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By: Brian Hrynczyszyn

What are Steroids?

Anabolic-androgenic steroids are synthetic derivatives of the hormone testosterone (Jones, Whiting, and Henderson, 2006, p. 3). Anabolic refers to muscle-building Androgenic refers to increased masculine characteristics. Steroids refers to the class of drugs (The National Institute on Drug Abuse, 2005).

History of Steroids
Discovered in the 1930s Testosterone was first experimented on a dog. This experiment increased the weight of this dog after supplemental testosterone was administered (Roberts, 1998, p. 3). Also used during WWII First users were found to be bodybuilders

Common Street Names

Juice Sterries

Routes of Administration
Orally (Pills) Injections In recent years, use has shifted to the latter category -- shorter-lasting, water-soluble injections. The reason for that is that the side effects associated for the oral form were discovered to be especially worrisome for the liver (Wadler, 2005).

Steroid Users
Athletes (football, baseball, etc.) Non-athletes looking to get big quick

Periods of Use
Taken in cycles of weeks or months Periods of steroid use are referred to as cycling. Cycles of steroids consist of a period of multiple doses of steroids, a period of stopping use, and then a period of use again.

WHEN abusers take different types of steroids to maximize physical effects, and also in an attempt to minimize longterm negative effects.

Male Side Effects

experience a feminization effect along with a decrease in normal male sexual function reduced sperm count Impotence Gynecomastia (development of breasts, usually permanent) shrinking of the testicles difficulty or pain while urinating.

Female Side Effects

Experience a masculization effect facial hair growth deepened voice breast reduction enlargement of the clitoris (usually irreversible) menstrual cycle changes

Both Sexes
Acne bloated appearance rapid weight gain clotting disorders liver damage premature heart attacks and strokes elevated cholesterol levels weakened tendons

MORE Negative Sideeffects

Other dangers are nervous tension, gastrointestinal and leg muscle cramps, headaches, dizziness, and hypertension (Ungerleider, 2001, p. 280)

Along with those dangers, adolescents are also at risk in halting their growth. Steroid use may cause these adolescents to actually be shorter than each should have been (Wadler, 2005). Incidents of premature baldness in adolescents have also been discovered (Ungerleider, 2001, p. 280).

Behavioral Side-effects
Make users hostile and angry at times Mood swings are referred to as Roid Rages When taken at high doses, anabolic steroids can induce high irritability and aggression (Ungerleider, 2001, p. 279).

Only Positive Effects

The only positive effects from steroids are: -increase in endurance -allowance of longer periods of exercise -positive results in muscle mass from strength training (Ungerleider, 2001, p. 279).

Are Steroids Addictive?

Abusers become addicted to the short-term results like -bigger muscles -improved play on the competitive field -more attention from the opposite sex Users can not stop Similar to alcohol, cigarettes, and marijuana

After using steroids, abusers have been found to experience cravings and withdrawal symptoms and pains. Many of these previous users start up again to relieve these withdrawal pains (Wadler, 2005).

Steroids could lead to other Drugs

For example, a study of 227 men admitted in 1999 to a private treatment center for dependence on heroin or other opioids found that 9.3 percent had abused anabolic steroids before trying any other illicit drug. Of these 9.3 percent, 86 percent first used opioids to counteract insomnia and irritability resulting from the anabolic steroids. (The Cleveland Clinic, 2003)

Steroids in Sports
Jose Canseco wrote Juiced -Allegations against
Mark McGwire Rafael Palmeiro (found guilty) Juan Gonzalez Ivan Rodriguez Jason Giambi (found guilty)

New Talks of Barry Bonds History in the Olympics

Barry Bonds Before and After

Young children look up to these men and women as role models Setting a bad example Children might think the only way to get to the professional level is through the use of anabolic steroids

More Social Impacts

Pressure from parents and coaches in athletics Social Pressure to look muscular and big Diminishing the essence of competitive sports

Economic Impact
Steroids are being sold illegally on the Black Market Prices are expensive Abusers are paying the medical consequences of steroids for treatments Federal government (Anabolic Steroid Control Act) and Sports organizations are spending money to prevent steroid users

IN Conclusion
Education should be implemented at a young age on the negative effects of steroids The Government and Sports organizations need to put in tighter bans and laws More testing at all levels Simple acts of getting the word out about steroids


Journal of Pharmacy Practice, 16, 37-44.


Canseco, J. (2005). Juiced: wild times, rampant 'roids, smash hits, and how baseball got big. NY: Harper Collins Publisher, Inc. Chyka, P., (2003). Health risks of selected performance enhancing drugs. Goldman, B. (1984). Death in the locker room: steroids & sports. South Bend, Ind.: Icarus Press, p. 140. Jones, B. L., Whiting, P. J., Henderson, L. P. (2006). Mechanisms of anabolic Androgenic steroid inhibition of epsilon containing GABAa receptors. The Journal of Physiology. Retrieved April 8, 2006, from Kuipers, H., M.D. (2002). Anabolic Steroids: Side Effects. Encyclopedia of Sports
Medicine and Science. Retrieved April 8, 2006, from

Roberts, B. (1998). The history and present status of the drug development of anabolic-androgenic steroids. Anabolic Pharmacology. Retrieved April 8, 2006, from The Cleveland Clinic (2003). Steroids (anabolic-androgenic). Retrieved April 8, 2006, from The National Institute on Drug Abuse (2005). NIDA infofacts: steroids (anabolic-androgenic). Retrieved April 8, 2006, from Ungerleider, S. (2001). Steroids: Youth at Risk. In E. L. Daniel (Ed.), Taking Sides (pp. 278-280). Guilford: McGraw-Hill/Dushkin. Wadler, G. (2005). Anabolic Steroids. Drugs and the Athlete. Retrieved April 8, 2006, from

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