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Succeeding factor in Engineering, Intelligent Quotient (IQ) or Emotional Quotient (EQ)?

Group members : Nizanthi Thinagaran 1071116771 Chee Yew Bond 1071113038 Shalani Tharumanathan 1071113512

EQ is the measure of one's emotional intelligence, as defined by the ability to use both emotional and cognitive thought IQ is the measure of a person's intelligence as indicated by an intelligence test; the ratio of a person's mental age to their chronological age

Though IQ has been thoroughly
studied by many known psychologists, research has yet to directly relate the IQ level of an individual to the success of the individual.
Case studies have shown that the IQ level of a person, though necessary, has proven to be insufficient in being able to produce a successful person.

In this study, we seek to answer a number of questions regarding IQ and EQ as a succeeding factor in the field of engineering.
The objectives of this study are: The importance of IQ as a succeeding factor in engineering To determine the importance of EQ as a succeeding factor in engineering To find out if IQ or EQ is a better succeeding factor in engineering

Case Study
The Success of an Engineering Student The Success of an Engineer in the Industry

Engineers find that EQ is more important in ensuring success than IQ for both students and engineers in the industry

Case Study
Engineers have rated the importance of IQ higher than the importance of EQ

Case Study
Importance of IQ Abilities
Technical Skills (Hardware, Programming Skills) Problem Solving or Trouble Shooting Skills
45 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5

The ability to understand, absorb and apply data provided The ability to remember or recall vital technical information 50
50 45 40





35 30 25 20 15


23.08 19.23


7.69 00
Extremely Important Very Important Important Less Important Not Important

Extremely Very Important Less Not Important Important Important Important

10 5 0

Engineers have rated technical skills and problem solving skills as most important.

Case Study
Importance of EQ Abilities
Extremely important

Emotional Resilience

Communication skills

Influence and persuasive skills

Very important Important Less Important Not important

0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6

50 40

20 10 0
Not important at all Less Important Important Very important Extremely important

Engineers have rated motivation and emotional resilience as the most important EQ ability.

Most engineers believe that the importance of IQ and EQ in ensuring the success of an engineering student is about equal.

Most engineers believe that the importance of EQ supersedes the importance of IQ in ensuring the success of an engineer in the field of engineering.
Most engineers believe that their level of EQ is higher or equal to their level of IQ. Among all IQ skills listed in this survey, most engineers believe that technical skills and problem solving skills are most important. Other IQ skills such as the ability to retain information long term or short term are not as important. Among all EQ skills listed in this survey, most engineers believe that emotional resilience to the stress of the working environment and the motivation and drive to succeed were the two most important EQ abilities. Communication and persuasive skills and did not fall too far behind on the chart of importance. However, the ability to take peoples needs into account was rated last amongst all EQ skills

Many multinational companies such as Skype and Google have begun approaching and training their engineers in unconventional ways.
The increase of curriculum and courses offered in educational institutions such as colleges and universities on EQ development.

More focus is provided to the development of communication skills and persuasive skills.
Case studies on how engineers can learn how to cope with the stress of the working environment can be done to imbibe emotional resilience. Coursework marks can be awarded to students that exhibit more drive and motivation to succeed in the task provided.

Within the working environment, companies can adopt strategies such as providing a rest area with facilities to encourage interaction and communication between employees. Many companies provide beneficiaries such as coffee machines and a snack cabinet to encourage interaction. Certain companies have provided an area where employees can play video games when stressed or a sports area such as tennis, squash or badminton courts. Also, instead of providing monetary rewards to employees who perform well technically, other forms of rewards and personal recognition could be awarded to employees who not only perform well technically but also as a team player.

An individual may also choose to heighten his or her EQ level by continuously learning from others around. Also providing critical analysis of ones performance at work by peers and management may help to identify flaws that can then be strengthened by a stepby-step basis.

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