Sampling Techniques, PPT

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A research population is generally a large collection of individuals or objects that is the main focus of a scientific query.

Sample is a group of people, things, or places where data are collected. Sample is a part which represents a population (A sample is simply a subset of the population.)


The number

The methods

The minimum number of sample:

Population < 100 101-500 501-1000 50% 30-50% 20-30% Sample



Simple Random Sampling

Systematic random Sampling

Stratified Random sampling

A. Raffling
1 2 3 4

List all names of population Write all names in small pieces of papers, then roll them

Put the rolled papers into a box and shake the box, so the rolled papers will be mixed.
Take the rolled papers one by one until you get the number of needed sample

1 2 3 4 5

List all names of population Prepare the table of random numbers Close your eyes and tick one number using pencil. Check whether the number you choose is available in the list of population. Move your pencil up/down/left/right until you get the number of needed sample

It is used when the population is arranged systematically 1 2

List all names of population Determine the interval by dividing the population with the sample needed


Close your eyes and choose one number as your first sample
Determine the next samples based on the interval which has been counted before.

It is used when there are stratification in the population e.g. Population of the stratification in senior high school: grade X, XI, and XII *grade X, XI, and XII are called Subpopulation

There are two types of stratified random sampling A. Proportional Stratified Sampling B. Disproportional Stratified Sampling

A. Proportional Stratified Sampling In determining the sample, we should concern the ratio of each stratum B. Disproportional Stratified Sampling In determining the sample, we not concern about the difference of the number of subpopulations member

In a senior high school, there are 222 students of grade X,333 students of grade IX, and 444 students of grade IIX, so the total number of students is 999. Sample: 30% x 999 = 298

a. Proportional : Grade X : 30% x 222 = 67 students Grade IX : 30% x 333 = 100 students Grade IIX : 30% x 444 = 133 students

b. Disproportional : 298/ 3 class = 99 students of each grade

Random Sampling - Define the population - Select the sample The benefit of random sampling: It limits the probability that you choose a biased sample.

Defining the population

- It refers to the establishment of boundary conditions that specify who shall be included in or excluded from the population

Establishing specification for stratified random sampling

The use of stratified random sampling will permit you to include parameters of special interest and to control for internal validity in terms of selection

factors trough the use of moderator or control

variable. Stratification represents a good operational

strategy for screening members of the population

into and out of the study and for reducing the variability of the sample.

two-year colleges in the U.S.A

two- year colleges in the U.S.A

Two-year colleges in the U.S.A

Two-year colleges in the U.S.A

10% private, rural 15% 60% 15% private, urban Public, rural

25% 75%

Private Public

public, urban

two-year colleges in the U.S.A

1% 12% 9% 5% 10% 3% 48% 12%

private, rural, large private, rural, small

private, urban, large

private, urban, small public, rural, large public, rural, small public, urban, large public, urban, small


In stratified random sampling, you have more than one subpopulation. Each subpopulation or stratum have random basis, however all should be represented in the sample. E.g. If in the population 65% are male, so in the sample taken should be 65% male. Each stratification parameter represent a control variable, that is, a potential source of error or extraneous influence that may provide an

alternative explanation for the outcome of study.

Determining sample size

How large a sample should I employ??

Use as small a sample as possible for reason of time and

cost, while keeping it large enough to ensure its


Representativeness of the sample can be established at an acceptable level of probability/ confidence level (z).

z is usually set between 90 99:

90 = 90% chance or representativeness (0.10 level) z = 1.65 95 99

= 95% chance or representativeness (0.5 level) z = 1.96 = 99% chance or representativeness (0.01 level) z = 2.58

It is desirable to minimize sampling error in order to maximize sample representativeness. So that, a researcher should

maintain the same proportion in stratified sampling.

e.g. 50% male and 50% female in the population should be

represented by 50% male and 50% female in the sample.


N = (z/e)2 (p) (1 p)
N = sample size z = confidence level e = proportion of sampling error in a given situation p = the estimated proportion

E. g.
How to count the sample size of Private two-year colleges account for 25 percent of all two-year colleges, when you

want 95% of confident level (z=1.96) with a tolerable amount

of error no greater than plus minus 10%.

N = (z/e)2 (p) (1 p) N = (1.96/0.10) 2 (0,25) (1 0,25) N = (19,6) 2 (0,25) (0,75) N = (384,16) (0,1875) N = 72,03 => 72

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