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Marriage is what brings us together today

Original Foundation
Design: Genesis 2.8-21
Setting: Garden East of Eden (i.e. from where Adam was created; 2.8) Two notable trees (2.9) A presumable spring from Eden made four rivers to water the garden (2.10-14)

Original Foundation
Design: Genesis 2.8-21
Setting (contd): Work: Man was put there to tend it [care for attentively]work was made a part of the His order (2.15) Restriction: One boundary given; one testing point established (2.19a) Consequence: Death (2.19b) spiritually, physically, emotionally

Original Foundation
Design: Genesis 1.8-21
Good: Each days creation; good food; good gold (1.1-25; 2.9, 12) Not Good: alone=separation, by ones self; isolation (2.18) Helper=one who assists/rescues/helps; this implies the one helped is lacking Comparable=of equivalent quality; spiritually, emotionally & physically

Original Foundation
Design: Genesis 1.8-21
Divine Surgery: Adam was from the groundjust like the animals he was naming i.e. belonging to the earth (2.19-20) Eve was the only creature taken, not from the ground, but the flesh of anotherthe very side (2.21)

Original Foundation
Design: Genesis 1.8-21
Divine Surgery: (contd) Unique associationbelonging to Adam (2.22-23) Unique bondthe only two like this in the creation Unique loyalty to another is the result Unique marriageGod officiated (2.24-25)

Original Foundation
Design: Genesis 1.8-21
Divine Surgery: Unique Picture *Adam slept *Christ slept *Adams side was *Christs side was opened pierced *Adam was *Christ is & will be delighted delighted (Eph. 5.25-27)

Original Foundation
Design: Genesis 2:24-25 Leave =To forsake, depart from, let alone, leave behind Cleave=cling to; stick tothe adherence is so tight that to separate would be destructive (2 Sam. 23.20) Perceive=there is a new union; new life unit; new life cycle; fresh, innocent & virgin

Original Foundation Destroyed: Genesis 3:1-19

The Temptation (vv. 3-5) God is Questioned: has God indeed said, you shall not eat of every Gods Truth Contradicted: you shall not surely die Gods Character: God knowsyou will be like Summary: Integrity is questioned; evil intent is implied; word challenged

Original Foundation Destroyed: Genesis 3:1-19

The Response (vv. 3-5) Adding: nor shall you touch it (more demanding/restrictive) Omitting: cf. 2.16; freely eat (Minimized Gods generous person) Weakening: lest [beware] you die (God said you surely would) Sum: All three show up in marriages

Original Foundation Destroyed: Genesis 3:1-19

The Lust (v. 6) Definition: Inordinate desire; deep and strong desire Sensation: good for food (body) Sight: pleasant to the eyes (soul) Self: make one wise (spirit) All three seek to dominate in the flesh (Cf. 1 Jn. 2.15-17)

Original Foundation Destroyed: Genesis 3:1-19

The Shame (v. 7) Discovery: eyeswere opened Seeing good & evil from sins perspectiveSatans partial truth Dignity: knew they were naked Innocence was gone Disgraced/Ashamed: they sewed fig leavesAttempt to cover up

Original Foundation Destroyed: Genesis 3:1-19

The Exposure (vv. 8-10) Distanced: ...hid themselves from the presence of the LordWhere are you No intimacy any longer Denial: I was afraid because I was nakedso I hid myself Half truth Demand: God demands account who told you were nakedhave you eaten There is always an account

Original Foundation Destroyed: Genesis 3:1-19

The Blame (vv. 12-13) Deferral: the WOMAN YOU gave me to be with me, she gave methe serpent deceived me and I ate This continues today in marriages and families and Assemblies and other works of the Almighty

Original Foundation Destroyed: Genesis 3:1-19

The Curse (vv. 14-19) The Serpent/creation (v. 14; cf. Rm. 8.20-22) Enmity between Woman & the Serpent (broken alliance) (v. 15a) Enmity between Satans seed [offspring] & Womans seed [offspring] (v. 15b) Enmity between Satan/Christ: bruise your headbruise your heel (v. 15c)

Original Foundation Destroyed: Genesis 3:1-19

The Curse (vv. 14-19) The woman: multiply sorrowconceptionpainbrin g forth children & desire (Cf. 4.7) for you husband and he shall rule [dominion] over you (v. 16). Sorrow, pain with new life; built in marital frustration

Original Foundation Destroyed: Genesis 3:1-19

The Curse (vv. 14-19) The Man: he shall rule over youbecause you have heeded the voice of your wifeI commanded you... & cursed is the groundtoilall the days of your lifereturn to the ground (vv. 16b19) Sum: Marital conflict, sweat, death

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