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PRESENTED BY:Nidhi Gupta Computer Science LIET

What is ASP.NET?
ASP.NET is a server side scripting technology that enables scripts to be executed by an Internet server.

ASP.NET is a Microsoft Technology

ASP stands for Active Server Pages ASP.NET is a program that runs inside IIS

Internet Information Service

IIS (Internet Information Services) is Microsoft's Internet server IIS comes as a free component with Windows servers IIS is also a part of Windows 2000 and XP Professional

ASP.NET Runtime
Web Browser Internet IIS parser compiler


The .NET Framework is the infrastructure for the Microsoft .NET platform. The .NET Framework is an environment for building, deploying, and running Web applications and Web Services. It support multiple language and a common execution platform

XML Web Services ASP.NET

Web Forms

Windows Forms

C# VB.NET J# VC++ Data and XML Classes

Base Framework Classes

Common Language Runtime

.NET Framework design

Common Language Runtime

It work as a virtual machine to .NET Framework.

Conceptually, the CLR and Java's JVM are similar in that they are both runtime infrastructures. CLR is part of .NET Framework that is provide required software environment to programs on runtime execution. However, while the JVM officially supports only the Java language, the CLR supports multiple languages.

Source code

VB Compiler

C# Compiler Assembly IL Code

C++ Compiler Assembly IL Code Unmanaged Component

MSIL Managed Assembly IL Code CODE code

Common Language Runtime

JIT Compiler
Native Code

Operating System Services



Solution Explorer Solution Explore Tool box properties

Error List


ASP itself is not Object-Oriented. ASP can use objects but cannot define new objects

It is composed of 5 object 1. Request 2. Response 3. Server 4. Application 5. Session

Server Request YOU ASP.DLL

(if it finds <%%>, invokes Scripting Objects Component)


Application Session

Types of web page

1.Static web page 2. Dynamic web page

Static web page:- Static means fixed or

Unchanged so this web page not changed on the run time e.g. Web page in database

Dynamic web page:- dynamic means

changing this is change with the time or dynamically e.g. Php , asp , jsp

ASP.NET Controls
ASP.NET contains a large set of HTML controls. Almost all HTML elements on a page can be defined as ASP.NET control objects that can be controlled by scripts. ASP.NET also contains a new set of object-oriented input controls, like programmable list-boxes and validation controls. A new data grid control supports sorting, data paging, and everything you can expect from a dataset control.

Advantages of ASP.NET
1. ASP.NET drastically reduces the amount of code required to build large applications. 2. ASP.NET validates information (validation controls) entered by the user without writing a single line of code .

3. ASP.NET page are easy to write and maintain because the source code and HTML code together 4. Easily works with ADO.NET using data-binding and page formatting features. It is an application which runs faster and counters large volumes of users without having performance problems

Features of ASP.NET
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Easy Programming Model Flexible Language Options Compiled execution Enhanced Reliability Memory Leak, Deadlock and Crash Protection Easy Migration Path

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