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Life lessons in


Facts which we know

He joined Tata & Sons as an unpaid apprentice in 1925. In 1938, at the age of 34, JRD was elected Chairman of Tata & Sons making him the head of the largest industrial group in India


He was awarded the highest civilian award of India the Bharat Ratna in 1992.

JRD's strong point was his intense interest in people and his desire to make them happy.


He used to tell "With each man I have my own way. I am one who will make full allowance for a man's character and idiosyncrasies. To be a leader you have got to lead human beings with affection.''
It is a measure of his affection that even after some of them retired he would write to them. He was always grateful and loyal. To him, ethics included gratitude, loyalty and affection. It came about because he thought not only of business but also of people.

Lessons No. 1

Humility & Humanity

Facts which we know

Physicist whose work was influential in the growth of science in India He was the recipient of the Nobel Prize for Physics in 1930

CV Raman

For the discovery of the phenomenon of light which is now called the Raman effect

After he got the Fellowship of the Royal Society, Raman had said "I'm not flattered by the honour done to me. This is a small achievement. If there is anything that I aspire for, it is the Nobel Prize. You will find that I get that in five years."

CV Raman

And the vital discovery he made precisely at 7 p.m. on February 8, 1928, C.V. Raman was so far-reaching in its effects on modern scientific knowledge that the award of the Nobel Prize for Physics to him became a certainty. In November 1930, even before the awards for that year were announced. His optimism and meticulous planning were such that he reserved berths for himself and his wife on the ocean liner to Sweden five months in advance.

Lessons No. 2

Believe in yourself

Facts which we know

A renowned aerospace engineer, professor & the first Chancellor of the Indian Institute of Space Science and Technology Thiruvananthapuram

Served as the 11th President of India from 2002 to 2007 popularly known as the People's President.

Dr.APJ Abdul Kalam

Awarded the Bharat Ratna, India's highest civilian honour in 1997.

When Dr Kalams first major project SLV 3-failed the first time he was almost shattered. Also, around this time, Kalams childhood mentor, Jallaluddin, died. A part of me too passed away said Dr Kalam. But everyone around Abdul Kalam started mocking his efforts and started calling him as a failure
Dr. Kalam

But he never thought of quitting after SLV-3. I knew that for success, we have to work hard and persevere. And so, SLV-3 was launched again, this time with success. Success followed Dr Kalam. Prithvi, Agni, Akash, Trishul and Nag missiles were huge successes.

Lessons No. 3

Dont be discouraged by negative words

Facts which we know

The last Governor-General of India.
He also served as leader of the Indian National Congress, Premier of the Madras Presidency.

C Rajagopalachari

Governor of West Bengal, Minister for Home Affairs of the Indian Union and Chief Minister of Madras state.

At a railway crossing on learning that the train would take some time in coming, Rajaji asked an accompanying official to get the gates opened for a moment, since they were getting late for an important meeting.


But the gate man politely replied that there could not be two sets of rules, one for the big men and another for the rest of us. And Rajaji had to wait for the train to pass through before he could proceed for his function. Rajaji , apologised to the gateman for the mistake and the very next day Rajaji wrote a letter to the Home Ministry and recommended to honour him with a suitable reward.

Lessons No. 4

All of us make mistakes, only the great ones apologize

Facts which we know

Chanakya is the architect of Chandragupta's rise to power at a young age. He authored the ancient Indian political treatise called Arthastra Chanakya is considered as the pioneer of the field of economics and political science


One evening a visitor from Greece desired audience with Chanakya. He came to Chanakyas humble residence and found him busy with some official paperwork.

There were two oil lamps by his side in the chamber. Only one of the oil lamps was glowing providing adequate light. Chanakya Chanakya gestured the visitor to take a seat.
After finishing his work, Chanakya extinguished the oil lamp that was glowing and lighted the other one. Then started speaking to the visitor. The visitor was curious to know the reason behind the peculiar lamp ritual. Chanakya smiled and explained that the oil for the lamp that was glowing earlier was provided by the King and he used that for official work. Since the visitor was not on an official visit Chanakya preferred using the oil purchased by himself.

Lessons No. 5

Integrity, will take you a long way in life

Facts which we know

An Indian religious, social, and educational reformer called as the father of modern India Founder of the Brahmo Sabha in 1828.
He is known for his efforts to abolish the practice of sati, the Hindu funeral practice in which the widow immolated herself on her husband's funeral pyre.

Rajaram Mohan Roy

On his brothers death, the priests and orthodox relatives, forced his widow to commit Sati by pushing her down with bamboo poles. This blood-curdling sight enlisted Ram Mohans sympathy in a RM Roy crusade against Sati. Which lead to the cruel custom being made illegal in December, 1828. On the abolition of suttee, a campaign was set on foot by the conservative section of Hindus demanding the lifting of the ban. They addressed the house of commons in London that the new legislation amounted to interference with religious custom and was a violation of the policy of religious neutrality. Ram Mohan made ample quotations from the Shastras to show that Sati was not a part of Hindu scriptures. He faced extreme opposition from the conservative section to the extent his mother alienated him But amidst all opposition he emerged successful

Lessons No. 6

Be righteous

Facts which we know

A recipient of the Bharat Ratna, in 1955.
He is held in high regard as the pre-eminent engineer of India. He was the chief designer of the flood protection system for the city of Hyderabad, as well as the chief engineer responsible for the construction of the Krishna Raja Sagar dam in Mysore.

Sir. M Vishveswaraiah

On a visit to the famous Jog Falls, while all his companions were admiring the beauty.

Sir.MV was found intensely staring at the falls

Sir. M V When a friend asked him what did he feel seeing the falls.
What a waste! exclaimed Sir MV, we are always complaining of power shortage and so much energy is being wasted!.

Lessons No. 7

Seek your passion in every action

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