Sifat Dan Kerja Otot Jantung - CVS-K10

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Electrical and mechanical activity of the heart

Departemen Fisiologi
Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Sumatera Utara

The heart contracts, or beats, rhythmically as a result of action potential that it generate by itself autorhythmicity.

Conducting System of the Heart

Inter- nodal Tracts SA Node AV Node

Left Bundle Branch

Anterior Superior Fascicle

Bundle of HIS

Posterior Inferior Fascicle Septal Depolarization Fibers

Purkinjie Fibers

Right Bundle Branch

Cardiac muscle cells

Two classes of cardiac muscle cells 1) Auto rhythmic cells : Specialized muscle cells of conducting system 2) Contractile cells

Pacemaker potential

If channels; Ca2+influx through T (transient), then L (long lasting) channel


The resting membrane potential -90 mV

Action potential in cardiac contractile cell Travels down T tubules Entry of small amount of Ca2+ from ECF Release of large amount of Ca2+ from sarcoplasmic reticulum Troponin - tropomyosin complex in thin filaments pulled aside Cross-bridge cycling between thick and thin filaments Thin filaments slide inward between thick filaments Contraction

Excitation (Depolarization of plasma membrane)

Opening of voltage-sensitive plasma membrane Ca2+ channels in T tubules

Flow of Ca2+ into cytosol

Ca2+ binds to Ca2+ receptor on the external surface of the sarcoplasmic reticulum Opening Ca2+ channels intrinsic to these receptors Flow of Ca2+into cytosol Cytosol Ca2+ concentration


Spread of cardiac excitation

Spread of cardiac excitation

Depolarization in SA node spreads radially through the atria, then converges on the AV node. Atrial depolarization is complete in about 0.1 s

Conduction in AV node is slow, about 0.1 s (AV nodal delay) before excitation spreads to ventricles. From top of septum, depolarization spreads conducting Purkinje fibers to all parts of ventricles in the 0.08-0.1 s.

Activation anteroseptal region ventricular myocardium Activation major portion ventricular myocardium from endocardial surfaces Late activation posterobasal left ventricle and pulmonary conus

Physiological regulation of contractile force

(1) length tension relation (2) chemically induced rises in the calcium store leading to higher sarcoplasmic Ca2+ concentration in systole; (sympathetic neurotransmitter and cathecholamine.)

Relation of Tension to Length in Cardiac Muscle

Starling's law of the heart or FrankStarling law = "energy of contraction is proportional to the initial length of cardiac muscle fiber." = relation between ventricular stroke volume and end-diastolic volume

Relation of Tension to Length in Cardiac Muscle

The length-tension relationship in cardiac muscle is similar to that in skeletal muscle as the muscle is stretched, the developed tension increases to a maximum and then declines as stretch becomes more extreme.

Factors that normally increase or decrease the length of ventricular

= Length of muscle fiber = preload

Myocardial Contractility

Kurva Frank Starling

Stimulasi Adrenergik Normal Stroke volume

Fungsi jantung
Syok Kardiogenik

End Diastolic Volume

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