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What is GRP?

The word thesis came from Greek language, meaning position. A GRP is a original, research-based text.
It is a carefully argued scholarly paper. It should present an original argument. It literally demonstrates mastery: that you have understood the subject.

Difference between thesis and dissertation.

A GRP is:

An argument on the issue Independent critical power Contribution to knowledge Original piece of work

A GRP generally extends our understanding of the subject; takes the subject further in some way.

What A GRP May Involve?

Carrying out empirical work that has not been done before. Using already known material but with a new interpretation. Trying out something that previously only been done in other countries. Bringing new evidence to bear on an old issue. Being cross-disciplinary and using different methodologies. Adding to knowledge in a way that has not been done before.

Qualities of a Successful GRP

A successful GRP has four qualities:

It identifies a good question. It asserts that the question remains unanswered. It argues why this question is worth answering at all. It provides a satisfactory answer to that question.

By raising a good question and answering it, you prove the point that you have made a significant original

What Makes a Good Research Question?

It must have remained unanswered. Its answer must serve as a contribution to knowledge.

Where do such questions come from?

Your dissatisfaction with existing conceptual explanations. You may have questions about existing policies or practices. You may be concerned to address problems of day-to-day life. You may be interested in a problem at work or in your community.

Background of Research

Social researcher has a variety of options. There is no one right direction to take. Pay attention to the following:
Feasibility of studying the issue Relevancy of the topic Your willingness and capability Look for the possibility of making some contributions Look for your career goals

Things to be Considered while Selecting a GRP Topic

Universitys requirements Your strengths and weaknesses Financial and time resources available Availability of literature Access to data

Preparing a GRP Proposal

Before you approach your supervisor, prepare the following:
A 2-3 page abstract. A preliminary bibliography. A brief outline.

These will help you to convince your supervisor of the value of your work.

Format of the GRP Report

Prefatory Materials
Title page Approval sheet Acknowledgements Table of contents List of tables and figures

Executive summary Body of the Report

Introduction Review of literature and theoretical framework Research methodology Results and discussion Summary and conclusion

Supplementary Materials
References Appendixes

Nature of GRP
Exploratory Descriptive Correlational and causal-comparative Surveys Case studies Documentary studies

Family-friendly policy of Nepalese organizations. Vegetable market Mineral water market Consumers groups

Footpath business Street vendors Call centers Mineral water market Music industry Publication industry Food adulteration Grievance hearing through Hello Sarkar

Shop-keepers Restaurant diners Shoppers Students Employees

Case Studies
Policy analysis Social institutions Organizations

Suggested Topics for GRP

Buying preference of women with reference to clothing in Pokhara Quality of work life: A study of Nepalese managers E-commerce strategy of Nepalese business firms Profit strategy of restaurant industry Banking industry: A case study in diversification Moving from investment to retail: A case study of Nepalese banking industry Microfinance: Its impact on women empowerment Differentiation in Nepalese Banking industries: Analyzing the basis on which industries compete Budgeting and strategy: A comparative study of public and private firms Customer preferences for financial services: A study of households Internet recruitment in Nepalese organizations Brand preference of beer among consumers in Pokhara Climate for creativity in Nepalese organizations Job search behaviour of Nepalese business graduates

Suggested Topics for GRP

Corporate governance and the role of internal auditing Attitude of Nepalese bank employees toward the performance appraisal system The financial management of small and micro enterprises in Nepal Consumer retention in retail financial services Financial services industry In Nepal: A study of environmental scanning practices Credit risk management in Nepalese banking system Work-life balance: A study of Nepalese employees Customer relationship management in Nepalese commercial banks Public-private partnership in micro hydro projects Marketing strategy for promoting domestic tourism Consumers brand preference for television sets: An analysis of Pokhara market After-sales service: The satisfaction level in the context of

Common Problems in Writing GRP Reports

Topic selection Problem definition Review of literature section is unorganized and bulky Inappropriate application of research instruments Sampling Mixing facts and opinions Confusion in findings and conclusions Use of inappropriate statistical tools Defective citation and referencing

Common Problems in Writing GRP Reports

Language Sweeping remarks Without interpretation Careless presentation and proofreading Generalization Unsupported recommendations Poor organization of materials Window dressing Researchers ethics

General Questions that arise in the Process of GRP Report Writing

Can a researcher choose a topic by himself? How long should the GRP report be? Should we begin writing from the first chapter? Should we wait until all work associated with the research is completed before beginning to write it up? Which section of the report should we write first? What should be done to ensure the quality


For a book
Harrison, A. (2006). Just-in-time manufacturing in perspective. New York: Prentice Hall Peppard, J., & Rawland, P. (2006). Business process re-engineering. New Delhi: Prentice Hall of India.

For an edited book

Singh, R., & Manandhar, N. (Eds.). (2007). Human psychology at work. Kathmandu: Sastoma Kitab Publishers.

For a journal article

Joshi, P. (1998). Labour management: A cross-country overview of South Asian countries. The Nepalese Management Review, 3(1), 1-14.

For a newspaper
The Rising Nepal. (1996, July 15). P.2

For an Internet site

Tribhuvan University (online) (cited 2008, January 7). Available <

Examples of Citation
Direct Quotation
Block and Indented Quotation The UNDP (2007) makes an assessment of the current status of technology transfer in Nepal in the following words: Foreign aid has played a major role in the source and value of technology imports including those in the manufacturing sector. Much of the technology transfer under the category has been the turnkey type. The percentage of foreign technical personnel has assisted in acquiring operational competence. However, it does not seem to have led to the development of indigenous capabilities for technological innovation and upgradation (p. 44).

Within-sentence Quotation According to UNDP (2007), Foreign aid has played a major role in the source and value of technology imports in Nepal (p. 44).

Paraphrase and Summary

UNDP (2007) argued that the increasing use of foreign technical personnel working in Nepal does not lead to the development of local capabilities for technical innovation.

There is wide agreement that the presence of foreign experts would ultimately affect the capability-building of the local people. The increasing use of such foreign experts in Nepal has increased the countrys dependence on them for technological innovation and upgradation (Gurung, 1997; Tuladhar & Thapa, 2007;

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