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The Old Man and the Sea

Annika, Arthur, Gabriel, Patrick

Setting: in a small Cuban fishing village,
the Gulf Stream off the coast of Cuba

Hemingway believes the sea to be the

last great unexplored territory on earth

Naturalism: human surrounded by a

seemingly unending ocean that his fate could be overcome or submerged by environment (Everyone)

Hero: fishing. "But I know Man in the art of The Old

many tricks up and I have resolution." Even with all his skill, the old man still wasnt able to catch any fish.

Santiago: The Old Man Skillfull: The old man was skilled

Determined: The old man never

gave up in whatever he did. It is evident in a few parts of this book. " A man can be destroyed but not defeated." This was taken from the part when he was struggling with the marlin.

Confident: The old man doesn't

feel fear but calm when he is fighting with the big fish. He

His main goal was to catch a big

fish as he had not caught one in a long time. Plus he wanted to do it in a place where no one had been before. "My choice was to go there to find him beyond all people. Beyond all people in the world."


Throughout his life, Santiago

has been presented with contests to test his strength and endurance. The marlin with which he struggles for three days represents his greatest challenge. Paradoxically, although Santiago ultimately loses the fish, the marlin is also

just come back from a 84 day fishing trip without catching a single thing. He decides take on a challenge and sail out far past the dock the area, farther than any man has ever gone, and go fishing. When he reaches his spot,he begins fishing and at first doesnt catch anything. Magically a fish gets caught on one of his lines, but it is too heavy for him to reel in. He ends up playing tug of war with the fish for about a day before finally harpooning it and catching it. Since the fish was too big to fit in the boat, the old man had no choice but to let it hang out over the side. While he is trying to sail back to shore he gets attacked by sharks in the water who smell blood from the fish and try to it. The sharks one by one


Realism/Regionalsimand The basic idea of realism is that the world is the way it is
what we have believed in the way. Differ from the idea of Romanticism; they are more likely to believe the imaginary things that they have created. Literary, realistic writer will apply their idea on the books by expressing the characters day life and the social conditions that they live in. How Hemingway express his belief in realism is that using a simple and short sentence to show the conversation between the characters.

What do you have to eat? the boy asked. No, I will eat at home. Do you want me to make the fire? No, I will make it later on. Or I may eat the rice cold. (Arthur)

We know that the old man is skillful, he knows everything toward

fishing. He knows when the best weather is, where the good locations are, how he should fight with the fish. Every condition is under his control. However, he is still defeated by luck at the end.


Hemingway tries to show realism by describing certain events in

order to clarify how the old mans feeling that being pity to the fish he get.

He knelt down and found the tuna under the stem with the gaff
and drew it toward him keeping it clear of the coiled lines. Holding the line with his left shoulder again, and bracing on his left hand and art, he took the tuna off the gaff hook and put the gaff back in place. He put one knee on the fish and cut strips of dark red meat longitudinally from next to the back bone down to the edge of the belly. I dont think I can eat an entire one (Arthur)

Realism/Regionalism Regionalism in the old man and the sea is basically about the

In the old man and the sea, the writer used a lot of Spanish words He always thought of the sea as la mar which is what people call
her in Spanish when they love her"

"What is a bone spur? He asked himself. Un espela de hueso."


which one or more characters Naturalism Analysis are submerhed or overcome by external factors

Naturalism is a philosophy in

What antagonistic forces does

the hero face during their struggle to accomplish his goal? Marlin--the dearest opponent "You killed him for pride and because you are a fisherman. You loved him when he was alive and you loved him after. Sharks

Naturalism Analysis

How the three ingredients of the

naturalistic view of fate affect the action or conclusion of the story? Chance--marlin--> reach his goal Environment--the sea --> the marlin is eaten Heredity--determined and confident--> catch the marlin


Hemingway was a naturalist. His stories


often reflect his philosophy and view on life. According to Hemingway, we have no control. The old man wasn't able to control the fish coming to him and being caught. He wasn't able to control the sharks from coming and eating away at his. To him, we definitely have no control. It's nature that controls everything. We have freedom of choice but it will most likely get trumped by nature. The old man chose to go out and catch fish but nature made sure that he brought nothing home. Life is just an

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