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NTPC Safety Policy

1. NTPC recognize and accept its responsibilities for establishing and maintaining a safe working environment for all its employees. This responsibilities arises from:
(A) Companys moral responsibility to its employees, to provide the best practicable conditions of work from the point of view of health and safety. (B) The obligation to consult with its staff and their representatives to implement policies and procedures developed as a result of discussions. (C) Statutory responsibility in respects of health safety and welfare of employees emanating from relevant legislation such as factories act, the Indian electricity act, and the boiler act etc.
Safety Module: NTPC Safety Policy, Rev 0.0, Mar 2007

NTPC Safety Policy

2. Companys responsibility The Company shall take all such steps which are reasonable to ensure best possible conditions of work, and with this end in view the Company shall do the following.
2.1 To allocate sufficient resources to provide and maintain safe and health conditions of work 2.2 To take steps to ensure that known safety factors are taken into account in the design, construction, operation and maintenance of plants, machinery and equipment 2.3 To ensure that adequate safety instructions are given to all employees. 2.4 To provide, wherever necessary, protective equipment, Safety appliances and clothing, and to ensure their proper use 2.5 To inform employees about materials, equipment or processes used in their work, which are known to be potentially hazardous to health or safety.

Safety Module: NTPC Safety Policy, Rev 0.0, Mar 2007

NTPC Safety Policy

2.6 To keep all operations and methods of work under regular review for making necessary changes form the point of view of safety in the light of experience and up to date knowledge; 2.7 To provide appropriate facilities for first aid and prompt treatment of injuries and illness at work; 2.8 To provide appropriate instruction, training, retraining and supervision in health and safety and first aid and ensure that adequate publicity is given to these matters; 2.9 To ensure proper implementation of fire prevention and an appropriate fire fighting service, together with training facilities for personnel involved in this service 2.10 To co-ordinate the activities of the company and of its contractors working on the Companys premises for the implementation and maintenance of safe systems of work to comply with their legal obligation with regard to the health, safety and welfare of their employees
Safety Module: NTPC Safety Policy, Rev 0.0, Mar 2007

NTPC Safety Policy

3. The Responsibilities of the Employees Each employee follow prescribed safe methods of work. He should take reasonable care for the health and safety of himself, of his fellow employees and of other persons who may be effected by his action at work. With this in mind employee should be healthy and safety conscious
REPORT potential hazards; OBSERVE safety rules, Procedures and codes practice.

Safety Module: NTPC Safety Policy, Rev 0.0, Mar 2007

NTPC Safety Policy

3. The Responsibilities of the Employees With all reasonable care, use the tools, equipment, safety equipment and protective clothing provided by the company. These items should be kept in good condition. PARTICIPATE in safety training courses when called upon to do so; MAKE USE of safety suggestion scheme. TAKE an active and personal interest in promoting health and safety at work.

Safety Module: NTPC Safety Policy, Rev 0.0, Mar 2007

Safety Systems Prevent Accidents

1. Hazard identification: To identify the unsafe acts and unsafe conditions, daily site inspections, periodical special inspections, surprise checks, joint site inspections are carried out. Special safety inspections are conducted during unit overhaul works and other critical works

Safety Module: NTPC Safety Policy, Rev 0.0, Mar 2007

Safety Systems Prevent Accidents

2. Safety at Overhaul Works: For ensuring the healthiness of scaffoldings & sky climbers inside the boilers, joint inspections are conducted by safety, quality and boiler maintenance departments and protocols are signed and maintained. All portable power tools being used by the contracting agencies are jointly inspected by representatives of Safety and Electrical Maintenance departments before start of the overhaul works to ensure their healthiness Daily inspections are conducted during overhauls by the members of Safety and 24x7 cross functional team members.

Safety Module: NTPC Safety Policy, Rev 0.0, Mar 2007

Safety Systems Prevent Accidents

3. 24x 7 Cross Functional Safety Task Force: An exclusive 24x7 cross functional safety teams on weekly rotational basis have been constituted to ensure the compliance of safety requirements and safe working environment in the plant. The team leader discusses the observations on daily basis in the planning meetings and also in overhaul review meeting for immediate implementation.

Safety Module: NTPC Safety Policy, Rev 0.0, Mar 2007

Safety Systems Prevent Accidents

3. Suggestions For Safety & Implementation: The hazards identified were analysed and apprised to the concerned Engineer-in-charges with suggestions for their rectification; Safety work orders are also issued for implementation of unsafe conditions identified and the same are being monitored; The identified unsafe conditions/actions are regularly followed up and reviewed with concerned by safety department for implementation; The pending observations and critical points are discussed in daily planning meetings for their rectification; Various Safety audits recommendations and other major safety issues/problems which need the attention of General Manager are discussed in various forums for their compliance;
Safety Module: NTPC Safety Policy, Rev 0.0, Mar 2007

Safety Systems Prevent Accidents

4.Employee Participation in Safety Management i) Safety committee:
To involve the employees in safety management, the following forums are functioning.
Safety Committee is constituted as per the statutory requirement with equal participation of workers and management representatives and meetings are conducted once in a month. To involve supervisory employees in safety promotional activities, Safety stewards scheme is in operation. The safety problems pertaining to the concerned stewards department are being discussed and remedial measures are suggested.

ii) Safety Stewards Committee:

iii) Safety Circles:

Safety circles are formed with voluntary membership of employees irrespective of cadre within a department.
Safety Module: NTPC Safety Policy, Rev 0.0, Mar 2007

Safety Systems Prevent Accidents

5. Safety Chelan system To caution the contracting agencies for strict adherence to the safety systems/procedures and for immediate rectification of unsafe conditions /acts safety challis system is in practice. On repetitive violations by any contracting agency, safety challis is issued with a recommendation for imposing penalty.
Safety Module: NTPC Safety Policy, Rev 0.0, Mar 2007

Safety Systems Prevent Accidents

6. Safety audits 3rd party safety audit are conducted every year by a reputed organisations. Internal safety audits are conducted by the safety officers of other projects once in every year PTW audits are conducted jointly by safety and maintenance planning departments once in a month.

Safety Module: NTPC Safety Policy, Rev 0.0, Mar 2007

Safety Systems Prevent Accidents

7. Occupational Medical Check-up Occupational Health check-up for employees working at hazard prone areas is conducted annually as per Statutory and Corporate guidelines. In the year 2004, 639 employees were covered out of 667 employees identified .

Safety Module: NTPC Safety Policy, Rev 0.0, Mar 2007

Safety Systems Prevent Accidents

8. Use of Information Technology for safety Various information like Accident Reporting procedure, Enquiry committee recommendations, Minutes of Safety Meetings, Emergency Plans etc., is kept on the web site / Intranet for the benefit of all the employees. 9.Inspection/Testing of Fire Detection/ Protection Systems Inspection/testing of Fire detection/protection systems are conducted as per the schedules involving Safety,Maintenance Planning, Operation, Maintenance and CISF- Fire wing departments. Protocols are maintained
Safety Module: NTPC Safety Policy, Rev 0.0, Mar 2007

Thank You

Safety Module: NTPC Safety Policy, Rev 0.0, Mar 2007

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