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First Aid


Definition : It is the first immediate help given to save a life, to prevent further injury before the professional medical care is available

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Golden hour

First hour after injury High chances of survival if first aid is received during the golden hour

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In case of accidents
Check for external injury, if bleeding compress the body part to prevent it If no external injury, check for internal injury If person becomes unconscious Call at 102

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Dos & Don'ts

Dos Detect the injury. Call up 102 Provide first aid. Sprinkle water on face if victim is unconscious. Visit the hospital for brain injury, ENT bleeding, brain swelling. Don'ts Do not provide water. Do not pick up or move the person at all, divert the traffic.

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Symptoms Numbness of body Slurry of speech Difficulty in walking, seeing

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High cholesterol level Lack of exercise Smoking Drinking Obesity

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What to do
Check numbness of face Ask victim To show the teeth Ask victim to talk Ask victim to lift both the hands Rush the victim to hospital where CT scan is available

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Convulsions/seizures/ feats
A convulsion is a medical condition where body muscles contract and relax rapidly and repeatedly, resulting in an uncontrolled shaking of the body Can happen to any age group

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What to do
Lie down the person on floor Loosen the clothes Open the windows for oxygen Do not restrain the movement of the person Put something between the teeth(metallic)

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Electric burns
At high voltage- not able to remove hand, use bad conductor of heat e.g. wood & hit at the junction Other person should not have direct body contact with the victim. Check the pulse . If not give CPR Necessary to visit the hospital Electric shock affects brain & heart

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Superficial burns (hot water, gas, iron)

Pour plain water Apply antibiotic ointment Keep it open do not put bandage or clothes If burn is severe, blisters or redness appears visit the hospital

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Nasal Bleeding
Nasal bleeding is due to dry climate/weather No water to be given . Do not lie down, ask the person to sit . Press the nostril whichever is bleeding . In case of severe bleeding, ask the person to breath through mouth. Close both the nostrils with index finger on the tip, press down for 3-4 mins. Put ice on the nostril, this will control the bleeding.
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Symptoms Swelling Severe pain Numbness Bluish colour Part is deformed Pre-hospital care

Immobilize that part by tying a rod around both the joints This will reduce the pain Do not move the part to prevent further injury
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Snake bite
Do not elevate the part . Keep it below heart level. Wash the wound thoroughly. Visit the hospital. Do not tie anything on it .

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Dog bite
Wash it thoroughly for 15-20 mins( rubber gloves to be worn by the washer)/Pour the bottle of water . Put some compression.

Do not cover the wound .

Visit the hospital immediately.

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Make the person sit comfortably. Loosen the Clothes, make him sit near a window or an airy space. Give the Asthma Inhaler. Call for Emergency simultaneously with the earlier activity.

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Compress the wound with a clean cloth so that the blood flow stops. Put the broken parts in a plastic bag preferably air tight bags and seal it . Put it in a container with ice water (Not Dry Ice). Carry it within 18 hrs along with the patient to the nearest Emergency Hospital.
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