Folk Media

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Neelum Tariq 09020716-065

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What is folk Media??

Folk Media, as we use the term, is any sort of

art or communication created by an individual, a small business, nonprofit, or an informal group, created outside of the influence of big media companies or other large institutions. A folk media-maker can be rich or poor, liberal or conservative, young or old -- there is no ideological or demographic prerequisites to engage in folk media.



Classification of Folk Media

Traditional forms of expression were

identified. The classification covering the performing arts and the visual arts included music, song, drama, skits, puppet shows , poetry, speech, sounds, gesture, gossip, jokes, proverbs, painting, certain printed literature, sculpture, handicrafts, costuming, patterning and colouring of material and use of headgear.


Role of Folk Media

Their appeal has historically been both

functional and aesthetic

They have always served to entertain,

educate to reinforce existing ideas or ideologies or to change existing values and attitudes
Being close to people at the local level, these

channels are potentially useful in the service of social concerns, as determined by local, provincial or national authorities themselves


These forms of entertainment evolved as

grassroots expressions of the values and life styles of the people, dealing with values as well as information. often diverse audience, the folk forms can use familiar dialects for the most intimate and local communication at the village leve1.

Mass media programs, produced for large and


New Folk Media

New Folk Mediais a developing movement

inexperimental filmandvideo artwhich is concerned with the use of existing media for artistic expression without regard forcopyrightor ownership.


Movement history
The movement traces its

roots inJoseph Cornelland his filmRose Hobartand other found footagefilms. It can also be traced toSergei Eisenstein's aborted film project Que Viva Mexico which has been edited by countless filmmakers and artists includingKenneth Anger.

Joseph Cornell


Movement Ideology
New Folk Media is a reaction to the

growingownershipof every form ofmedia. Practitioners of New Folk Media consider existing media to be the same aspaintorwordsthat can be used by the artist to create a new work. events that are broadcast ontelevision, but according to practitioners of New Folk Media are not truly owned by anyone because they are part of world culture.

Often the works involve world cultural


New folk Media Movement is generally

considered a 21st Centuryartmovement. Media movement, as many videos are mashups of pre-existing content given new meaning.

YouTubecan be seen as part of the New Folk


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