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Cultural change and fashion change

Session 2011-2012

Cultural change and fashion change

Following the customs and traditions of dress provide stability or continuity of culture. Our social inheritance is modified by the changes that occur in the whole cultural climate.

Cultural change and fashion change

Each historical era leaves its visual imprints stamped into fashion of the times. All apparels by virtue of their styles, material, and workmanship can be dated at least within the decade of their origin.

Cultural change and fashion change

In any age there are some forces at work that tend to

restrict or impede fashion change, while other factors serve to stimulate or accelerate such change.

The rate of change in any given period of history is dependent upon the balance that exists between these two sets of forces.

Forces That Resist Change

Rigid Class Distinctions

A rigidly defined class system, reinforced by an unequal distribution of wealth retards fashion movement and gives rise to traditional forms of dress. Ruling class is able to maintain both wealth and power has little need for fashion race. Cost of apparels limits fashion change.

Sumptuary laws for class distinctions

Sumptuary laws that restrict fashion imitation reduce the necessity for rapid change. When a ruling class finds itself unable to maintain its position of fashion supremacy through the control of wealth, it often restricts the consumption of lesser citizens through the enactment of sumptuary laws.

Sumptuary laws

These sumptuary laws are not very common in modern society, they are found to be prevalent in almost every nation where class distinctions are recognized.


Traditional forms of dress that are deeply rooted in customs and habit tend to preserve the status quo. Traditions are perpetuated through the symbolic use of clothing, and a reverence for the past causes people to cling to the time-honored forms of dress that signify ones status, role or position.



Susceptibility to fashion change is greatly reduced by geographic isolation.


Fear of the new and unknown inhibits fashion change. A certain sense of security is afforded by styles that are familiar, and most people refrain from buying anything which is startling new or daringly different for the fear of being ridiculed. Evils and misfortunes that may accompany the new and unproven.

Government Restrictions

Shortages and/ or restrictions imposed on the use of raw materials retard fashion change. Excise taxes imposed on luxury items restrict rather than promote their widespread use. Socialism

Forces Which Are Agents Of Change

An open class system Fashion changes flourish in the open class system that characterizes democracy Abundance A diffusion of wealth in the mass society increases consumption and greatly accelerate fashion change.

Agents Of Change
Technology Forces that shape fashion change Dominant ideals Events International relations Entertainment and the arts

Leisure Sports Education Cultural contact Youth Social agitation Emancipation of women

Factors that accelerate fashion

Communications and mass media Good economic conditions Increased competition Technological advances Social and physical mobility More leisure time Higher levels of education Changing roles of women Seasonal changes

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