Problem Based Learning (Food Science and Nutrition)

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The teenager: 'I've been bullied by other girls

Alice, 14, from Tyneside The schoolgirl has been overweight since she was a toddler. Her father died of heart disease when she was a baby. "I can't tell you what I weigh now, because my mum threw out the bathroom scales. I cried all the time when I weighed myself and hadn't lost anything. She gets strict sometimes about what I eat, but other times she says it's down to me to use willpower. "I don't really eat sweets. I eat fruit, but I do like toast and breakfast cereals. My mum isn't fat and she shops in Karen Millen, but they don't have clothes that fit me. Once I went into Topshop, but I felt everyone staring I was going to buy a necklace but even that didn't fit! "I won't buy anything over a size 16, but I am probably a size 18. I don't know if I was bullied because I was big or I ate more because I was being bullied. It feels like I have been hated by other girls all my life. I would like to lose weight, but sometimes I think I will be stuck like this for ever."

FACT 1 Overweight since she is toddler. IDEA Genetic tendency to gain weight more easily than others because they burn calories more slowly. LEARNING ISSUES Why genetic tendency will influence someone gain in weight? ACTION PLAN Search for internet. Get information from library.


Every individual is born with a set body type, or shape. A person's body type determines how and where she gains weight and stores fat. The genetic factors that determine a person's height, eye color and skin tone are the same factors that determine how and where that person is likely to store excess body weight or fat. When body weight increases, a person with a genetic tendency toward storing excess weight (fat) in the stomach area will likely see an increase in stomach size. A person's genetic profile determines where excess food calories are likely to be stored as fat. Whether that area is the stomach, the thighs, the love handles or the face, genetic determinants, which are unchangeable, govern the entire process. When energy consumed (calories) exceeds energy (calories) burned on a consistent basis, fat storage occurs. A person with a genetic tendency toward storing fat in the stomach area will see an increase in stomach size as weight is gained.

FACT 2 Father died of heart disease. IDEA Father is also obese. People who are overweight or obese are at increased risk for chronic disease compared to normal-weight individuals. The chronic disease such as Heart disease and stroke, high blood pressure, diabetes and others. LEARNING ISSUES Does obesity will cause someone to get heart disease? ACTION PLAN Search for internet. Get information from library.

Is obesity hereditary (Yes) Family members share not only genes but also diet and lifestyle habits that may contribute to obesity. Separating these lifestyle factors from genetic ones is often difficult. In one study of adults who were adopted as children, researchers found that the subjects' adult weights were closer to their biological parents' weights than their adoptive parents'. This show that, the environment provided by the adoptive family apparently had less influence on the child lifestyle.

Does obesity will cause someone to get heart disease? Strain on heart An obese person has more body mass due to having more body fat. This increased mass means the person has more blood flowing that is being pumped by the heart throughout his body. The heart must work harder to pump blood throughout the body, which causes strain on the heart. This strain is often doubled when the obese person exerts himself and experiences a higher heart rate, as the blood flowing through the heart is too much for the heart to handle.

Heart Failure Obese person will experience Heart failure when the obese person's heart is overworked. An obese person can experience heart failure through a heart attack, which is when the heart muscle dies due not being supplied with oxygen because blood flow is blocked through a fat-clogged blood vessel. An obese person can also experience heart failure through cardiac arrest, which is when the heart stops beating due to a sudden loss of function.

FACT 3 Mum says to Alice to control her diet using willpower. Willpower means self control and discipline. IDEA Obese people are not necessarily lacking willpower. Their brains do not know how full or how much fat they have stored, so the brain does not tell the body to stop refueling. Subsequently, their body's ability to lose weight is significantly LEARNING ISSUES Why someones willpower cannot control their diet? ACTION PLAN Search for internet. Get information from library.

FACT 4 Eat more because of being bullied. IDEA Obesity is also linked with anxiety and depression. LEARNING ISSUES Is the reason obesity is related to anxiety and depression? ACTION PLAN Search for internet. Get information from library.

People experiencing depression are more likely to overeat or make poor food choices, avoid exercising, and become more sedentary. Depression will cause low serotonin hormone Low serotonin may cause appetite problems. Those afflicted may crave foods and drinks with high-sugar content. Others may crave salty foods such as potato chips and pretzels. they tend to eat in an attempt to self-medicate and restore their serotonin levels to normal. Serotonin acts as a messenger to transmit signals within the brain. It is also found throughout the body. It affects multiple systems, including the nervous, cardiovascular and digestive systems.

FACT 5 She like eat fruit IDEA eat too much fruit lead to obesity LEARNING ISSUES How eat too much fruit can lead to obesity? ACTION PLAN Search for internet. Get information from library.

actually eating too much fruit, leading to health problems such as obesity, and to tooth decay. lot of the fruit that is grown today is much higher in sugar than they would be in a natural environment. fruit - like all food - contains calories. And the calories in fruit can make you just as overweight as those in chocolate, explains Dr Carel Le Roux Fruit is packed with fructose (fruit sugar) and this doesn't make you feel full. Fructose is often added to manufactured products, such as fizzy drinks, yoghurts and cereal bars in the form of glucose-fructose syrup. You can get as much as 30g of fructose from one fizzy drink When we eat sugar, our body releases the hormone insulin, which tells the brain we've had enough to eat, 'People who are obese or have heart conditions should limit their fruit to one portion a day, along with four portions of vegetables,' says Dr Le Roux

FACT 5 She do like toast and breakfast cereals IDEA Toast and cereal is a carbohydrate source. Eating too much carbohydrate can lead to obesity and diebetis LEARNING ISSUES How eat too much toast and breakfast cereals can lead to obesity? ACTION PLAN Search for internet. Get information from library.

It increase body weight. It doesn't matter whether the carbohydrate are from sugar, bread, fruit, or vegetables A short time after a carbohydrate-rich meal, the glucose in your bloodstream rises rapidly, and your pancreas produces a large amount of insulin to take the excess glucose out. Insulin takes glucose out of the bloodstream converted first into glycogen, which is stored in the liver and in muscles. body can store only a limited amount of glycogen, so the excess glucose is stored as body fat This is the process of putting on weight. When your blood glucose level returns to normal, after about 90 minutes, the insulin level in your bloodstream is still near maximum. insulin continues to stack glucose away in the form of fat. level of glucose in your blood falls below normal, and you feel hungry again. have a snack of more carbohydrates, and the whole process starts over again. You're getting fatter, but feeling hungry at the same time

Internet 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

Books 1. Biology (8th Edition) by Neil A. Campbell, Jane B. Reece


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