Traditional British Food PP

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Traditional British Food


I have decided to choose this topic because I perceive food as a way of expressing the culture and the evolution of a country. Food has always been not only a nourishing substance that is eaten, drunk or other ways taken into the body for sustaining life, but it is also a way of describing peoples lifestyle and activities. This quotidian aspect has evolved into a sample for any country and in UK it has created a true brand in peoples lifestyle.

British food has evolved considerably incorporating the cooking styles and cuisines of other countries yet at the same time retaining its originality. Each region of Britain has it own characteristic culinary traditions that have played a major role in enriching the history of British cuisine.

A brief history of the British cuisine

British cuisine has always been multicultural, a potpourri of eclectic styles. In ancient times influenced by the Romans and in medieval times the French.

British regional cuisine

In the late 1980's, British cuisine started to look for a new direction. Disenchanted with the overblown Nouvelle Cuisine, chefs began to look a little closer to home for inspiration. Calling on a rich tradition, and utilising many diverse and interesting ingredients, the basis was formed for what is now known as modern British food.

Basic ingredients and traditional cuisine

people consume regularly all types of meat: pork, rabbits or some wild bird species. All of these may be served in restaurants, but, also, fish (salmon, cod, trout) is present.

Meat The British

vegetable in Britain, used since the earliest times, when it was the principal food for poor families, then following cucumbers, cabbage, onions, peas.

Vegetables- potato is the basic

the country, but also berries, which grow smoothly thanks to the cooler climate.

Fruit mainly apples grown throughout

The Sundays Roast

Sunday lunch time is a typical time to eat the traditional Sunday Roast. Traditionally, it consists of roast meat two different kind of vegetables and potatoes with a Yorkshire pudding.

British beer. It is quite strong and leaves a bitter taste in your mouth after drinking. It is usually served at room temperature.

Bitter is the traditional


Stout is dark brown (almost

black) and tastes a little bitter. The most popular example is the Irish drink called Guinness.

produced in Scotland and in Ireland. It can be served on the rocks (with ice). You normally order a shot of whisky in England and Wales, or a dram in Scotland.

Whisky is a strong drink


A cream tea is tea taken in the afternoon with a combination of scones, clotted cream and jam.

5 o'clock tea story

Five o'clock tea is a typical British tradition and consists of tea and cakes, cookies, etc. 5 o'clock tea often is confused with "high tea" which is specific to English. High tea was a substantial meal, which included cold or warm meat, bread, butter, pickles, cheese and of course, tea

Personal Conclusion
To offer a personal conclusion I believe that food is the most important aspect of life that influences us. Firstly no one can live without food and that's why we learned to cook to survive. But while searching for different recipes I discovered that some seemed more delicious than others, and through this way I learned to eat only what we love. British cuisine is not recommended for those who want to follow a healthy lifestyle and dietary essential because it is too consistent in calories. In recent years they tried to revive modern British cuisine with Mediterranean and Asian influences, but so far without great success. For ordinary people, British cuisine will always be based on substantial breakfast: beans or fried fish served with potatoes.

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