General Concept Idea of Environmental Conservation

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General concept idea of environmental conservation


What is environment?
Environment means everything surrounding us, including something that tangible (objects) and intangible (culture, belief,and norm) which associate to each other as cycle of system

Type of environment



environment: 4 spheres

1.1 Biosphere = Space occupied by life 1.2 Atmosphere = Space occupied by air 1.3 Lithosphere = Space occupied by solid 1.4 Hydrosphere = Space occupied by water




= oikos (home) + ology (study) The study of relationship between life and their surrounding environment


is a kind of relation structure between life and environment where they live In each ecosystem, each life needs a minimum space that suitable for surviving there life The biggest ecosystems is an earth called biosphere

Types of ecosystem

and semi-natural ecosystem Urban-industrial ecosystem Agricultural ecosystem

1. Natural and semi-natural ecosystem

This system relies on solar radiation to for surviving

1.1Aquatic ecosystem

1.2 Terrestrial ecosystem

1.2.1 Semi-terrestrial ecosystem : swamp forest

1.2.2 True-terrestrial ecosystem Evergreen forest, desert, savanna,etc

2. Urban-industrial ecosystem
This ecosystem requires synthetic energy produced by human to move the system

3. Agricultural ecosystem
The system is modified from natural environment in order to create new aspect of system to meet the need of human

Composition of ecosystem
1.Abiotic component 2.Biotic component

1. Abiotic component 1.1 Inorganic substance (CO2, H20, O2, etc.) 1.2 Organic substance (protine, carbohydrate, humus,etc.) 1.3 Physical environment (sunlight, temperature, humidity, etc.)

2. Biotic component 2.1 Producer : - the head water of food chain - self-production of food by synthesizing solar radiation (photosynthesis) and natural substances - Green plants, phytoplankton, bacteria

2.2 Consumer : consumer : herbivorous - Primary - Secondary consumer : carnivorous - Tertiary consumer : Omnivorous

2.2 Decomposer
Decomposer is the end-route of food chain. It will produce enzyme to digest carcass of dead plant and animals and turn to be necessary substances for growth of producer

Natural food chain

Equilibrium condition of ecosystem

- Each ecosystem has its own self-regulation mechanism to adjust itself to maintain equilibrium condition of the system. - For example, in each stage of food chain, each component will produce and consume product of the system at minimum level for surviving its life. This factor would control and limit the population number not to be over carrying capacity of the system. - Each ecosystem has its own self-regulation mechanism to adjust itself to maintain equilibrium condition of the system. - Complex food chain is called food web - Our earth composed with many ecosystem and called as biosphere

Human and environment

- In the old days, human lived harmonize with nature - Natural resources were not over-exploitation due to small number of population and strong faith in power nature so that problem of maintaining equilibrium of ecosystem was seldom occurred - After industrial and green revolutions in the last decade, problems of environmental deterioration have been increasing significantly due to over-exploitation of raw materials acquiring from natural resources and dump of chemical waste into environment of industrial and agricultural sectors

Where does the problem come from?

- Population growth increases in exponential rate while food production increases in linier rate


- Economic growth and technology progress

- the two factors let the need of land areas and natural resources to produce goods in order to meet the sufficient requirement of food, medicine, shelter, energy,etc. has been increasing so far

And what is the following affectation?

- Destruction and deterioration of natural resources

- Pollution: air, water, food contamination, and so on

Environmental problems at the local level

- Gaseous pollution: emits from automobiles and industrial machineries (for instance, Carbon monoxide, Carbon dioxide, Sulpher dioxide, Clorine, etc.) - Liquid pollution: flushes out from residence areas and industrial plants - Solid pollution: dumps out as garbage from residence and industrial areas, most of them is difficulty to decompose in natural environment (for example, goods produce from foam, fiberglass, and plastics,etc.)

Environmental problems at the global level

Global warming from greenhouse gases
- Our earth acquires energy from solar radiation, some is absorbed by green plants and some is reflected out to the space. - Some portion of heat of reflect solar radiation is trapped by natural greenhouse gases (i.e. Carbon dioxide, Methane, and Nitrous oxide) and industrial greenhouse gases (i.e, Clorofluorocarbons-CFC, Hydroclorofluorocarbons-HCFC, Hydrofluorocarbon-HFC, Perfluorinatedcarbons-PFC) that enwrap and cover within approximately 45 km of surrounding atmosphere layer thickness around the earth - Heat absorption process causes an increasing in temperature of earth especially in the cities where being major source of greenhouse gases

Carbon dioxide a major greenhouse gas

- Carbon dioxide is released into atmosphere in two major processes:
Machinery combustion automobiles and industrial machineries

Effect of Carbon dioxide on change of global temperature - Before industrial revolution (1750 1800), level of carbon dioxide in global atmosphere was approximately 270 ppm - Nowadays, level of carbon dioxide in global atmosphere is approximately 356 ppm - Scientists estimate level of carbon dioxide in global atmosphere will be double within the next decade

Burning of forest stand by natural forest fire and agricultural practices Carbon is stored in tree wood by the process of carbon sequestration

In 1996, The United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCC) predicted the affectation of global warming caused by Greenhouse gases in the near future would be: - Average temperature may increase 2 0C in the year 2100 - Mean sea level (MSL) may increase up to 15 95 cm in the year 2100 due to the melting of iceberg in the north and south poles (this may cause many seashore areas and islands to sink beneath the sea)

- Approximately 1 in 7 of the wild plants of the worlds forest lands would be changed in their characteristics (many species would be extinguished) especially within the temperate zones

P r o p o r t io n o f g r e e n h o u s e g a s e s r e le a s e f r o s o u r c(m illio n to n e )
13 20 28 38 S la s h a n d b u rn o f fo re s t t re e B u rn in g o f p a d d y fie ld E le c t ric a l g e n e ra t io n p la n t L ive s t o c k p ro d u c t io n E x p lo it a t io n o f N W F P S m a ll in d u s t ry in ve s t m e n t 13 8 82

In d u s t ria l p ro d u c t io n p ro c e s s e s

How to minimize affect from greenhouse gases?

- Decreasing the consumption quantity of hydrocarbon fuel by providing new source of clean energy such as solar radiation, wind, stream,etc. - Stop using some substance that produce greenhouse gas such as CFC - Promoting of energy saving in all level of society - Rehabilitating of degraded forest area for providing source of Carbon storage

Role of youth in environmental conservation

General concept ideas: - Human is one of a component of environment - We cannot separate or live alone from environment so that we may derive good or bad thing depending on how we treat the environment

Youth and natural resource conservation: how to be a good conservationist? - Willing to do the conservation work by heart, following your believe and faith, not for money - Thinking of the benefit of people at large instead of only oneself - Having open-mind and willing to admit other people although there have extremely different in point of view from you

Conservation and development: How to combine together? - Conservation is the efficiency way to exploit resources - Development is the way to thrive the thing getting better Conservation + Development = Appropriate Development Process The efficiency way to manage natural resources exploitation without generating any affect to environment

For our loving earth

Thank you for your interest

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