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Traditionally, career development referred to programs offered by organizations to help employees advance within the organization. Today, each individual must take responsibility for his or her career.

Organizations now focus on matching the career needs of employees with the requirements of the organization. While many organizations still invest in their employees, they dont offer career security and they cant meet the needs of everyone in a diverse workforce.

What is a Career?
Job vs. Career
Job What can I do now to make money? Career Chosen Profession for your life. Requires a willingness to get the training needed to build your skills for the future.

A career is the work a person does. It is the sequence of jobs that an individual has held throughout his or her working life Pattern of work-related experiences that span the course of a persons life. Reflects any work, paid or unpaid. Broad definition helpful in todays work environment where employees and organizations have diverse needs.

What is a Career?
Individual versus Organizational Perspective
Organizational career planning Developing career ladders, tracking careers, providing opportunities for development. Individual career development Helping employees identify their goals and steps to achieve them.

What is a Career?
Career Development versus Employee Development
Career development looks at the long-term career effectiveness and success of organizational personnel. Employee training and development focuses on performance in the immediate or intermediate time frames.

What is a Career?
Value for the Organization
1. Ensures needed talent will be available. 2. Improves the organization's ability to attract and retain talented employees. 3. Ensures that minorities and women get opportunities for growth and development. 4. Reduces employee frustration. 5. Enhances cultural diversity. 6. Promotes organizational goodwill.

What is a Career?
Value for the Individual Individuals external career success is measured by criteria such as:
progression up the hierarchy, type of occupation, long-term commitment, and income.

Internal career success is measured by the meaningfulness of ones work and achievement of personal life goals.

What is a Career?
Mentoring and Coaching Effective coaches give guidance through direction, advice, criticism, and suggestion in an attempt to aid the employees growth. Mentors are typically senior-level employees who:
support younger employees by vouching for them answering for them in the highest circles introducing them to others advising and guiding them through the corporate system

What is a Career?
Mentoring and Coaching Disadvantages include:
tendencies to perpetuate current styles and practices reliance on the coachs ability to be a good teacher

Considerations for organizations:

coaching between employees who do not have a reporting relationship ways to effectively implement cross-gender mentoring



Your Strengths

Your Weaknesses

Opportunities in Your Career Field


Threats in Your Career Field



Internal positive aspects that are under control and upon which you manage Work Experience Education, including value-added features Strong technical knowledge within your field (e.g. hardware, software, programming languages) Specific transferable skills (e.g., communication, teamwork, leadership skills Personal characteristics (e.g., strong work ethic, self-discipline, ability to work under pressure, creativity, optimism, or a high level of energy Good contacts/successful networking Interaction with professional organizations y capitalize in planning

Internal negative aspects that are under your control and that you may plan Lack of Work Experience Low GPA, wrong major Lack of goals, lack of self-knowledge, lack of specific job knowledge Weak technical knowledge Weak skills (leadership, interpersonal, communication, teamwork) Weak job-hunting skills Negative personal characteristics (e.g., poor work ethic, lack of discipline, lack of motivation, indecisiveness, shyness, too emotional plan to improve

Opportunities Positive external conditions that you do not control but of which you can plan to take External advantage Positive trends in your field that will create more jobs (e.g., growth, globalization, technological advances) Opportunities you could have in the field by enhancing your education Field is particularly in need of your set of skills Opportunities you could have through greater self-knowledge, more specific job goals Opportunities for advancement in your field Opportunities for professional development in your field Career path you've chosen provides unique opportunities Geography Strong network

Threats Negative external conditions that you do not control but the effect of which you may be able to lessen Negative trends in your field that diminish jobs (downsizing, obsolescence) Competition from your cohort of college graduates Competitors with superior skills, experience, knowledge Competitors with better job-hunting skills than you Competitors who went to schools with better reputations. Obstacles in your way (e.g., lack of the advanced education/training you need to take advantage of opportunities) Limited advancement in your field, advancement is cut-throat and competitive Limited professional development in your field, so it's hard to stay marketable Companies are not hiring people with your major/degree

Goal Setting

Goal Setting

Traditional Career Stages

Traditional Career Stages

Exploration Includes school and early work experiences, such as internships. Involves:
trying out different fields discovering likes and dislikes forming attitudes toward work and social relationship patterns

Traditional Career Stages

Establishment Includes:
search for work getting first job getting evidence of success or failure

Takes time and energy to find a niche and to make your mark.

Traditional Career Stages

Mid-Career Challenged to remain productive at work. Employee may:
continue to grow plateau (stay competent but not ambitious) deteriorate

Traditional Career Stages

Late career
Successful elder states persons can enjoy being respected for their judgment. Good resource for teaching others. Those who have declined may experience job insecurity. Plateauing is expected; life off the job increases in importance.

Traditional Career Stages

Decline (Late Stage) May be most difficult for those who were most successful at earlier stages. Todays longer life spans and legal protections for older workers open the possibility for continued work contributions, either paid or volunteer.

