By Katherine Rodriguez 8 PRD

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By Katherine Rodriguez 8th prd

as 11 years Neglect and negative thoughts Harsh circumstances Lifestyle change Grief from loosing someone Physical or sexual abuse Social isolation Stress Family history of depression


starts as early as 11 years. Bad childhood Family issues Bullied Judgment Bad influences No attention Affect their understanding Hormones change Eating disorders Early pregnancy

In teenage depression, it

After 4 weeks of delivery Rapid drop of hormones Mood swings Anxiety Panic attacks Rapid rage 1:10 will experience it longer Tend to be aloof from the baby Thoughts of harming her child as well as herself Cant cope with everyday situations

to hear imaginary voices See imaginary things Frightening visuals and sounds


mania Sadness to rage High suicide rates

From depression to

thoughts Feeling sad or worthless Lost of interest Insomnia Loss of interactions Isolated Feeling slowed down Hypersomnia Weight loss 6.7% people in the U.S are affected by it


increased appetite weight gain sleepiness or excessive sleep, and feeling extremely sensitive to rejection. Usually in the early teenage life Not many symptoms as major

depression Major difference: mood improves rapidly if something positive happens

Change in levels of brain chemicals o Symptoms linger for 2 or more years o Hard to make decisions every day o 1.5% adults affected in U.S. o Childhood or adulthood o Most common is woman

o A.K.A Dysthimia o Mild depression o Less severe

Twice as many woman to men o Hormonal changes o Menstruations o Puberty o Pregnancy o Miscarriage o Menopause o Stress in work o Work at home and at the job o Raising a child o Sadness

6 million men in U.S o Apathy change o Loss of interest o Sleep disturbance o Aggressive o Hostile o Irritable o Less likely to show emotional disturbance such as sadness (tough guy behavior o 70%-80% suicidal rates are men o Usually take drugs and drink

Psychotherapy o Talk therapy o Antidepressants o Electroshocks o Meditation o Balanced diet o Exercise o St. Johns worth
o o o o o o o


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