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Daily Manner in United Kingdom

Click to edit Master subtitle style By: Emilda Suwandani 07 431 0_ _


Table manner


Table manner


Telephone manner

Do Not Leave people on Hold for Long Periods the most irritating part of a call for a customer is being left on hold, sometimes this is necessary but does not have to be prolonged and can often lead to a people disconnecting the line. Clear and Concise Always stay calm and talk clearly and concisely. Often company members who are not confident in phone situations will talk quickly to get through the information and deal with the call as soon as possible. To make your customers feel secure in your hands, talk slowly and 5/23/12 clearly, even if you are nervous do not let the

Telephone manner


Houses in Uk

Most people in England live in urban areas. Towns and cities are spreading into their surrounding environment to cope with the increase populations. Most houses in England are made of stone or brick from the local area where the houses are built. The colours of the stones and bricks vary across the country.


Social Life in United Kingdom

By : to Andriyani Click Liliedit Master subtitle style 08 431 065



Famil y life
IN THE PAST NOWADAYS People got married and stayed married Divorce= difficult, expensive, took long time Married before had children

Live together (cohabit) without getting married Divorce= easy

40% children born from unmarried parents

Single parent families are rare

Single parent families are

Social Activities


Social Activities


Education in UK
Click to edit Master subtitle style By: Durrotun Masumah 08 431 098







HaLLoween In United Kingdom

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Definition of HaLLoween

Halloween is a holiday annually celebrated on October 31. Some people hold Halloween parties on or around this date, where the hosts and guests often dress up as skeletons, ghosts or other scary figures. Common symbols of Halloween include pumpkins, bats and spiders.


Halloween has its origins in pagan festivals held around the end of October in England, Wales, Scotland and Ireland. People believed that, at this time of year, the spirits of dead people could come 'alive' and walk among the living. They thought that it was important to dress up in costumes when venturing outside, to avoid being harmed by the spirits..

Some people believe that apple bobbing is a reminder of the way women accused of witchcraft in the middle ages were tried. They were tied to a chair and repeatedly ducked into a river or pond. If a woman drowned, she was declared innocent. If she survived, she was declared a witch and burnt at the stake. Others think that apple bobbing is a way for young people to predict who they will marry or whether their partner is 5/23/12 faithful.

What do People do ? Halloween celebrations in the United Kingdom include parties where guests are often expected to arrive in a costume to reflect the day's theme. Other people gather together to watch horror films, either at home or at a cinema. Some children go trick-or-treating. This means that they dress up and go to other peoples' houses, 5/23/12 knocking on the door for treat of


There are various symbols are associated with Halloween. The colors orange and black are very common. Other symbols include pumpkin lanterns, witches, wizards, ghosts, spirits and characters from horror films. Animals associated with the festival include bats, spiders and black cats.

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