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Rachel Li P2 C3 #15

Lesson 6 Preview

I am going to the Bank to open an Account
Objectives Open a bank Talk about interest rates and exchange rates Projects: Make a fake credit card

Language In Use1. 3.


Language In Use1.
qu3 kuan3 ka3 ATM card

mei3 jin1 US Dollar

bai3 fen1 zhi1 percentage

Language in Use1. . 2. . 3. .

Language in Use (cont).4. 6.


Language in Use (cont).4.

zhi1piao4 check

ji4 mail

zhi2yuan3 employee

Language in Use
4. . 5. . 6. .

Language Notes
means "to open". It can be used when opening a bank account ( ), writing a check ( ), and writing an invoice ( ).

Language Notes (cont.)

When used in " ", is pronounced (hang2). When used as a noun or an adjective to mean "OK" or "good", it is pronounced (xing2).

Language Notes (cont.)

Referring to "account", both and can be used in traditional character texts. However, only is used in simplified character text.

Language Notes (cont.)

means "then" or "in that case". It is often used in conversations to connect sentences.

Language Notes (cont.)

Both and are used in mainland China to mean "exchange rate". In Taiwan, is more commonly used.

Language Notes (cont.)

Both and mean banking machine. is used in mainland China while is commonly used in Taiwan.

Supplementary Vocabulary1.


Supplementary Vocabulary1.
ding4qi1 cun2kuan3 certificate of deposit; fixed deposit

xin1tai2bi4 Taiwan Dollar

Supplementary Vocab. Sentences

1. . 2. .

Supplementary Practice Vocabulary1.


Supplementary Practice Vocabulary1.

jian4kang1 bao3xian3 health insurance

shui4shou1 zi4du4 tax system

Supplementary Vocab.Sentences
1. . 2. .

How to Make a Bank Account

Idiom- -A frog in a well

Moral: To have an open mind

Cultural Notes-
CHINA'S BANKING INDUSTRY China's banking industry is regulated by:
zhong1guo2 ren2min2 ying2hang2 The People's Bank of China (PBOC)

Cultural Notes (cont).

Four Main Banks of China: Bank of China Industrial and Commercial Bank of China Agricultural Bank of CHina China Construction Bank

Fun With Chinese-Song ( ) , . , , .

To the tune of Yu Zhi zi (Zhang, Zhihe) White egret is flyign in front of Mount Xisai, Peach flowers are blossming, water is running and the mandarin fish is fat. With dark green bamboo hat and green straw rain cape on, I do not need to return home even when there is wind and drizzlign rain.

Fun With Chinese-Proverb , .

san1 bai3 liu4shi2 hang2, hang2 hang2 chu1 zhuang1yuan. All trades and professions have their elite.
(*This proverb is usually used to encourage people that no matter what kind of job one does, as long as one works hard one can be successful).*

Useful words p193 Robert Eng C4P4#7

Useful words p193

, , Shji shng, yzhu yu zudu de rn In this world, Asia has the largest population.

Useful words p193

Useful words p193

, .
, .

Shji shng, fizhu yu xdu qing rn. Africa has a lot of poor people.

Useful words p193

Useful words p193

Dyngzhu yu hndu de do Oceania has many islands.

Useful words p193

Useful words p193

\ Bi mizhu fichng fngf North America is very rich.

Useful words p193

Useful words p193

Zhngdng yu xdu shyu Middle East has lots of oil.

Useful words p193

Useful words p193

Ldng mizhu yu xdu rn hu jing xbny y Latin America has many Spanish speaking residents.

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