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Project Management Framework

Eng: Hazem A. Soliman, PMP

Course Agenda

Section I Project Management Framework Background about the PMP certification. Section II The Standards of PM in a Project What is a Project? What are Portfolio Management, Program Management and Project Management. Relationship to other management disciplines. Project Phases, Project life cycle and Product life cycle. Project Stakeholders. Section III The PM Knowledge Areas The Project Management Nine Knowledge Areas PM Methodology

PMI Evolution

Project Management Body of Knowledge

What is a Project

What is a Project

A Project is a temporary endeavor undertaken to create a unique product, service, or result. Temporary (definite beginning and ending). Unique product, service or result. Progressive Elaboration (developing in steps and continuing increments.

Project Vs Operation

Performed by people Constrained by limited resources Planned, executed and controlled Temporary (definite beginning and ending). Unique product, service or result.

Performed by people Constrained by limited resources Planned, executed and controlled Ongoing Repetitive

Project / Product Life Cycle

Project Management Life Cycle


Project Management Level of Effort


Project Management Phases


Project Management Phases


Organizational Influence


Organizational Influence

O rganiz ation T y pe M atrix P roject Functional W eak M atrix B alanced Strong M atrix Projectized C haracteristics M atrix P roject M anager's Little or Lim ited Lo w to M oderate H igh to A uthority N one M oderate T o H igh A lm ost T otal P ercent of P erform ing O rganization 's V irtually 00 % - 0 0- 0 00% 5- 5 55% 0- 0% 00 0 P ersonnel A ssigned Full-one N tim e to P roject W ork P roject M anager's R olePart-tim e Part-tim e Full-tim e Full-tim e Full-tim e C om m on T itle for Project Project Project Project Project P roject M anager's R oleC oordinator/ C oordinator/ M anager/ M anager/ M anager/ Project LeaderProject LeaderProject O fficerProgram M anager Program M anag P roject M anagem ent A dm inistrative Staff Part-tim e Part-tim e Part-tim e Full-tim e Full-tim e


PM Maturity Model
FUTURE AMBITION OVER NEXT 12-18 MONTHS Optimized Integrated Standardized

TODAY Repeatable Initial/ Ad-hoc

Benchmarking Formal Prioritization Process Lessons Learnt Application PM Knowledge & Content Management Optimization of PM Data

Formal/Singular PM Methodology Definition of Common PMO PM Processes Systematic Project/Program Formal PM Training Planning & Control Repeatable PM Post Project Reviews Practices across & Audits Projects

Portfolio Management Integrated MultiProgram Planning & Control Enterprise Resource Leveling Enterprise PM Suite

No Formal PM Practices & Standards Dependent on Individual Skills

Source: Adopted from SEI Capability Model


Sample: Benchmark Results

PM Maturity Benchmarking Survey Results

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

0.0 0

Research Objectives Determine level of project management maturity industrywide Examine and compare project management maturity across industries Scope Overall Maturity 9 PM disciplines/Knowledge areas 126 participating organizations Across 4 industries: Manufacturing Finance & Insurance Information Technology, Telecom. Professional, Scientific, and Tech. Services

5.5 5 0 .0 0 0 .0 0 .0






Highlights of research findings More than 60% of participating organizations are at either level 1 or 2 in terms of project management maturity For those organizations that have no Project Portfolio Management (PPM) process in place, the biggest challenge to implementing effective PPM is lack of executive support (65.2%) A significant number of organizations do not have enough resources in place to make their project portfolios (programs & projects) achievable Top performers are particularly better by having a central repository to capture project information, having information available on resources, planning from a portfolio perspective, actively balancing resource capacity and demand


Role of the PMO

The Four Essentials of Project/Program Management Building Blocks for Vodafone PM Process

Common Vocabulary

Project Life Cycle

Team Work

P.M Knowledge Areas

PM Platform


Project Management Practices

Project Management Training


PM Knowledge Areas


PM Methodology


PM Methodology


PM Methodology Planning


PM Methodology Execution


PM Methodology Controlling


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