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An Open Met Office

Graham Mallin Executive Head of Technology

Crown copyright Met Office

About the Met Office Open data & open source OpenWIS Open data standards Q&A

Crown copyright Met Office

About the Met Office Open data & open source OpenWIS Open data standards Q&A

Crown copyright Met Office

About the Met Office

The National Meteorological Service for the UK
Public Weather Service National Severe Weather Warnings Service Represent the UK in international activities

A world leading provider of weather and climate services

World leading in weather science and operations Met Office Hadley Centre
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Diverse Customer Base

Environment Monitoring, Hurricane Forecasting Volcanic Ash Advisories, Defence Support

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About the Met Office Open data & open source OpenWIS Open data standards Q&A

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Introducing WMO

World Meteorological Organization Specialized agency of UN (1951)

UN system's authoritative voice on the state and behaviour of the Earth's atmosphere, its interaction with the oceans, the climate it produces and the resulting distribution of water resources

192 Member States and Territories Resolution 40 data-products Resolution 28 data-products WMO facilitates the free and unrestricted exchange of data and information, products and services in real- or near-real time relating to safety and security of society, economic welfare and the protection of the environment
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WMO Global Telecommunications System

GTS (Global Telecommunications System) as extranet established in 1950s for transmission of warnings, observations, forecasts, admin, seismic messages, etc.
Point-to-point Robust, resilient Inflexible Time-critical

Safety critical
Domain specific Connecting 192 countries!

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WMO Information System

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GTS to OpenWIS
Fully open standards based Sits on top of Open Source stack Exploits the interweb!

Using Open Source and Open Data in the Met Office

Linux Developments Issues weve faced

About the Met Office Open data & open source OpenWIS Open data standards Q&A

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One of the earliest daily weather maps issued by the British Met Office.
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Daily Weather reports

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International data exchange

Meteorologists have always utilised infrastructure, technology and procedure to support domestic and international exchange of information to support weather forecasting operations in 1873 data from Christiansund would have been transmitted by semaphore
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WMOs World Weather Watch Programme combines observing systems, telecommunication facilities, and data-processing and forecasting centres to support weather prediction time & safety critical

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Operational data exchange is vitally important for safety critical applications. But, there is also the huge demand to exchange weather information with the wider community

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Collaborative Development of Open Standards for Weather Exchange Key Organisations &
World Meteorological Organisation (WMO) Earth Sciences Community


ISO TC 211 Geospatial Information Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC)


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Use and support of open source has been a benefit
Skills, cost, community development, interoperability

Struggled with some aspects a mixed economy

We are committed to publishing information assets as open data

.... But dont forget safety critical services

Met Office see huge benefits in positive engagement in open data and open data standards
Linked Data is the next big thing ....
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Questions & answers

Thanks for your attention
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