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Management and Society: The External Environment, Social Responsibility, and Ethics

The Organization and Its External Environment

Operating in a Pluralistic Society

Managers operate in a pluralistic society, in which many organized groups represent various interests. Each group has an impact on other groups, but no one group exerts an inordinate amount of power. Many groups exert some power over business.

The Technological Environment

Technology is the sum total of the knowledge we have of ways to do things.

The Ecological Environment

Ecology pertains to the relationship of people and other living things with their environment, such as soil, water, and air. Land may be polluted by industrial waste such as packaging. Water pollution may be caused, for example, by hazardous waste and sewage. Air pollution can be caused by acid rain, vehicle exhaust fumes, carcinogens from manufacturing processes, and other sources.

The Social Responsibility of Managers

Corporate social responsibility is seriously considering the impact of the company's actions on society. Social responsiveness is "the ability of a corporation to relate its operations and policies to the social environment in ways that are mutually beneficial to the company and to society.

Arguments for Social Involvement

Public expectations Long-run profits Ethical obligation Public image Better environment Discouragement of further governmental regulation Balance of responsibility & power Stockholder interests Possession of resources Superiority of prevention over cures

Arguments against Social Involvement

Violation of profit maximization Dilution of purpose Costs Too much power Lack of skills Lack of accountability

Ethics in Managing

Ethics is the discipline dealing with what is good and bad and with moral duty and obligation. Business ethics is concerned with truth and justice.

Four levels of ethical questions in business

Societal Stakeholder Internal policy Personal

Ethical Theories

The utilitarian theory suggests that plans and actions should be evaluated by their consequences. The theory based on rights holds that all people have basic rights. The theory of justice demands that decision makers be guided by fairness and equity, as well as impartiality.

The tools of ethics

Values Rights & duties Moral rules Human relationships Common morality

Promise keeping Non malevolence Mutual aid Respect for others Respect for persons Respect for property

The morality of care

Institutionalizing Ethics

A code is a statement of policies, principles, or rules that guide behavior.

Factors that May Raise Ethical Standards (a study)

Public disclosure and publicity The increased concern of a well-informed public Government regulations Education to raise the professionalism of business managers

Guidelines for International Business Ethics Focus China

International Business Ethics Labor Conditions Areas of Justice Toward Virtue Ethics

Definition of Whistle-Blowing

Whistle-blowing is making known to outside agencies what are considered unethical company practices.

Trust as the Basis for Change Management

Traditionally, the concept of trust is equated with integrity, loyalty, caring, and keeping promises in the relationships between and among individuals. Belardo points out that trust should go beyond individual relationships and extend to the organization by creating a culture of trust that transcends individual leadership.

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