Key terms in Career Planning

Career Goal Future positions one strives to reach in his career Career Path Sequential and progressive path or line through a series of right moves in the form of promotion Career Anchors These are the basic drives acquired by an individual during the socialization process which urge him to take up certain type of career. Career Progression Making progress into ones career through a series of right moves in the form of promotion

Career Choices and Preferences

Good career choice outcomes provide positive self-concept and opportunity to do work we think is important.

Career Choices and Preferences

Holland Vocational Preferences Three major components
People have varying occupational preferences If you think your work is important, you will be a more productive employee You will have more in common with people who have similar interest patterns

Career Choices and Preferences

The Schein Anchors Personal value clusters determine what is important to individuals.
technical-functional competence managerial competence security-stability creativity autonomy-independence

Success of person-job match determines individuals fit with the job.

Career Choices and Preferences

Jung and the Myers-Briggs Typologies Four personality dimensions:
Extraversion-Introversion Sensing-Intuitive Thinking-Feeling Judging-Perceiving

Career Choices and Preferences

Jung and the Myers-Briggs Typologies Assessed by the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) and identify 16 different personality types. Job characteristics can be matched to individual preferences.

Enhancing Your Career

The individual holds primary responsibility for his/her career. Suggestions on how to do that are:

Career Development consists of the personal actions one undertakes to achieve a career plan. Career Development and Employee Development are different. Career development looks at the long term career effectiveness of employees whereas employee development focuses on effectiveness of an employee in the immediate future. The actions for career development may be initiated by the individual himself or by the organisation.


Career progress and development is largely the outcome of actions on the part of an individual. Important steps are: Performance: Career progress rests largely on performance. If the performance is sub-standard, even modest career goals cannot be achieved. Exposure: Career development comes through exposure, which implies becoming known to those who decide promotions, transfers and other career opportunities.

Networking: It implies professional and personal contacts that would help in striking good deals outside (eg. Lucrative job offers, business deals.) Leveraging: Resigning to further ones career with another employer is known as leveraging. However, jumping the jobs frequently may not be a good career strategy in the long run.

Loyalty to Career: Companies such as WIPRO, NIIT, Infosys (all IT companies, where the turnover ratio is very high) have come out with a lucrative, innovative compensation packages in addition to employee stock option plans for those who remain with the company for a specified period.

Mentors and Sponsors: A mentor is, generally an older person in a managerial role offering informal career advice to junior employee. They act as Role Models. A sponsor is someone in the organization who can create career development opportunities.

Key Subordinates: Qualified and knowledgeable subordinates, often extend invaluable help that enables their bosses to come up in life. Expand Ability: Employees who are career conscious must prepare themselves for future opportunities that may come their way internally or externally by taking a series of proactive steps (Eg. Attending a training program, acquiring a degree, updating skills in an area.)


The assistance from managers and HR department is equally important in achieving individual career goals and meeting organisational needs. Tools and activities for this purpose are: Self Assessment Tools: Here the employees go through a process in which they think through their life roles, interests, skills and work attitudes and preferences. They identify career goals, develop suitable action plans and point out obstacles that come in the way.

Individual Counselling: Employee counselling is a process whereby employees are guided in overcoming performance problems. It is usually done through face to face meetings between employee and counsellor or coach. Information Service: Employment opportunities at various levels are made known to employees through information services of various kinds. Records of employees skills, knowledge, experience and performance indicate the possible candidates for filling up such vacancies.

For compiling and communicating career related information to employees organisations basically use four methods: Job Posting System, Skills Inventory, Career Ladders and Career Paths and Career Resource Center. Employee Assessment Programme: Initially a new recruit is informed about career policies and procedures of the company. Formal orientation programmes are used to educate employees on career programmes, career paths and opportunities for advancement within the company.

Several assessment programmes are also used to evaluate the employees potential for growth and development in the organisation. They include assessment center, in which a number of performance simulation tests and exercises are used to rate a candidates potential, psychological testing, promotability forecasts and succession planning.

Employee Developmental Programme: These consists of skill assessment and training efforts that organisations use to groom their employees for future vacancies. Seminars, workshops, job rotations and mentoring programmes are used to develop a broad base of skills as a part of such developmental activities.

Career Programmes for Special Groups: In recent years there is a growing evidence regarding dual career families and growing tension owing to their inability to reconcile the differences between family roles and work demands. Therefore organisations are providing a place and a procedure for discussing such role conflicts and coping strategies. They are coming out with schemes such as part time work, long parental leave, child care centers, flexible working hours and promotions and transfers in tune with the demands of dual career conflicts.















(1)Take responsibility for managing your career, you own your career , your employer owns your job (2) When you are young you sell your potential to employers as you get older you convert that potential into skills and experience and sell your track record

(3) The older and more experienced you become the harder it becomes to find a job that will progress your career (4) You will be accountable for every decision you make about your career

(5) Always aim to achieve forward momentum in your career

(6) Always aim to develop experience that is marketable (7)Know when to take career risks and when to consolidate

(8) Your soft skills and personal characteristics are an important ingredient in your career success

(9) Training and re-skilling should be a lifetime practice (10) Its better to be employable than employed

Career Planning is NOT

Leaving the decision to chance Getting information and never deciding Going along with someone elses plans

Its OUR future. WE need to make our career decision!!

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