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Artificial Agents Play the Beer Game Eliminate the Bullwhip Effect and Whip the MBAs

Steven O. Kimbrough D.-J. Wu Fang Zhong

FMEC, Philadelphia, June 2000; file: beergameslides.ppt

The MIT Beer Game

Retailer, Wholesaler, Distributor and Manufacturer.

Minimize system-wide (chain) long-run average cost.

Information sharing: Mail. Demand: Deterministic. Costs

Holding cost: $1.00/case/week. Penalty cost: $2.00/case/week.

Leadtime: 2 weeks physical delay

1. New shipments delivered. 2. Orders arrive. 3. Fill orders plus backlog. 4. Decide how much to order. 5. Calculate inventory costs.

Game Board

The Bullwhip Effect

Order variability is amplified upstream in the supply chain. Industry examples (P&G, HP).

Observed Bullwhip effect from undergraduates game playing

R etailer's O rder
40 40

W holesaler's O rder




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W eek

W eek

D istributor's O rder
40 40

Factory's O rder





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W eek

W eek

Bullwhip Effect Example (P & G)

Lee et al., 1997, Sloan Management Review

Analytic Results: Deterministic Demand

Fixed lead time. Players work as a team. Manufacturer has unlimited capacity.

1-1 policy is optimal -- order whatever amount is ordered from your customer.

Analytic Results: Stochastic Demand

(Chen, 1999, Management Science)

Additional assumptions:
Only the Retailer incurs penalty cost. Demand distribution is common knowledge. Fixed information lead time. Decreasing holding costs upstream in the chain.

Order-up-to (base stock installation) policy is optimal.

Agent-Based Approach
Agents work as a team. No agent has knowledge on demand distribution. No information sharing among agents. Agents learn via genetic algorithms. Fixed or stochastic leadtime.

Research Questions
Can the agents track the demand? Can the agents eliminate the Bullwhip effect? Can the agents discover the optimal policies if they exist? Can the agents discover reasonably good policies under complex scenarios where analytical solutions are not available?


Agents Coding Strategy

Bit-string representation with fixed length n. Leftmost bit represents the sign of + or -. The rest bits represent how much to order. Rule x+1 means if demand is x then order x+1. Rule search space is 2n-1 1.

Experiment 1a: First Cup

Deterministic demand with fixed leadtime. Fix the policy of Wholesaler, Distributor and Manufacturer to be 1-1. Only the Retailer agent learns.

Result: Retailer Agent finds 1-1.

Experiment 1b
All four Agents learn under the environment of experiment 1a. ber rule for the team. All four agents find 1-1.

Result of Experiment 1b
All four agents can find the optimal 1-1 policy
9 8 7 6 R etai ler 5 4 3 2 1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 20 2 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 3 32 33 34 35 W holeSaler D i s tr i b u te r F a c to r y

W eek

Artificial Agents Whip the MBAs and Undergraduates in Playing the MIT Beer Game
Accumulated Cost Comparison of MBAs and our agents


Accumulated Cost

MBA Group1 3000 MBA Group2 MBA Group3 Agent UnderGradGroup1 2000 UnderGradGroup2 UnderGradGroup3


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Stability (Experiment 1b)

Fix any three agents to be 1-1, and allow the fourth agent to learn. The fourth agent minimizes its own long-run average cost rather than the team cost. No agent has any incentive to deviate once the others are playing 1-1. Therefore 1-1 is apparently Nash.

Experiment 2: Second Cup

Demand uniformly distributed between [0,15]. Fixed lead time. All four Agents make their own decisions as in experiment 1b.

Agents eliminate the Bullwhip effect. Agents find better policies than 1-1.

Artificial agents eliminate the Bullwhip effect.

20 18 16 14 12 Order 10 8 6 4 2 0 1 3 5 7 9 29 31 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 25 27 33 Week 35 Retailer WholeSaler Factory Distributer

Artificial agents discover a better policy than 1-1 when facing stochastic demand with penalty costs for all players.
A cc u m u la te d C o st v s. W e e k
50 00

40 00

Accumulated Cost

30 00

A ge nt Co s t 1-1 Cos t

20 00

10 00

0 1 3 5 7 9 13 15 19 25 27 31 33 11 17 21 23 29 We e k 35

Experiment 3: Third Cup

Lead time uniformly distributed between [0,4]. The rest as in experiment 2.

Agents find better policies than 1-1. No Bullwhip effect. The polices discovered by agents are Nash.

Artificial agents discover better and stable policies than 1-1 when facing stochastic demand and stochastic lead-time.



1-1 cost Agent cost


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Artificial Agents are able to eliminate the Bullwhip effect when facing stochastic demand with stochastic leadtime.
25 20


Retailor Order WholeSaler Order Distributer Order Factory Order


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Agents learning
Generation Winner Strategies Retailer Wholesaler Distributor Manufacturer Total Cost

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

x0 x+3 x0 x1 x+0 x+3 x0 x+2 x+1 x+1 x+1

x1 x2 x+5 x+5 x+5 x+1 x+1 x+1 x+1 x+1 x+1

x+4 x+2 x+6 x+2 x0 x+ 2 x+2 x+2 x+2 x+2 x+2

x+2 x+5 x+3 x+3 x2 x+3 x+0 x+ 1 x+1 x+1 x+1

7380 7856 6987 6137 6129 3886 3071 2694 2555 2555 2555

The Columbia Beer Game

Information lead time: (2, 2, 2, 0). Physical lead time: (2, 2, 2, 3). Initial conditions set as Chen (1999).

Agents find the optimal policy: order whatever is ordered with time shift, i.e., Q1 = D (t-1), Qi = Qi-1 (t li-1).

Ongoing Research: More Beer

Value of information sharing. Coordination and cooperation. Bargaining and negotiation. Alternative learning mechanisms: Classifier systems.

Agents are capable of playing the Beer Game
Track demand. Eliminate the Bullwhip effect. Discover the optimal policies if exist. Discover good policies under complex scenarios where analytical solutions not available.

Intelligent and agile supply chain. Multi-agent enterprise modeling.

A framework for multi-agent intelligent enterprise modeling

Pricing A gent Investm ent A gent

Executive C m om unity (StrategyFinder)

Production C m om unity (LivingFactory)

Supply C hain C m om unity (D ragonC hain)

E-M arketplace C m om unity (eB C A )

Factory A gent D istributor A gent

R etailer A gent W holesaler A gent C ontracting A gent

B idding A gent A uction A gent

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