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Future of Internet Evangelism

(Way Out Ministrys Website Interface & Design)

Internet Mobile Phone

Digital media have transformed the world in the last 15 years. We have entered a new digital communication culture where all the rules for effective communication have changed. Even offline! There are 2+ billion web users, and over 4 billion people use mobile phones (increasingly these are web-equipped). The Web is not just another means of communication, but a hyper-medium that subsumes, links together, and enhances all previous media.

Internet Evangelism Coalition (IEC)

With over 1.7 billion users worldwise, including increasing numbers in the non-western world, and 3+ billion mobile phone owners, the potential for digital evangelism is enormous. The Internet Evangelism Coalition (IEC) was born out of a consultation sponsored by the Billy Graham Center of Wheaton College (BGC) in April of 1997. The consultation, attended by more than 80 people representing a cross-section of leading church and parachurch ministries, voted to establish a committee to facilitate collaboration on initiatives where there was a strong sense of need or interest.


to demonstrate the many ways that the Web can be used to share the good news. to equip you with ideas and strategies to do it yourself. to enable you to demonstrate this potential to others in your church or organization. You can create a web evangelism awareness spot (could be anything from one minute to an hour in length) using our free downloads: Powerpoint, video clips, handouts, posters and music.

to promote Internet Evangelism: Inspiring strategic thinking and resource development to empower the Church for Internet Evangelism; and facilitate collaboration: Encouraging collaborative efforts and connecting partners and resources for Internet Evangelism.

Understanding the medium

We need to understand the nature of the Internet before we can do outreach online. TV is not just radio with pictures, but a different medium in its own right. Similarly, online evangelism is not just tracts on a monitor. We must understand and use the unique attributes of the Internet: the user is in control. websites are non-linear like a newspaper, the user picks and chooses according to preference. This contrasts with a linear medium such as books or video, which have a consecutive narrative. web users can interact with others by posting comments or emailing others with similar interests. At last my opinion counts. A good website can therefore build loyalty and belonging usually called a sense of community

WAY Out Website

Content Management System
Joomla Drupal

Open source Applications Multimedia (Images, Audio, Video, Animations, Text etc.) Mobile Phone Enable Website

Back -End


Front - End

Way Out Website Interface & Design

User-centered design Accessibility Navigation References Bandwidth and interaction Simplicity and consistency Design integrity and stability Feedback and dialog

User-centered design
The goal is to provide for the needs of all your potential users, adapting Web technology to their expectations and never requiring readers to conform to an interface that places unnecessary obstacles in their paths. This is where your research on the needs and demographics of the target audience is crucial. It's impossible to design for an unknown person whose needs you don't understand. Create sample scenarios with different types of users seeking information from your site.

Bandwidth and interaction

Users will not tolerate long delays. Research has shown that for most computing tasks the threshold of frustration is about ten seconds. Web page designs that are not well "tuned" to the network access speed of typical users will only frustrate them. If your users are primarily general public browsers "surfing" the Web via dial-up modem connections, it is foolish to put huge bitmap graphics on your pages the average modem user will not be patient enough to wait while your graphics download over the phone line.

Simplicity and consistency

Users are not impressed with complexity that seems gratuitous, especially those users who may be depending on the site for timely and accurate work-related information. Your interface metaphors should be simple, familiar, and logical if you need a metaphor for information design, choose a genre familiar to readers of documents, such as a book or a library. Highly unusual, "creative" navigation and home page metaphors always fail because they impose an unfamiliar, unpredictable interface burden on the user.

Design integrity and stability

To convince your users that what you have to offer is accurate and reliable, you will need to design your Web site as carefully as you would any other type of corporate communication, using the same high editorial and design standards. A site that looks sloppily built, with poor visual design and low editorial standards, will not inspire confidence.

The Web, as a medium, is neutral. Like other communication methods (TV, video, radio, books and magazines, telephone, even the postal service), it has no intrinsic moral attributes. The Internet can be used for good or bad. In a fallen world, where easy money can be made by exploiting people, we must expect that the Web will often be used for evil purposes. It is certainly unfortunate that governments have not taken sufficient action to counter wrong uses of the Web. And because the Internet is like an instant worldwide library giving access to anyone, anything, anywhere, in seconds the dangers and temptations are real. There are ways to protect yourself and your family, using filtering products and accountability software.

What about the dangers?

Reference Read more: at Internet Evangelism Day Under Creative Commons License: Attribution

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