded costs about 104,000

Reichsmarks a year, enough to build 17 houses for healthy working class families.

Status of women 358

RIGHT WING CONSERVATIVE Traditional role of wife, mother and housekeeper. Discouraged to get employment and education Not a single women was a member of the Nazi hierarchy LEFT WING LIBERAL (Cuba 1960). Equality for women Citizenship Property Voting rights

Status of women 358

Although in left wing regimes women have gained access to education for example, Mens attitude has not changed: discrimination harassment limited access to positions of power

Status of women 358

Please answer questions 1 and 2 from pg. 359

Religious policies 360

Please answer this question: In which sense, religion may represent competition to the state?

Religious policies 360

Religion represent ideologies,values, ethics and morals Many times these values are contrary to the state Religion also possess property: schools, radios, human services houses

Single-party states see religion as a threat control all activities Religions have international connections Physical, spiritual and financial support

The USSR 360

Assaulted on the Russian Orthodox Church: priests killed, buidings and treasures confiscated Marx considered religion as the opium of the masses.

The Church was an official weapon of the tsarist government (associated with oppression).

However, the church was resurrected by Stalin in WWII. (German invasion)

Italy 360
Mussolini could not subjugate the Roman Catholic Church Pope , an outspoken opponent

Mussolini removed internal opposition by

Read the Lateran Treaty



Hitler wanted to establish his own church Eliminate Christians first Religion from German mythology next.

Hitler signed a Concordat In the beggining, churches supported him

Why ?

Bottom line 361

Attempt to provide alternative spiritual support Assign mystical god-like qualities to the leader The cult of personality Leader seeing as irreplaceable, infallible, unapproachable Is not just vanity, it is an strategy

For what?

Bottom line 361

To control and maintain out any opposition With those qualities, the leader is to STAY. cannot be evicted from power

Minorities 361


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