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HR Duties

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Dr .Fakhreldin Mohamed

Recruit and Hire. Organizational Communication Salary and Benefits Employee Retention Employee Health, Safety, and Wellness Rewards and Recognition Progressive Disciplinary Action 5/30/12 Layoffs, Job Termination&

Recruit and Hire Recruitment refers to the process of

attracting, screening, and selecting a qualified person for a job. 1. a newly enlisted or drafted member of the armed forces. 2. a new member of a group, organization, or the like 3. a fresh supply of something.

Why Organizational Communication

Work is more complex and requires greater coordination and interaction among workers The pace of work is faster Workers are more distributed Simultaneous, distributed work processes are more common Knowledge and innovation are more critical to an organizations competitive advantage Communication technologies and networks are increasingly essential to an organizations structure and strategy

Salary and Benefits

A salary is a form of periodic payment from an employer to an employee, which may be specified in an employment contract. It is contrasted with piece wages, where each job, hour or other unit is paid separately, rather than on a periodic basis

From the point of a business, salary can also be viewed as the cost of acquiring human resources for running operations, and is then termed personnel expense or salary expense. In accounting, salaries are recorded in payroll accounts.

Casual Contingent Full-time Part-time Self-employed Independent contractor Temporary Wage labor


Employee Retention
Warning signs Few top performers leave out of the blue. Usually, indicators begin to appear well in advance of the moment they give their notice. Here are some of the most common signs that an employee is considering departure:


Frequent absences
Dissatisfied employees miss more workdays than their colleagues. Pay attention when an individual starts using up accrued personal or vacation days it could be a sign he or she is interviewing with potential employers


Decline in work habits Chronically missed deadlines, decreased productivity and a higher incidence of errors could indicate that the employee has mentally checked-out and is just going through the motions. Interpersonal problems When a previously motivated, affable employee starts arguing with coworkers or complaining about management, its often symptomatic of job dissatisfaction that could lead to departure

Changes in attitude Withdrawal from the social aspects of work is common among employees who are thinking of leaving. Previously outgoing staff members may suddenly seem quiet or down and spend most of their time in their offices or cubicles. Team-oriented employees who used to volunteer for projects may abruptly lose interest in anything outside the scope of their direct job responsibilities


Pre-emptive measures
To prevent the loss of a valued employee, take action as soon as you feel you have sufficient evidence of the persons intention to leave. Find out what motivate your employee. Meet one-on-one with the employee and ask frankly if he or she is shopping for a new job. When confronted with a direct question, most people respond candidly. If the employee acknowledges conducting a job search, find out the reasons why and propose corrective steps. For example, if the employee is looking for work at a more senior level, offer an expansion of responsibilities, if appropriate. For employees looking for new challenges, discuss ways their current position could be fortified or propose lateral moves within your firm. If the individual is having problems with a specific coworker or manager, explore the possibility of reassignment to another division or supervisor

Fix problems at the organizational level

Because these stop-gap steps may or may not prevent an employee from eventually moving on, its best to approach the problem of voluntary turnover at both the institutional and individual level. Remember the three most common reasons employees leave lack of advancement opportunities, difficulties with management and insufficient recognition. All three require 5/30/12 comprehensive, programmatic

To address the question of advancement opportunities, take a fresh look at your corporate hierarchy. Most businesses today are much flatter than they once were, creating career-stalling plateaus for ambitious professionals. Perhaps there are ways to restructure positions so that staff members can move upward along tracks of increasing responsibility and skill building. Provide training and formal mentoring programs to show employees that you support their professional growth and development 5/30/12 and understand the importance of

Employee Health, Safety, and Wellness believes in the ,,,,,,,,,,,,

importance of health and safety for employees and customers in all our locations. In Sudan our Occupational Health and Safety Program is reviewed and updated 5/30/12 annually, to meet the unique

HR monitor workplace health and safety in their area of responsibility and report on compliance through compliance framework. Discuss?

Employee Health, Safety, and Wellness in Canada

Wellness Scotia bank offers a confidential Employee Assistance Program (EAP) to employees and their eligible dependents in Canada and several international locations (depending on availability of local service delivery). EAP provides professional counseling and specialized services, such as support to quit smoking, work-life solutions, nutritional 5/30/12 counseling and mental health

Rewards and Like a child being given a chocolate cupcake Recognition

and a big hug after cleaning her room, rewards and recognition can be powerful tools for employee motivation and performance improvement. Many types of rewards and recognition have direct costs associated with them, such as cash bonuses and stock awards, and a wide variety of company-paid perks, like car allowances, paid parking, and gift certificates. Other types of rewards and recognition may be less tangible, but still very effective.

These "non-monetary" rewards include formal and informal acknowledgement, assignment of more enjoyable job duties, opportunities for training, and an increased role in decision-making.


Various evidence reports non-monetary recognition as an important factor in retaining excellent employees and for improving performance .Discuss ?

People are motivated to higher levels of job performance by positive recognition from their managers and peers (Keller).


Mike Rushby, HR Vice President at Weyerhaeuser Company, sees developmental opportunities, such as assignments to special projects as a powerful form of nonmonetary recognition (personal communication, February 17, 2004).

Rushby believes that being chosen to work on a task team to accomplish a company initiative is motivating because it helps employees gain new skills and experiences, demonstrates trust in their abilities, and adds variety to an individual's work 5/30/12

Progressive Disciplinary Action Definition:

Progressive discipline is a process for dealing with job-related behavior that does not meet expected and communicated performance standards. The primary purpose for progressive discipline is to assist the employee to understand that a performance problem or opportunity for improvement exists.

The process features increasingly formal efforts to provide feedback to the employee so he or she can correct the problem. The goal of progressive discipline is to improve employee performance vThe process of progressive discipline is not intended as a punishment for an employee, but to assist the employee to overcome performance problems and satisfy job expectations. Progressive discipline is most successful when it assists an individual to become an effectively 5/30/12 performing member of the


Failing that, progressive discipline enables the organization to fairly, and with substantial documentation, terminate the employment of employees who are ineffective and unwilling to improve.

Ends: Layoffs, Job Termination, Firing, Resignations Involuntary termination is the employee's departure at the hands of the employer. There are two basic types of involuntary termination, known often as being "fired" and "laid off."

To be fired, as opposed to being laid off, is generally thought of to be the employee's fault, and therefore is considered in most cases to be dishonorable and a sign of failure.

A less severe form of involuntary termination is often referred to as a layoff.


A layoff is usually not strictly related to personal performance, but instead due to economic cycles or the company's need to restructure itself, the firm itself going out of business or a change in the function of the employer

All the best


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