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Cicero Letters


Met Cicero as students in Athens

Titus Pomponius Atticus (110-32 BCE)

Wealthy equestrian background (through land in Epirus, Greece) Often helped Cicero out, financially Born in Rome Left Rome in 85, because of civil war, for Athens Lived there for many years Adopted Epicurean philosophy; took no 5/22/12 active part in politics

Rome, Summer 62 BCE

Cicero to Pompey, in Asia Minor Cicero awaiting Pompeys return from the East Purpose:

To express his wish for a political alliance with Pompey, after returning from the East To boast about his actions as consul in 63, dealing with the Catilinarian conspiracy


Rome, June/July 59 BCE

Cicero to Atticus, who is on his way to Epirus, Greece Time of formation of the first triumvirate Purpose:

Cicero trying to explain the oppression in Rome Informing Atticus of Caesars offers to Cicero:

4th member of alliance (Dec. 60) Position on staff of agrarian commission


Thessalonica, November 58 BCE

Cicero to wife (Terentia), daughter (Tullia) & son (Marcus) Cicero has been exiled Purpose:

To praise Terentia for coping with the situation How unbelievably brave and strong you are being To express financial concern, regarding son Marcus education



Antium, May 56 BCE

Cicero to Atticus Ciceros palinode Retracts opinion about triumvirate Effectively muzzled in senate Purpose:

To explain why Atticus, unusually, did not receive the first draft of Ciceros speech/writing

To inform Atticus of his reconciliation to the triumvirate Letters to Pompey, and perhaps Caesar, recanting No longer 5/22/12 speaking out against them

Rome, mid-53

Cicero to Gaius Scribonious Curio Cicero out of politics Devoting time to philosophy Purpose:

To describe the different types of letter (informative/humorous/serious/etc.) to his young protg Curio To encourage Curio in his political ambitions



Cicero to Atticus

Minturnae, 5/6th May 51 BCE

Cicero is governor of Cilicia Consequence of Pompeys legislation Purpose:

To describe to Atticus an uncomfortable evening spent with his brother Quintus & his wife Pomponia (Atticus sister) To ask Atticus to intervene with his sister & advise her on her behaviour



Laodicea, 4th April 50 BCE

Cicero to Marcus Caelius Rufus (whom Cicero relies on for news in Rome) Cicero is a good governor of Sicily Worked strenuously & legally Purpose:

To inform his friend Caelius Rufus of the progress of his governorship of Cilicia

Cicero unwilling to fulfil Rufus request for panthers, which he will use for 5/22/12 games as aedile

From Cicero, Quintus & sons to Tiro (Ciceros biographer) Cicero left Cilicia on 3rd August 50 BCE On way back to Rome Purpose:

Leucas, 7th November 50 BCE

To send message of sympathy to exslave Tiro, who is very ill Quite repetitive Tells Tiro again & again not to exert himself, to rest, etc.



From Pompey to Cicero

Canusium (Canosa), 20th February 49 BCE

Civil war has begun Pompey on his way to Greece (his wealth & powerbase in the East) Purpose:

To entice Cicero into joining Pompey & the optimates in Greece, in order to help plan against Caesar short Pompey is not the greatest

5/22/12 Very

Formiae, 24th February 49 BCE

Cicero to Atticus Cicero must join a side in the civil war Purpose:

To criticise Pompey & his actions Evacuating Italy with the republicans and withdrawing to Greece (Seemed like a good tactic Pompeys power base) More emotional than informative

Brief 5/22/12

Formiae, 12th March 49 BCE

Cicero to Atticus Cicero still needs to choose a side (Pomponeians/Republicans OR Caesarians) Purpose:

Asks Atticus inquisitive questions of principle regarding the political crisis with which Cicero is faced Seeking guidance for his own actions

Shows importance of Atticus letters to 5/22/12 him Feels relieved when reading them

Formiae, 19th March 49 BCE

From Cicero to Caesar Cicero doesnt want violence and war Purpose:

Trying to persuade Caesar to come to a diplomatic solution to civil war with Pompey Reconcile him to yourself and the state

Complimentary Your generosity and kindness As mentioned by Lentulus, who 5/22/12

On the march, 16th April 49 BCE

From Caesar to Cicero Caesar on his way to Greece (But goes to Spain first Removes opposition behind) Purpose:

Caesar trying to dissuade Cicero from joining Pompey and the republicans

Manipulative Acting against your own interests Caesar referring to possible 5/22/12

Brundisium, 12/13th June 47 BCE

Cicero to Atticus Ciceros self-imposed exile after the death of Pompey & defeat of Republicans at Pharsalus Purpose:

To express concern for his daughter Tullia, who is in her 3rd marriage (this time to Publius Cornelius Dolabella) An outrageously bad husband

Style: 5/22/12

Rome, Early 46 BCE

Cicero to Marcus Terentius Varro (One of Pompeys former commanders in Spain, whom Caesar pardoned Also a great scholar) Cicero reconciles to the dictatorship Purpose:

To express hope that the two will soon meet & be able to forget political disasters and focus on their literary interests instead



Astura, 15th May 45 BCE

Cicero to Atticus Cicero grieving after death of his daughter Tullia, during childbirth in Feb. 45 BCE Purpose:

To express Ciceros feelings, after the death of Tullia (to whom Pubilia was not sympathetic Reason for divorce from Cicero) request to see Atticus Do come as

5/22/12 To

Tusculum, 7/8th August, 45 BCE

Cicero to Atticus Caesar dictator in Rome Supported by Ciceros nephew Quintus (son of his brother Quintus) Purpose:

To seek advice from Atticus, regarding nephew Quintus, who has angered his father



Puteoli, 19th December 45 BCE

Cicero to Atticus Caesar stopped for dinner at one of Ciceros villas Showing Ciceros acquiescence to Caesar Purpose:

To describe the events of Ciceros dinner with Caesar & Caesars private meeting with Philippus & Balbus No true greeting to begin the

Informal 5/22/12

Cicero to Atticus

Lanuvium, 9/10th April 44 BCE

Cicero pleased by Caesars assassination Hopes republic will be restored Purpose:

To request any news/information about the political situation If you hear any news...tell me it quickly Cicero could have been politically influential in Rome but rapidly moved about, because he 5/22/12 felt threatened

Sinuessa, 18th May 44 BCE

Cicero to Atticus Brutus speech to the people (after Caesars death) failed Purpose:

To share any news of recent events with Atticus Attended funeral of Gnaeus Lucullus mother Also received Brutus speech to make corrections for publication ask for Atticus view of Brutus speech

To 5/22/12

Antium, 8th June 44 BCE

Cicero to Atticus Cicero attends the conference of the conspirators on Capitol Purpose:

To inform Atticus of the discussion at the meeting on Capitol with the conspirators (Cicero advises both Brutus & Cassius leave Rome for their own safety

To let Atticus know Cicero has been enrolled on the staff of Dolabella 5/22/12

Rome, 2nd February 43 BCE

Cicero to Gaius Trebonius (One of the conspirators involved in assassination Caesar) Mark Antony consul after Caesars death Purpose:
To inform Trebonius of the political situation in Rome (even though he is probably already aware) Though I expect you have heard all this, all the 5/22/12 same I want you to know more about it

Rome, 20th March 43 BCE

Cicero to Lucius Munatius Plancus (governor of Gallia Comata) Hostility between Cicero & Mark Antony Purpose:


To convince Plancus to commit himself to the senate Cicero aiming to increase opposition to Mark Antony Plancus initially places himself under the orders of the senate, but soon afterwards joins Antony

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