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Personality is the most abstract concept used in psychological literature. Ancient philosophers and poets often speculated why individuals were unique and Click tothey differed from each other why edit Master subtitle style so many ways. Personality is an area of study that deals with complex human behaviour, including feelings emotions, needs, interests, attitudes and cognitive processes.


Ordinarily personality is taken as the external appearance of the individual. Personality has been interpreted in the sense of self. In psychology neither is the personality the external appearance nor is it the self, but it includes both and much more.


Personality is ones total integrated behaviour and not just one or more aspects of behaviour.

Personality is the individuals, unique, relatively, stable patterns of behaviour, thoughts and feelings.

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MC Daugall Personality is a synthetic unity of all mental features and functions in their innate interplay. Cattell Personality is that which permits a prediction of what a person will do in a given situation. Lewin Personality as a dynamic totality of systems present in the individual. Traxler
5/20/12 Personality as the sum total of an individuals


Personality is something unique and specific. Every one of us is a unique person in oneself Personality includes everything about a person.

Personality is not just a collection of traits. It is unique organization of behaviors that functions as a unified 5/20/12

It is the product of heredity and enviournment. It is the end product of learning. Acquisition of new experience contributes to the development of personality. Personality is always striving for certain ends.


Freuds view of personality

He believed that the human mind has three distinct levels: the conscious, preconscious, and unconscious. Click to involves three basic Personality edit Master subtitle style structure: ID, EGO, SUPEREGO. Which correspond very roughly to desire, reason, and conscience.


Aspect of Personality Ego

Level of Description/Functi Consciousness on Mostly Conscious Mediates between id impulses and superego inhibitions; reality principle; rational


All levels, but mostly preconscious


Ideals and morals; conscience; incorporated from parents

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