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Time to cook.

JIANG Sicong (21048741) Christopher Obi (20050928) LI Dezheng (21045675) Wilkey Michael (20052070) SHI Lei (19047718)

Introduction PDS Design and working principle Materials Selection Manufacture Business Plan & Costing Business objective Competition Price and costing Financial Projections Prototype Conclusion References


Time to cook.

Half the World Still Uses Solid Fuels for Home Cooking and Heating Indoor smoke from cook stoves leads to 1.5 million premature deaths

each year.
Continued demand by governments and non-governmental

organization for efficient cook stove design and distribution.

Available improved stoves are too expensive for rural dwellers in

developing countries.
Reference: Jacob Moss (2007) Senate Briefing on Cookstoves and Black Carbon


Time to cook.

Product Design Specification (PDS)

Specification. Made out of recycle able material. List price should be less than 20 Easy to assemble. Eco- friendly. Fuelled by chopped wood Performance and Dimension: Should be efficient. Weigh less than 2 kg


Time to cook.

PDS (continued)
Sustainability: Utilise one material for all component parts. Ash gauze should be easily replaceable within minutes. 100% of raw materials used should be sourced from manufacturing location. 98% of material re-cycled.


Time to cook.

PDS (continued)
The technical specification looks at both the products technical requirement and its sustainability requirement and it considers both Wished (W) and Demanded (D) requirements.

MIC-Stove technical design specification Author: Group C Date: 21/3/12 No. 1 D W 2 W D 3 D D W D W 4 D D D D D/W Design requirement Function Cook food heat space Performance and dimensions Efficiency 60 % Mass 2 kg Operation can be operated by one person Maintenance interval remove ash after usage Increased interval for ash removal Fuel chopped wood Increase type of bio-fuels used Manufacturing Quantity to be made 1 (one) Targeted manufacturing cost less than 20 Testing to test efficiency and emission Packaging very easy to assembly Environment D 6 D D

Implications and comments

ease of deployment

easy to operate ability to empty ash without cleaning stove most user dont always clean stove after use

Demanded (D) To efficiently cook food.

Wished (W) To heat up space during cool weather.

enable design evaluation assemble at point of use

Emissions efficient combustion Sustainability Materials - one material for all parts Maintenance Ash gauze easily replaceable within minutes Distribution 100% of part materials sourced and fabricated within Sheffield. Disposal 95% of material re-cycled ease of recycling part that might likely damage


Design and working principle

Design Intent;
to efficiently convert energy stored in wood to heat energy


21 MJ/kg

0.65(21) MJ/kg

minimise emission of CO and many combustible Hydrocarbons

Working principle;
secondary air organic gases primary air Main air inlet


Time to cook.

Design and working principle (continued)

Design calculations



Actual Air/ Fuel ratio = 5.44 kg/ kg of air


Required air supply for efficient

combustion. Jet penetration for airflow

Equivalence ratio in combustion chamber () = 2 Wood mass loss rate per unit area (m")= 9.8 gm-2s-1 [2] Wood Burning Area (Aw) = 14 x chamber area

Reference: [1] CURKEET, Rick (2011). Wood Combustion Basics. [online]. Last accessed 22 April 2012 at: [2] TRAN, Hao C. and WHITE, Robert H. (1992). Burning Rate of Solid Wood Measured in a Heat release rate calorimeter. [online]. Fire and Materials, 16, 197-206. last accessed 22 April 2012 at: [3] Chris Morleys Gaseq Chemical Equilibrium program


Time to cook.

Design and working principle (continued)

Calculations Wood burning rate (m) = Aw x m = 4.53x10-3 kgs-1
Required air supply rate = m x A/F ratio

= 0.025 kgs-1 of air

Volumetric air supply rate = m/ air

= 0.02 m3s-1

Fig 1: Area of main air Inlet

Air inlet area (Aair)

Vair = 23.6 Aair Aair = 0.006 m2

since equivalence ratio () = 2
Aair primary + Aair secondary = 0.5 Aair
Fig 2: Area of main air Inlet

Material selection
Granta CES software was used to select an optimal

material for the MIC-Stove.

Selection criteria:

low carbon footprint Cheap Easy to machine

Mild steel was selected for the stove design Mild steel is a carbon steel typically with a maximum of 0.25% Carbon and 0.4%-0.7% manganese, 0.1%-0.5% Silicon and some + traces of other elements such as phosphorous, it may also contain lead (free cutting mild steel) or sculpture (again free cutting steel called re-sulphurised mild steel)
Time to cook.

Machine selection criteria

The cutting area of the machine should be large enough to cut stove parts. The cutting speed should be high enough to meet the expected production rate per day. Should cut evenly and cut narrow gaps with low distortion and very little deformation.

YM-1212 multifunction digital laser cutting machine was selected, and would be used in the fabrication of the MIC-Stove .

It is a computer numerical control (CNC) machine that emits a high powered laser beam to cut metal. Has a power rating of 1000 - 4000 W The size of its cutting area is 2440 x 1220mm.

