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bravery (n) / brevri /: detective (n) / dtektv /: to evoke (v) / vok /: funding (n) / fnd /:

the character of willing to do things which are difficult, dangerous or painful; not afraid. a person, especially a police officer, whose job is to examine crimes and catch criminals. to bring a feeling, a memory or an image into your mind. money for a particular purpose; the act of providing money for such a purpose.

kind-hearted (adj) / ,kandh:rtd /: kind and generous. observant (adj) / bz:vnt /: good at noticing things around you .

quick-witted (adj) / ,kwkwtd /: able to think quickly; intelligent.

Evoking and Expressing Opinions a) Read quickly the conversation and check the correct answers:
Minh: What do you think about detective stories?

Minh: Tung: Minh: Tung: Minh: Tung:

I think theyre very good for teenagers like us. In fact, I like
reading detective stories very much, especially those by Doyle. Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, you mean? Exactly. Hes an author who writes exciting stories about the brilliant Sherlock Holmes. Id be interested to know your further thoughts on that detective. Well, in my opinion, hes an genius detective. I really admire his

intelligence and bravery.

It sounds like hes your hero. You can say that again. Hes not just quick-minded or brave. Hes very sensitive and observant as well.


Youre right. He can understand people and their feelings very quickly

Evoking and Expressing Opinions a) Read quickly the conversation and check the correct answers:

According to Tung, Sherlock Holmes has these qualities:

Intelligence Hard-working Amusing Quick-witted Patient Courageous Observant Kind-hearted Attentive Decisive

Evoking and Expressing Opinions a) Read quickly the conversation and check the correct answers:
Useful Expressions

Evoking Opinions:
1. What do you think about ? 2. Whats your opinion on / about ? 3. How do you feel about ? 4. Are you opposed to / in favor of ? 5. Id be interested to know your thoughts on ? Expression Opinions:

1. The point Im making is

2. In my opinion, we must / should / need / ought to 3. It seems to me that 4. I (strongly / firmly / really) believe / think / feel that

5. Personally / Frankly, I (dont) think

Evoking and Expressing Opinions b) Get a partner and you two talk about each others opinions on a certain kind of book, writer, or character. You may use these hints. Dont forget to alternate the roles:
Prompts Picture books: Most publications are translations, some of which are culturally

Too much violence. Curt language. Vietnamese writers works would be welcomed; Than Dong Dat Viet, for instance, has been a big success. More funding to the writing of picture books. Stronger promotion to encourage the reading of books by Vietnamese


Evoking and Expressing Opinions b) Get a partner and you two talk about each others opinions on a certain kind of book, writer, or character. You may use these hints. Dont forget to alternate the roles:

Literature books:
Not enough good stories or novels for teenagers. Careless translators. Careless publishers.

Writing contests to be organized, e.g., Tuoi Tre newspaper-organized Sang

Tac Cho Tuoi Doi Muoi.

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