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For ET-2008 Batch.


1.Why Are some people quiet and passive, while others are loud and aggressive?
2.Are certain personality types better adapted for certain job types?

The dynamic organization within the individual of those psychophysical systems that determines his unique adjustments to his environment. The sum total of ways in which an individual reacts and interacts with others.

Personality is the result of Heredity Or Environment Or Both?

1.Those factors that were determined at conception. 2.Ultimate explanation of an individuals personality is the molecular structure of the genes, located in the chromosomes. 3.Things like, physical structure, facial attractiveness, gender, temperament, muscle composition, reflexes, energy levels etc.

Three different streams of research lend some credibility to the argument that heredity plays an important part in determining an individuals Personality.
1.Genetic underpinning of human behavior temperament among young children. 2.Study of twins separated at birth.

3.Consistency in job satisfaction over time and across situation.

Researchers have found that genetics accounts for about 50 percent of the Personality differences and more than 30 percent of the variation in occupational and leisure interests.

Among factors that exert pressures on our Personality formation are the culture In which we are raised; our early conditioning; the norms among our family, friends and Social groups and other influences that we experience.

A third factor, the situation, influences the effects of heredity and environment on Personality. An individuals, although generally stable and consistent, does change in different situations.

Careful consideration of the arguments favoring either heredity or environment as the primary determinant of personality forces the conclusion that both are important.

Heredity sets the parameters or outer limits, but an individual's full potential will be determined by how well he or she adjusts to the demands and requirements of the environment.

Enduring Characteristics that describe an individuals behavior. Eg. Shyness, aggression, laziness, ambitious, loyal, timid etc.

Characteristics when they are exhibited in a large number of situations, are called personality traits.

16- Primary traits

1. Reserved 2. Less Intelligent 3. Affected by feelings 4. Submissive 5. Serious 6. Expedient 7. Timid 8. Tough-Minded 9. Trusting 10.Practical 11.Forthright 12.Self assured 13.Conservative 14.Group dependent 15.Uncontrolled 16.Relaxed Vs Vs Vs Vs Vs Vs Vs Vs Vs Vs Vs Vs Vs Vs Vs Vs Outgoing More Intelligent Emotionally Stable Dominant Happy-go-Lucky Conscientious Venturesome Sensitive Suspicious Imaginative Shrewd Apprehensive Experimenting Self sufficient Controlled Tense

Some personality tests or Framework:

MBTI, The big five model, FIRO-B etc.
MBTI:- The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator- a personality test that taps four characteristics and classifies people in to 1 of 16 personality types.

The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator is a tool or framework for understanding our own Personality Type and that of others.
1. It's a self-report questionnaire - it's an indicator not a test so there are no right or wrong answers
2. Looks at normal behaviour

3. It identifies preferences rather than competencies, abilities or skills

4. No Personality Type is better or worse - each has its own gifts

5. Used for team building, career guidance, leadership and management.

The 4 scales of the MBTI How we channel Energy Extraversion Introversion How we take in Information Sensing Intuition How we make decisions Thinking Feeling Our lifestyle (orientation to external world) Judging Perceiving

Around two million people a year take the MBTI in US. Organizations using MBTI include Apple Computer, AT&T, Citigroup, GE, 3M Co., plus many hospitals, educational institutions, and even th US armed forces.

Ironically, there is no hard evidence that MBTI is a valid measure of personality. But lack of evidence doesnt seem to deter its vse in a wide range of organizations.

The Big Five Model:

Extroversion: A personality dimension describing someone who is sociable, gregarious and assertive. Agreeableness: A personality dimension that describes someone who is good natured, cooperative & trusting. Conscientiousness: A personality dimension that describes someone who is responsible, dependable, persistent and organized. Emotional Stability: A personality dimension that characterizes someone as calm, self-confident, secure (positive) versus nervous, depressed and insecure (negative). Openness to experience: A personality dimension that characterizes someone in terms of imagination, sensitivity and curiosity.

Developed by a clinical expert in 1977, abbreviated as: Fundamental Interpersonal Relations Orientation-B It provides a profile for an individual and characterizes the personality as follows: 1. Expressed inclusion or Wanted inclusion. 2. Expressed affection or Wanted affection. 3. Expressed control or wanted control.

Major Personality Attributes Influencing Individuals behavior in the organization:

1. Locus control: The degree to which people believe they are masters of their own fate. Internally controlled and Externally controlled. 2. Machiavellianism: Degree to which and individual is pragmatic maintains emotional distance and believes that end can justify means. Under this personality of an individual can be put on a continuum i.e High Mach and Low Mach.

High Machs flourish when they interact face to face with others rather than indirectly, the stuation has a minimum number of rules and regulations thus allowing latitude for improvisation.

Should we conclude that high Machs make good employees? The answer depends on the type of job and whether we consider ethical implications in evaluating performance.High Machs will be good at jobs requiring collective bargaining, negotiation etc.

3. Self Esteem: Individuals degree of liking and disliking themselves.

Research on SE offers some interesting insights in to organizational behaviour. Eg, SE is directly related to expectation for success. High SEs believe that they possess the ability they need to succeed at work. SE has also been found to be related to job satisfaction. A number of studies confirm that high SEs are more satisfied with their jobs than are low SEs.

4. Self Monitoring:-A personality trait that measures an individuals ability to adjust his or her behavior to external situational factors. Different faces for different audiences.

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