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comes from within - is what we make of ourselves. Impression comes from other people - is what other people make of us. Working on our appearance can heighten our confidence, when we feel good about how we look. Personal refinement is nurtured as part of our personality to complement our appearance. The motivation for social mannerism, deportment and business etiquette is to draw people to us. Importance of Your Image

What image does your organization project/portray

What is your opinion of professional image?



the part walk the part and look the part


Did you know that .In one significant study of fifty-eight unacquainted men and women in a social setting, after a first date, 89 percent of the people who wanted second date decided because of the attractiveness of the partner!
(Brislin and Lewis)

Do you know how a person evaluates you?

55% body language and appearance

38% verbal tone

7% verbal content



Self Perception Perception by others

Communications skills


Effectiveness Persuasiveness

Human skills


Intra/Interpersonal Influence/power


conscious afraid Cost Time Knowledge

MEN Shoulders wider than hips Shoulders and hips in balance Hips wider than shoulders



Objective : Minimize the bust & midriff area & widen the hips

Hourglass Objective : Minimize curves & elongate figure

Objective: Create fullness & width above the waistline while minimizing the hips & thighs


Objective: Minimize the upper body & create amore slender shape


Objective: Create a look with more fullness & shape


Objective: Elongate & slim down the body


Large, horizontal stripes more filled out Vertical design details of trousers slim and elongate the silhouette One color value head to toe slimming vertical effect Breaking up color scheme (black pants+ light shirt) creates widening horizontal line Black shirt and pants + light jacket: slimming Shoulder pads horizontal widens and balance wide hips (women) and large stomach (men)

Clothes for Men Clothes for Women


Tie Pants Shoes Accessories: Watch, Belt, Pen & Glasses Time Place - Function


Fashion and Color Headwear/ Tudung Shoes Handbag Accessories Lipstick Perfume
Time Place - Function

Clothes Handbags Shoes Accessories Maintenance

Body Cleanliness and freshness Fragrances Maintenance Face Make-up Oral hygiene Eyewear


= Kepimpinan Biru Gelap = Kuasa Biru = Peramah Merah = Agresif/ Asertif Kuning = Kegembiraan Coklat = Teguh Hijau = Harmoni

Pleasing arrangement of parts:

pleasing to the eye engages the viewer creates an inner sense of order, a balance in the visual experience.

When something is not harmonious, it's either boring or chaotic.

so bland that the viewer is not engaged. human brain will reject under-stimulating information. visual experience that is so overdone, so chaotic that the viewer can't stand to look at it.

Extreme unity = under-stimulation, extreme complexity = over-stimulation. Harmony is a dynamic equilibrium.


Introduce men to women Introduce the less to the more important Introduce lower to upper rank Introduce the young to the old

b) Effectiveness of Introduction

Both parties are ready to be introduced and accept introduction Pronounce names clearly and correctly Make eye contact If you forget their names, it is best to admit.

c) Starting the introduction

Let me introduce Mam.. This is Mr. May I introduce

d) Polite responses

How are you? Nice to meet you? Hello!


Contact Smile Put your hand out follow step 1, 2 and 3 Greetings What do you do when you choose not shake hands?


remembering names. Ask the other person open-ended questions and dont talk too much about yourself. Look for commonalities in the other person. Before offering your business card to someone, always say, May I give you my card? Make friends first; business will eventually follow.

Do not ask personal questions. Do not talk about politics or religion. Do not condemn or compare with a competitor Do not belch, curse, swear, stretch or yawn. Gossip, laugh aloud, shout or yell.


engaged in long or unnecessary telephone conversations Talk when someone else/customer is talking Look elsewhere when someone is talking to you. Pass or make any form of adverse or negative comment.


in the Office is not Social and not

Intimate Classified as Office Behaviour Need to differentiate between Social, Intimate and Office behaviours

Loafing Inciting


little wars Laziness Tardiness A Social Retard Lack of Responsibility

attired Good handshake Conversational Knowledgeable Positive Outlook



menu: Western, Chinese, Malay The cover : according to menu and order of items Seating arrangement:

YASA Map Tagging Seniority : Begins from the right


will be served from your left and cleared from your right Drinks will be served from your right Give room to the waiter Always say please and thank you to the waiter


people Higher ranking persons Ladies first Speak for persons near you, for your table How to answer the cell-phone?

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