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Involves the overlapping area
at the end of the development, and Start of the use of a particular system

Need plan to ensure success of installing a new system implementation plan Require senior management involvement


Problem Identification for Implementation

Basic problem
organizational change

Secondary problems
people are threatened by change People who felt threatened may resist change

Basic Objective
implement system

Secondary objectives
Resistance should be eliminated People should be assured that new system will help NOT threaten them

Problem Identification for Implementation

User resistance
Increase workloads and stress User testing and prototyping can help reduce the potential Need professional help:
Organizational design & management Organizational psychology

Requirement Analysis for Implementation

What is needed to be changed?
People Procedure Hardware Software Data

By this point, too late to change:

The goal of the organization/system Regulations to which a system must adhere

Requirement Analysis for Implementation

Direct users Indirect users Stakeholders People beyond the organization Family members

Requirement Analysis for Implementation

Changes to users can include:
Minor/major changes in user interface to software Minor/major changes in operational procedure Functionality provided by the software Changes to work routine Additions, changes, and/or deletion to job responsibilities Additions, changes, and/or deletion of authority relations Elimination of job Hiring of additional workers/managers Demand to work harder or overtime Burn out or illness Hiring and training temporary workers

Requirement Analysis for Implementation

Modifying the existing system Adding to the existing system Replacing part or all of the existing system Developing a substantially new system

Things that need to be considered when do changes:

Ability to fix problems that may occur Ability to avoid confusion if run on parallel Ability to revert to the old software if major problem occur

Requirement Analysis for Implementation

Changes in how direct users interact with the software Need for support and training

Experienced developers avoid change in data & databases Sometimes new system, may not need data change just additional data to be added However, change in data:
May require special programs, extensive processing time, & careful testing Desirable to converting databases prior to implementing new software For cut over, assessing the database will become unavailable For parallel, redundancy of workload.

Requirement Analysis for Implementation

New software might still need old hardware, however, no guarantee that no changes in hardware will be involved
Increase in usage demand beyond available capacity

Parallel running may cause considerable strain on hardware capacity When new hardware is needed, it should be tested and implemented before old hardware is removed, which cause:
Overcrowding Insufficient time for testing

Design for Implementation

How can the needed changes be accomplished? Identify how and when to accomplish each of the identified changes Use treatment to accomplish changes
treatment means action that is planned to help people deal with the effects of an implementation. E.g. User training, database reformatting, memo

Changes should be prioritized:

Requirements Urgency

Design for Implementation

Pre-Implementation Changes
Time just before a complete implementation Make as many of the changes requirement as possible To spread out these changes to limit the effects

Implementation Changes
Can be planned as:
Single cut over Parallel implementation Phased cut over Phased set of parallel implementations

Design for Implementation

Time after the new system officially implemented and accepted. Problems identified need to be fixed
Ignored Developing a procedure to work with the problems

It is desirable that
The period to be completed as quickly as possible The users are satisfied with the new system Provide additional assistance

Detailed Implementation
What treatment can be performed to these system components to ensure successful implementation:
Treatments: marketing the new system, training, support.

Treatments: installing and testing

Treatment: Should be distinguished clearly for new or old system

Treatment for running in parallel, treatment for data conversion

Treatment to house the hardware, treatment for appliances coordination

Some e-Commerce Concerns

External users require more careful handling than employees
Encourage usage, otherwise will abandon

Requirement of additional software to reach new ext. users and retain current ext. users. Alternative method to reach non web users Motivation to use the system by internal users
Participate in the development, otherwise Need to be motivated or trained.

Software run on the ext. users preference hardware Protection of data from competitors access to the website Simple, easy to use, and obvious procedures eliminate ext users need for training

Construct Implementation Plan

Should be constructed iteratively Sequence
People-related implementation activities Software Data Hardware Procedure changes

Evaluating an Implementation Plan

Does the implementation plan meets its requirement? Will the implementation plan work correctly? Is the implementation plan usable by those people who must use it?

Implementing the Implementation Plan

Involve a diverse collection of activities interdependent of one another The larger the number, the higher the likely that
activities will be delayed or Encounter problems

Overall implementation should be centrally managed


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