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What is an Architectural Framework

Architecture frameworks address what it means to define and document an architecture The world has not really settled on precise definitions of architecture or architecture description as these terms relate to the enterprises and its systems or software. We can generally agree that architecture is about the structure of important things (systems or enterprises), their components, and how the components fit and work together to fulfill some purpose.

Why, a Framework?
It all boils down to, communication A framework provides a generic universe and a common vocabulary within which we can all cooperate together - to address a specific issue. Frameworks do not have to be comprehensive, but they should be leveraged to provide at least a starter set of the issues and concerns that must be addressed in the development of an architecture.

The Framework Components

Views/Presentation o Provide the mechanisms for communicating the information about the relationships in the architecture Methods o Provide the disciplines for gathering and organizing the data o Construct the views in a way that helps insure integrity, accuracy and completeness Knowledge o Support the application of the methods and the use of tools for views

The Framework Evolution

The Types of Frameworks


* There are more framework vendors out there - but for the sake of discussion, well look at the major four (4).

TOGAF intends to provide a practical, freely available, industry standardized method of designing an EA, leveraging all relevant assets in the process. TOGAF is sufficient for an organization to use "as-is" or to adapt as an EA development method for use with other deliverablesfocused frameworks. It provides a context for the use of multiple frameworks, models, and architecture assets in conjunction with the TOGAF Architecture Development Method.

An overriding goal of OMB is to improve interoperability within the United States Government by creating one FEA. The FEA integrates the separate architectures of the various Federal Agencies. In support of this goal, the Government needs a collaboration tool for collecting and storing common architecture information. The FEAF is the current version of that tool and allows the Federal Government to:
Organize Federal information for the entire Federal Government Promote information sharing among Federal organizations Help Federal organizations develop their architectures Help Federal organizations quickly develop their IT investments processes Serve customer needs better, faster, and more cost-effectively

The scope of application for the FEAF includes all organizations throughout the Federal Government and all their partners, including: Large, major Federal Departmental systems Departmental Divisions and Bureau systems Other Federal Agency systems Systems where substantial investments are involved with international, State, or local Governments

The DoDAF is intended to ensure that the architecture descriptions are relatable between and among each organizations operational, systems, and technical architecture views and are comparable and integrable across organizational boundaries.

The framework provides both the rules and guidance for developing and presenting architecture descriptions.

The products defined by the framework are the work products of architecture development - the descriptive artifacts that communicate the architecture. The framework provides direction on how to describe architectures; it does not provide guidance in how to construct or implement a specific architecture or how to develop and acquire systems or systems-of-systems.

The Zachman Framework describes a holistic model of an enterprise's information infrastructure from six perspectives There is no guidance on sequence, process, or implementation of the framework. The focus is on ensuring that all aspects of an enterprise are well-organized and exhibit clear relationships that will ensure a complete system regardless of the order in which they are established.

What Now?
Remember - unless required by corporate or governmental mandates - no one framework does it all.
An integration of two or more frameworks may be required to satisfy your needs and organizational requirements.

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