Manufacturing process
The manufacturing process of the MIC-Stove is simplified into four steps:

First step: preliminary cutting

Second step: detail drilling

Third step: Cutting

Last step: polish and assembling

Primary market

Government procurement Aid organizations Secondary market Backcountry travelers Rural dwellers

4 P of marketing: Price, Product, Place and Promotion

our product is relatively cheap and unique

Three directions of focus, cost and differentiation

Designed after a detailed questionnaire survey and marketing research.

A kind of wood fuel stove, but different to existing products, it must be more met

customer requirements.

Business plan and costing

Business Objective: Short Term Objectives:
To introduce Product in summer 2012 and find established

business partners.

Medium Term Objectives: To start up business and break-even within two years Long Term Objectives: To control 30% of cooking stoves market within 2 years of introduction

Business plan and costing (continued)

MSR WhisperliteInternationale Multi FuelStove
Price: 47.49 for the burner 11.49 for one 0.5 Litre fuel bottle

Emberlit twig burning camp stove

Price : 22.4 Strength: Small and Portable Easy to collect the fuel (can use twigs or debris laying around). Weakness: Not eco-friendly Not innovative, Too expensive for rural dwellers

Strength: More effective than wood fuel. clean Well-known brand Has brand loyalty Weakness: Expensive Additional in buying fuel bottle

BioLite Stove
Price: 67 Strength: Clean Safe Efficient Generating electricity to chare phones Weakness: Expensive

BioLite Stove

Emberlit stove

Business plan and costing (continued)

Pricing and Costing
Material cost:
Cost of mild steel per ton is estimated at $743.43 (460.33) as of 14th April 2012 460.33/1000 = 0.46033 Pound/kg 0.46033 * 31.40 = 14.45 Pound/ m2 One MIC-Stove needs 0.5 m2 of mild steel material: materials cost for a stove = 8.00

Business plan and costing (continued)

Labour Cost:
average hourly earnings in China : 3.50 Number of Staff: 3 persons Number of stoves produced per hour = 4 labour cost per stove =


Overhead = 25% of labour costs Labour & Overhead costs = 3.30 Total manufacturing cost = 11.30

To make a 50% profit Margin List Price = 16.95

Financial projection
Total Investment = 80,000
Machines purchase cost: Guillotine = 8,000 CNC YM-1212 Multifunction digital laser cutting machine = 45,300 313 working days in one year, and each day for 8 hours. Each hour there are 4 stoves be produced.

Projected sales = 169,771 (10,016 Stoves) per year

Labour & overhead cost 32,865 ( 3 employee working for 313 working days per year, and 8 hours per day)

80,128 113,185

Total manufacturing cost :

Gross Profit =


Financial analysis
Both labour and materials are expected to rise by 3% per year for the foreseeable future.

No ongoing costs are incurred other then direct costs.

Market predicted increase per year: 4.7%
year Number of stoves sold 10,016 10,487 Labour cost/unit, 2.625 2.7 Overhead cost/unit, 0.675 0.695 Materials Labour cost, Materials cost /unit, cost, 8 8.24 26,292 28,315 80,128 86,412.9 Overhead cost, 6761 7288.5 Total production cost, 113,185 122,016.4

2012 2013

Assume: discount factor is 5% If the initial investment is 80,000

50% year Number of units sold Total production cost, 80,000 10,016 28269 113,185 122,016.4 20% 20% 56,586 61,008.2 16.95 17.45 169,771 183,024.6 ROI profit,

Each unit price,

Total revenue,

Discount factor, 5% 1.000 0.952 0.907

Profit present value,

Discounted cash flow, 80,000

0 2012 2013

53,869.8 55,334,4

26,130.2 -29,204.2


Rear View

Front View

The MIC-Stove is designed to be cheap, easy to use,

portable, and eco-friendly.

Use of Mild steel and selection of China as manufacturing location enabled its price (16.95)to be about three times

cheaper than major competitors.

Based on projected financial analysis, the payback period

for the MIC Stove business will be 2 years.

electricity converter.

Future designs of MIC-Stove will incorporate thermal


ASHPITE, Sue, NEWTON, David and DULKEN , Stephen Van (2002). Introduction to patents information. London, British Library. BHADESHIA, H.K.D.H. (2006). Steels: microstructure and properties. 3rd ed., Amsterdam, Butterworth-Heinemann. CIAMBRONE, David F. (1997). Environmental life cycle analysis. Boca Raton, Lewis Publishers.

CRAWFORD, C. Merle (2003). New products management. Boston; London, McGraw-Hill/Irwin.

[online]. Last accessed 02 May 2012 at: HYPERLINK "" KELMAN, Ilan (2011). Disaster Diplomarcy: How Disasters Affect Peace and Conflict. Taylor&Francis. MURTHY, D. N. P. (2008). Prodcut reliability: specification and performance. London, Springer. SMITH, G T. (1993). CNC machining technology. Springer-Verlag.



Time to cook.

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