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Presented by: Refilwe Dema and Rapula Otukile

* Aim of the presentation is to argue and outline the

importance of strategic leadership for effective strategy implementation.

* Nature of Effective Strategic leadership * Mental models for strategic leaders * Strategic leadership competencies * Roles of strategic leaders * GLOBE research project * Northlands Ledger case study as a basis of discussion

* Understanding entire organisation and its environment * Effective strategic leaders need to:
* Think strategically * Display emotional intelligent and behavioural complexity * Be transformational/visionary leaders (4 Is) * Display African leadership/globe leadership

* In implementing strategy, Leaders need to use above

mentioned competencies to:

* To set organizational direction * Drive strategy , * Staff the organization and manage social capital, * Build and use core competencies, * Create organizational alignment , * Create an organizational culture and values supportive of the

* Lastly to lead and manage change.

* Mental models assist in making sense of the world * Models which could assist leaders in strategy

* Open Systems Model

* Congruence Model

* Higgins 8S Model

Organisations do not exist in isolation.

Interact with the environment

Opposed to close systems Useful in understanding:

* Organisational Functioning * Complex and dynamic terms * External environment * Internal context * and interrelationships

* Thinking strategically * Use of mental models to diagnose and solve

strategic problems.

* Cognitive complexity, multiple and

complementary perspectives to describe and analyze events

* Change paradigms away from

* Allison vs. Potter

reductionist model of the world that depicts a linear ,predictable and controllable model

* The ability to manage ourselves * Self awareness * Self regulation * Motivation * The ability to manage relationships * Empathy * Social skills * Emotional intelligence at the ledger

* Visionary leadership which is an extension of

transactional leadership

* Four employee out comes

* Idealized influence * Inspirational motivation * Individualized consideration * Intellectual stimulation

* Transformational leadership at the ledger

* Servant leadership that is congruent with


prevailing values, favoring communal solutions

* Trust and consultation form the basis of * Interests of the community far transcend
individual interest.

* Global leadership at the ledger

* Effective leaders set organizational direction

* Clicks Group limited * Coca cola * IMBs Lou Gestner

* Direction setting at the ledger

* Leaders should guide organizations to ensure

that strategy is executed and translated into practical terms

* Leadership by middle managers is key * Ensure alignment of components with strategy * Use of the balanced score card to translate

strategy into practical performance measures.

* Driving the strategy at the Ledger

* For effective strategy execution, competent

people in the organization are critical

* SA breweries * Edcon * Unilever

* Human and social capital at the ledger

* Leaders are needed to mobilize the necessary

resources and capabilities needed for cementing core competencies for successful strategy implementation

* Core competencies typically refer to the

organizations functional skills

* SABs Human resources * Edcon * Building core competencies at the ledger

* For leaders to be successful in strategy

implementation, all the components of the organisation should be aligned and working together as a whole.

* Organisational alignment at the ledger

* Leaders primary transmitters of the organizations unique

set of ideologies, symbols and core values that are shared throughout the firm and influence the way business is conducted.

* Organisational culture at the ledger

* Effective strategic leaders need to be open and

accepting to change. They should be able to:

* conceptualise the change * what kind of change is required * What components in the organisation need
to produce the change.

* VW Citi Golf * Leading and managing change at the ledger

* Extension of Open systems model * Alignment of interrelationships * Consider all factors in environment * Resources & history--> INPUTS * Strategy= how they use inputs * All elements interact * Implementation success a Fit
needs to be created

* Based on McKinsey 7-S model * 8th S is Strategic Performance * Skills replaced by reSources * Successful strategy implementation
depends on alignment.

* Key organisational factors need to

be aligned with strategy.

* To achieve Strategy Performance

* Global Leadership and Organizational Behaviour Effectiveness * Multiphase study, examines impact of culture on leadership
and organisational practices.

* Objectives of project:
* Are there any universal aspects of leadership? * Explore relationships between societal culture, organizational
culture and organizational leadership. studied

* Develop quantitative and qualitative description of the cultures

* 62 societies were studied * Divided into 10 clusters

Anglo-7 Nordic Europe - 3 Eastern Europe - 8 Sub-Saharan Africa - 5

Latin Europe - 6 Germanic Europe - 5 Latin America - 10 Middle East - 5

Southern Asia - 6

Confucian Asia - 6

* 9 cultural dimensions identified * Both Societal-level and organisational-level * These are:

* Uncertainty Avoidance * Power Distance * Institutional Collectivism * In-Group Collectivism * Gender Egalitarianism * Assertiveness * Future Orientation * Performance Orientation * Humane Orientation

* 6 Global Leadership dimensions identified * These are:

* Charismatic/Value-Based leadership * Team Oriented leadership * Participatory leadership * Humane Oriented leadership * Autonomous leadership * Self-Protective leadership

"A leader's strength is forged in his desire to learn and grow as a person.- Spartan King Leonidas

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