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Rural development Haga clic para modificar el estilo de subttulo del patrn management

sustainability as agoal for Spain


Jorge Martnez

Introduction and situation of Spain:

Rural areascover 91.3% of Spanish territoryand are home approximately 31%of the population.The Spanish situation ischaracterized by significantregionaldifferences, mainlybetween the areas of interior andon the coast. farmsare mainly located inthe center andsouth, 5/22/12


Structure of rural development policy.


to itspolitical structure,Spain implements theruraldevelopment policyby17 programs (RDP) establishedat regional level bythe Autonomous Communities. has alsocreated aNational Frameworkwhich includes certain elements common to all 17regional programs.


Principles of rural development



rural areasis one of thenew directionssoughtaccording to thenew rural developmentmodel. old dev:
process of change to get more competition on rural areas to increase rents

rural dev. new dev:

Identity of territory new directions Susteinability Endogenous and interloaded link 5/22/12

Susteinable development

development in a integrated approach is, in application, a

multisectorial and multidisciplinar framework.


promotes rural development wich sustains the quality and amenity of Spanish landscapes. development is based on 5/22/12


Sustainable development

the different regions of Spain, the aim of these sustainable plans of development is to elaborate an integrated framework for regional sustainable development analysis which is based on an overall system perspective and can be communicated to local decision-makers.


Spain,sustainableruraldevelopment 5/22/12

Sustainable dev: modernisation and changes


An spanish example of sustainable rural dev. projects Rural plans in Andalusia:

AreaPlansinAndalusia asa tool for implementinga new model ofsustainable development,territorial, holistic, participatory, coordinated andagreed between the administrations, whichhave the following objectives:


An spanish example of rural dev. projects

How we do this? By five phases:
Phase1 Phase

Characterizationand Diagnosis of theRural Zone. 2RuralPlanning Guidelinesand Analysis ofComplementarity. Strategiesand Objectives. 4Proposed measures andfundingframeworks. 5/22/12

Phase3 Phase

The beneficiariesof the projects arein general terms,the population livingin these areas, especially:

TheAssociations, ConsortiumsandCouncils. The subsidiariesor relatedto the above. Private companies. Cooperatives. Thenon-profitassociations.

So we could see that LOCAL ACTION GROUPS are the main beneficiaries of their own projects of sustainable rural development.

In conclusion, sustainability is



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